Amend CSSB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) Except on page 119, line 24, or where "rollback" is stricken through, replace "rollback" tax rate with the term "voter-approved" tax rate and make any capitalization, underlining, bracketing, or other change necessary to implement this change in terminology.
(2) Strike "an election to ratify the rate" and substitute "an election to seek voter approval of the rate" in each of the following places it appears:
(A) page 57, lines 2-3;
(B) page 58, lines 12-13;
(C) page 59, lines 20-21;
(D) page 63, lines 23-24;
(E) page 64, line 5; and
(F) page 69, lines 19-20.