Amend CSHB 3904 (house committee report) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering the SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____.  Sections 25.112(a) and (d), Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
(a)  Except as otherwise authorized by this section, a school district may not enroll at a campus in classes in the kindergarten, first, second, third, or fourth grade levels more than a campus-wide average in each of those grade levels of 22 students per [in a kindergarten, first, second, third, or fourth grade] class. That limitation does not apply during:
(1)  any 12-week period of the school year selected by the district, in the case of a district whose average daily attendance is adjusted under Section 42.005(c); or
(2)  the last 12 weeks of any school year in the case of any other district.
(d)  On application of a school district, the commissioner may except the district from the limit in Subsection (a) for the school year if the commissioner finds the limit works an undue hardship on the district.  An exception expires at the end of the school year for which it is granted.
SECTION ____.  Section 25.113(a), Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
(a)  A campus or district that is granted an exception under Section 25.112(d) from class size limits shall provide written notice of the exception to the parent of or person standing in parental relation to each student affected by the exception. The notice must be in conspicuous bold or underlined print and:
(1)  specify the grade level [class] for which an exception from the limit imposed by Section 25.112(a) was granted;
(2)  state the number of children in each [the] class at the grade level for which the exception was granted; and
(3)  be included in a regular mailing or other communication from the campus or district, such as information sent home with students.
SECTION ____.  Section 39.333, Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 39.333.  REGIONAL AND DISTRICT LEVEL REPORT. As part of the comprehensive biennial report under Section 39.332, the agency shall submit a regional and district level report covering the preceding two school years and containing:
(1)  a summary of school district compliance with the student/teacher ratios and class-size limitations prescribed by Sections 25.111 and 25.112, including:
(A)  the number of campuses and grade levels [classes] at each campus granted an exception from Section 25.112; and
(B)  for each campus granted an exception from Section 25.112, a statement of whether the campus has been awarded a distinction designation under Subchapter G or has been identified as an unacceptable campus under Chapter 39A;
(2)  a summary of the exemptions and waivers granted to campuses and school districts under Section 7.056 or 39.232 and a review of the effectiveness of each campus or district following deregulation;
(3)  an evaluation of the performance of the system of regional education service centers based on the indicators adopted under Section 8.101 and client satisfaction with services provided under Subchapter B, Chapter 8;
(4)  an evaluation of accelerated instruction programs offered under Section 28.006, including an assessment of the quality of such programs and the performance of students enrolled in such programs; and
(5)  the number of classes at each campus that are currently being taught by individuals who are not certified in the content areas of their respective classes.
SECTION ____.  Sections 25.112, 25.113, and 39.333, Education Code, as amended by this Act apply beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.