Amend Amendment No. 1 by Phelan to CSSB 7 as follows:
(1)  On page 4, strike lines 9 through 15, and substitute the following:
(2)  to make a grant or loan at or below market interest rates to an eligible political subdivision for a flood project to serve an area outside of a metropolitan statistical area in order to ensure that the flood project is implemented;
(2)  On page 4, between lines 23 and 24, insert the following:
(5)  to make a grant to an eligible political subdivision for a flood project if the board determines that the eligible political subdivision does not have the ability to repay a loan;
(3)  On page 4, line 24, strike "(5)" and substitute "(6)".
(4)  On page 4, line 28, strike "(6)" and substitute "(7)".
(5)  On page 6, between lines 22 and 23, insert the following:
Sec. 15.540.  ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (a) In this section, "advisory committee" means the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory Committee described by Section 15.438.
(b)  The advisory committee shall:
(1)  review the overall operation, function, and structure of the infrastructure fund at least semiannually and may provide comments and recommendations to the board on any matter; and
(2)  make recommendations to the board regarding information on the infrastructure fund to be posted on the board's Internet website.
(c)  The advisory committee may:
(1)  submit comments and recommendations to the board regarding the use of money in the infrastructure fund and for use by the board in adopting rules; and
(2)  adopt rules, procedures, and policies as needed to administer this section and implement its responsibilities.
(6)  On page 9, strike lines 7 through 9, and substitute the following:
(b)  The board may use the account only to provide moneys to the Texas Division of Emergency Management for the Division to provide financing for projects related to Hurricane Harvey. Financing under this section includes making a:.
(7)  On page 10, line 6, strike "In collaboration with".
(8)  On page 10, line 7, strike "the board".
(9)  On page 10, line 10, strike "board" and substitute "Texas Department of Emergency Management".
(10)  On page 10, line 12, strike "board" and substitute "Texas Department of Emergency Management".
(11)  On page 10, line 15, strike "board" and substitute "Texas Department of Emergency Management".
(12)  On page 10, line 26, strike "board" and substitute "Texas Department of Emergency Management".
(13)  On page 10, line 27, strike "board" and substitute "Texas Department of Emergency Management".
(14)  On page 10, line 29, strike "board" and substitute "Texas Department of Emergency Management".
(15)  On page 6, line 20, between "subject" and "an", insert "the State or".
(16)  On page 4, between lines 29 and 30, insert the following:
(7)  to make transfers to the research and planning fund created under Section 15.402 of this chapter.