Amend CSSB 241 in SECTION 1 of the bill (page 25) by inserting a new SECTION 1.43 between lines 18 and 19 to read as follows and renumbering SECTIONS of the bill appropriately:
SECTION 1.43. Section 31.003(b), Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows:
(b)  The report under this section must include:
(1)  an assessment of the effect of competition on the rates and availability of electric services for residential and small commercial customers;
(2)  an assessment of the ongoing effects that federal renewable energy subsidies have on the pricing, reliability, efficiency, and competitive nature of the electric power market in the ERCOT power region. The assessment must include the determination of the effects of the federal subsidies by the ERCOT independent system operator on peak price formation, negative pricing, ancillary services, congestion, reserve margins, and transmission costs.
(3) a summary of commission action over the preceding two years that reflects changes in the scope of competition in regulated electric markets; and
[(3)] (4) recommendations to the legislature for legislation that the commission finds appropriate to promote the public interest in the context of a partially competitive electric market.