Amend CSHB 1755 (house committee report) as follows:
(1)  On page 1, line 17, between "from" and "the", insert "two or more of".
(2)  On page 2, line 3, strike "or".
(3)  On page 2, line 4, between "kit" and the underlined period, insert the following:
; or
(iv)  partially built, assembled, constructed, or reconstructed by a manufacturer licensed under Chapter 2301, Occupations Code, except for the electrical or mechanical components, and sold to a hobbyist who completes the vehicle
(4)  On page 2, strike lines 8-9 and substitute the following:
(A)  builds, assembles, constructs, or reconstructs an assembled vehicle or completes an assembled vehicle that was partially built, assembled, constructed, or reconstructed by a manufacturer licensed under Chapter 2301, Occupations Code; and
(5)  On page 2, line 24, strike "and".
(6)  On page 2, line 26, between "504.501" and the underlined period, insert the following:
(7)  assembled motorcycles;
(8)  assembled trailers; and
(9)  assembled semitrailers
(7)  On page 3, line 23, between "racing" and the underlined semicolon, insert "only".
(8)  On page 5, line 4, between "including" and "the connection", insert ", as applicable,".
(9)  On page 5, line 16, strike "(15), (24), (31)," and substitute "(24),".
(10)  On page 6, strike lines 2-7.
(11)  On page 6, strike lines 20-22.