Amend HB 2729 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 7, line 10, strike "Section 1.29(f)" and substitute "Sections 1.29(b) and (f)".
(2)  On page 7, line 11, strike "is" and substitute "are".
(3)  On page 7, between lines 11 and 12, insert the following:
(b)  The authority shall assess equitable aquifer management fees based on aquifer use under the water management plan to finance its administrative expenses and programs authorized under this article. Each water district governed by Chapter 36, Water Code, that is within the authority's boundaries may contract with the authority to pay expenses of the authority through taxes in lieu of user fees to be paid by water users in the district. The contract must provide that the district will pay an amount equal to the amount that the water users in the district would have paid through user fees. The authority may not collect a total amount of fees and taxes that is more than is reasonably necessary for the administration of the authority. The authority may not increase aquifer management fees by more than eight percent per year.