Amend CSHB 2463 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 7 of the bill, in added Section 151.801(c-3), Tax Code (page 2, line 60), strike "and horse tack" and substitute "horse tack, horse bedding and grooming supplies, and other taxable expenditures directly related to horse ownership, riding, or boarding".
(2)  In SECTION 7 of the bill, in amended Section 151.801(d), Tax Code (page 3, line 11), strike "and horse tack" and substitute "horse tack, horse bedding and grooming supplies, and other taxable expenditures directly related to horse ownership, riding, or boarding".
(3)  In SECTION 7 of the bill, in amended Section 151.801(d), Tax Code (page 3, line 14), strike "or horse tack" and substitute "horse tack, horse bedding and grooming supplies, or other taxable expenditures directly related to horse ownership, riding, or boarding".