Amend CSSB 1728 (senate committee printing) in SECTION 1 of the bill, by striking Subsections (c)(2) and (3) of that section (page 2, lines 1-16), and substituting the following:
(2)  four members appointed by the lieutenant governor, including three senators, with at least:
(A)  one senator who is a member of the political party with which the lieutenant governor is affiliated; and
(B)  one senator who is a member of a political party other than the political party with which the lieutenant governor is affiliated;
(3)  four members appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, including three members of the house of representatives, with at least:
(A)  one representative who is a member of the political party with which the speaker of the house is affiliated; and
(B)  one representative who is a member of a political party other than the political party with which the speaker of the house is affiliated;