Amend CSSB 9 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 2.13 of the bill, in added Subsection 84.002(c), Election Code (page 6, lines 12 through 13), strike "I am physically unable to enter a polling place" and substitute "I have a sickness or physical condition that prevents me from appearing at a polling place on election day".
(2)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to ARTICLE 2 of the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of ARTICLE 2 accordingly:
SECTION 2.___. Section 84.011(a), Election Code, is amended to read as follows:
(a)  The officially prescribed application form for an early voting ballot must include:
(1)  immediately preceding the signature space the statement:  "I certify that the information given in this application is true, and I understand that giving false information in this application is a crime.";
(2)  a statement informing the applicant of the offenses prescribed by Sections 84.003 and 84.004;
(3)  spaces for entering an applicant's voter registration number and county election precinct of registration, with a statement informing the applicant that failure to furnish that information does not invalidate the application; and
(4)  on an application for a ballot to be voted by mail:
(A)  a space for an applicant applying on the ground of absence from the county of residence to indicate the date on or after which the applicant can receive mail at the address outside the county;
(B)  a space for indicating the fact that an applicant whose application is signed by a witness cannot make the applicant's mark and a space for indicating the relationship or lack of relationship of the witness to the applicant;
(C)  a space for entering an applicant's telephone number, with a statement informing the applicant that failure to furnish that information does not invalidate the application;
(D)  a space or box for an applicant applying on the ground of age or disability to indicate that the address to which the ballot is to be mailed is the address of a facility or relative described by Section 84.002(a)(3), if applicable;
(E)  a space or box for an applicant applying on the ground of confinement in jail to indicate that the address to which the ballot is to be mailed is the address of a relative described by Section 84.002(a)(4), if applicable;
(F)  a space for an applicant applying on the ground of age or disability to indicate if the application is an application under Section 86.0015;
(G)  spaces for entering the signature, printed name, and residence address of any person assisting the applicant;
(H)  a statement informing the applicant of the condition prescribed by Section 81.005; [and]
(I)  a statement informing the applicant of the requirement prescribed by Section 86.003(c); and
(J)  a statement informing the applicant that expected or likely confinement for childbirth on election day is sufficient cause to entitle a voter to vote under Section 82.002(a).