Amend SB 30 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 7, strike "Section 52.072, Election Code," and substitute "Section 1251.052, Government Code,".
(2) On page 1, line 10, between "district" and "and", insert ", the purchase of new school buses,".
(3) On page 1, line 14, strike "improvement, or renovation" and substitute "acquisition, or equipment".
(4) On page 1, line 15, between "stadium" and the underscored semicolon, insert "with seating capacity for more than 1,000 spectators".
(5) On page 1, line 16, strike "improvement, or renovation" and substitute "acquisition, or equipment".
(6) On page 1, line 18, strike "improvement, or renovation" and substitute "acquisition, or equipment".
(7) On page 1, line 20, strike "improvement, or renovation" and substitute "acquisition, or equipment".
(8) On page 1, line 22, strike "improvement, or renovation" and substitute "acquisition, or equipment".
(9) On page 2, line 2, between "purposes" and the underscored period, insert "or technology infrastructure integral to the construction of a facility".
(10) On page 2, lines 14-15, strike "Section 52.072, Election Code, is amended by amending Subsection (e) and adding Subsection (f)" and substitute "Section 52.072(e), Election Code, is amended".
(11) On page 2, line 20, strike "issuance of bonds or the" and substitute "[issuance of bonds or the]".
(12) Strike page 2, line 22, through page 3, line 8, and substitute the following:
(1) [with respect to a proposition seeking voter approval of the issuance of bonds:
the total principal amount of the bonds to be authorized, if approved; and
a general description of the purposes for which the bonds are to be authorized, if approved;
[(2)] with respect to a proposition that only seeks voter approval of the imposition or increase of a tax, the amount of or maximum tax rate of the tax or tax increase for which approval is sought; or
(2) [(3)] with respect to a proposition that only seeks voter approval of the reduction of a tax, the amount of tax rate reduction or the tax rate for which approval is sought.
SECTION 3. Chapter 1251, Government Code, is amended by designating Sections 1251.001, 1251.003, 1251.004, 1251.005, and 1251.006 as Subchapter A and adding a subchapter heading to read as follows:
SECTION 4. Chapter 1251, Government Code, is amended by adding Subchapter B to read as follows:
Sec. 1251.051. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
(1) "Debt obligation" means a public security, as defined by Section 1201.002, secured by and payable from ad valorem taxes. The term does not include public securities that are designated as self-supporting by the political subdivision issuing the securities.
(2) "Political subdivision" means a municipality, county, school district, or special taxing district.
Sec. 1251.052. FORM. (a) The ballot for a measure seeking voter approval of the issuance of debt obligations by a political subdivision shall specifically state:
(1) a plain language description of the single specific purposes for which the debt obligations are to be authorized;
(2) the total principal amount of the debt obligations to be authorized; and
(3) that taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the debt obligations will be imposed.
(13) On page 3, line 9, strike "(f)" and substitute "(a-1)".
(14) On page 3, line 9, strike "bonds" and substitute "debt obligations".
(15) On page 3, line 11, after the underscored period, add the following:
A proposition may include as a specific purpose one or more structures or improvements serving the substantially same purpose and may include related improvements and equipment necessary to accomplish the specific purpose.
(16) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill:
SECTION ____. Section 1251.002, Government Code, is repealed.
(17) Renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.