Senate Research Center

H.B. 1039

86R2901 AAF-D

By: Clardy (Nichols)












Darrell Lunsford was born in Houston, and he moved to Garrison, Texas, to open his own automotive repair shop. He owned and operated the Lunsford Auto Supply and Garage for several years and eventually went on to serve the community.


Constable Lunsford was elected to serve the people of Nacogdoches County as Constable of Precinct 3 in 1983, and his strong ties with the community led him to being a beloved constable in East Texas.


Constable Lunsford was one of the first peace officers in the nation to utilize a vehicle mounted camera. This camera caught his murder on January 23, 1991, and this made him one of the first officers to record his own death.


This video was later used to bring his murderer to justice, and has served as an indispensable training tool to help local law enforcement learn to not face the fate of Constable Lunsford.


H.B. 1039 amends current law relating to the designation of U.S. Highway 59 in Garrison as the Constable Darrell Lunsford Memorial Highway.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 225, Transportation Code, by adding Section 225.152, as follows:


Sec. 225.152. CONSTABLE DARRELL LUNSFORD MEMORIAL HIGHWAY. (a) Provides that the portion of U.S. Highway 59 in Garrison is designated as the Constable Darrell Lunsford Memorial Highway.


(b) Requires the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), subject to Section 225.021(c) (relating to prohibiting TxDOT from designing, constructing, or erecting a marker unless a grant or donation of funds is made to cover the cost), to:


(1) design and construct markers indicating the designation as the Constable Darrell Lunsford Memorial Highway and any other appropriate information; and


(2) erect a marker at each end of the highway and at appropriate intermediate sites along the highway.


SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 2019.