Amend CSHB 2613 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 4, strike line 9 and substitute the following:
"amended by amending Subsections (d-3), (d-4), and (g)(1) and adding Subsection (t) to read as follows:"
(2) On page 4, between lines 9 and 10, insert the following:
(d-3) Except as otherwise provided by this article, an expenditure of proceeds or property received under this chapter is considered to be for a law enforcement purpose if the expenditure is made for an activity of a law enforcement agency that relates to the criminal and civil enforcement of the laws of this state, including an expenditure made for:
(1) equipment, including vehicles, computers, firearms, protective body armor, furniture, software, uniforms, and maintenance equipment;
(2) supplies, including office supplies, mobile phone and data account fees for employees, and Internet services;
(3) investigative and training-related travel expenses, including payment for hotel rooms, airfare, meals, rental of and fuel for a motor vehicle, and parking;
(4) conferences and training expenses, including fees and materials;
(5) investigative costs, including payments to informants and lab expenses;
(6) crime prevention and treatment programs;
(7) facility costs, including building purchase, lease payments, remodeling and renovating, maintenance, and utilities;
(8) witness-related costs, including travel and security; and
(9) audit costs and fees, including:
(A) audit preparation and professional fees paid to a person or entity under a contract or as otherwise authorized by law; and
(B) costs of preparing any reports required to be submitted with the audit form to the attorney general.
(d-4) Except as otherwise provided by this article, an expenditure of proceeds or property received under this chapter is considered to be for an official purpose of an attorney's office if the expenditure is made for an activity of an attorney or office of an attorney representing the state that relates to the preservation, enforcement, or administration of the laws of this state, including an expenditure made for:
(1) equipment, including vehicles, computers, visual aid equipment for litigation, firearms, body armor, furniture, software, and uniforms;
(2) supplies, including office supplies, legal library supplies and access fees, mobile phone and data account fees for employees, and Internet services;
(3) prosecution and training-related travel expenses, including payment for hotel rooms, airfare, meals, rental of and fuel for a motor vehicle, and parking;
(4) conferences and training expenses, including fees and materials;
(5) investigative costs, including payments to informants and lab expenses;
(6) crime prevention and treatment programs;
(7) facility costs, including building purchase, lease payments, remodeling and renovating, maintenance, and utilities;
(8) legal fees, including court costs and [,] witness fees[,] and other witness-related [and related] costs, including travel and security[, audit costs, and professional fees]; [and]
(9) state bar and legal association dues; and
(10) audit costs and fees, including:
(A) audit preparation and professional fees paid to a person or entity under a contract or as otherwise authorized by law; and
(B) costs of preparing any reports required to be submitted with the audit form to the attorney general.
(g)(1) All law enforcement agencies and attorneys representing the state who receive proceeds or property under this chapter shall account for the seizure, forfeiture, receipt, and specific expenditure of all the proceeds and property in an audit, which is to be performed annually by the commissioners court or governing body of a municipality, as appropriate. The annual period of the audit for a law enforcement agency is the fiscal year of the appropriate county or municipality and the annual period for an attorney representing the state is the state fiscal year. The audit must be completed on a form provided by the attorney general and must include a detailed report and explanation of all expenditures, including salaries and overtime pay, officer training, investigative equipment and supplies, and other items. The audit must also include a detailed report that itemizes all seizures of proceeds or property under this chapter and that indicates the specific criminal offense for which each seizure was based and, if charges were brought in connection with the offense, the disposition of those charges. Certified copies of the audit shall be delivered by the law enforcement agency or attorney representing the state to the attorney general not later than the 60th day after the date on which the annual period that is the subject of the audit ends.
(3) Insert the following appropriately numbered SECTION of the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____. Article 59.06(m), Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed.
(4) On page 5, line 3, between the period and "The", insert "(a)".
(5) On page 5, between lines 10 and 11, insert the following:
(b) Article 59.06(g)(1), Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended by this Act, applies only to an audit commenced under that section on or after the effective date of this Act. An audit commenced before the effective date of this act is governed by the law in effect on the date the audit was commenced, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.