Amend Floor Amendment No. 1 to CSSB 2 as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 24 of the bill, following added Section 26.012(18), Tax Code (page 20, between lines 4 and 5), add the following:
(19)  "Unused increment rate" means the rate equal to the positive difference between:
(A)  the aggregate rate by which a taxing unit's voter-approved tax rate, calculated without regard to this subdivision, exceeded the taxing unit's adopted tax rate in the preceding three tax years; and
(B)  the aggregate rate by which a taxing unit's adopted tax rate exceeded the taxing unit's voter-approved tax rate, calculated without regard to this subdivision, in the preceding three tax years.
(3)  In SECTION 27 of the bill, in added Section 26.04(c)(2)(B), Tax Code (page 22, line 7), following "CURRENT DEBT RATE", add "+ UNUSED INCREMENT RATE".
(4)  In SECTION 28 of the bill, in amended Section 26.041(a), Tax Code (page 30, line 19), between "CURRENT DEBT RATE" and "- SALES", insert "+ UNUSED INCREMENT RATE".
(5)  In SECTION 28 of the bill, in amended Section 26.041(b), Tax Code (page 31, line 10), between "CURRENT DEBT RATE" and "- SALES TAX", insert "+ UNUSED INCREMENT RATE".
(6)  In SECTION 28 of the bill, in amended Section 26.041(c), Tax Code (page 32, line 6), following "CURRENT DEBT RATE", add "+ UNUSED INCREMENT RATE".
(7)  In SECTION 42 of the bill, following amended Section 26.08(n)(1), Tax Code (page 62, line 10), strike "and" and substitute "[and]".
(8)  In SECTION 42 of the bill, in amended Section 26.08(n)(2), Tax Code (page 63, line 3), between "rate" and the period, insert the following:
; and
(3)  the district's unused increment rate
(9)  In SECTION 79 of the bill, following added Section 49.236(e)(2), Water Code, as added by Chapter 335 (S.B. 392), Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003 (page 99, line 19), strike "and".
(10)  In SECTION 79 of the bill, in added Section 49.236(d)(3), Water Code, as added by Chapter 335 (S.B. 392), Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003 (page 99, line 26), between "older" and the period, insert the following:
; and
(4)  the district's unused increment rate, as defined by Section 26.012, Tax Code