Senate Research Center |
H.B. 2813 |
By: Price; Raymond (Nelson) |
Health & Human Services |
5/12/2019 |
Engrossed |
It has been noted that a statewide behavioral health coordinating council was established in the General Appropriations Act enacted by the 84th Legislature and that it has efficiently and effectively coordinated collaborative efforts of its members to improve mental health and behavioral health programs and other related strategies. But concerns have been raised regarding the council's functions not being codified in general law. H.B. 2813 seeks to permanently establish the council in statute.
H.B. 2813 amends current law relating to the statewide behavioral health coordinating council.
This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.
SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 531, Government Code, by adding Subchapter M-1, as follows:
Sec. 531.471. DEFINITION. Defines "council" to mean the statewide behavioral health coordinating council for purposes of this subchapter.
Sec. 531.472. PURPOSE. Provides that the council is established to ensure a strategic statewide approach to behavioral health services.
Sec. 531.473. COMPOSITION OF COUNCIL. (a) Provides that the council is composed of at least one representative designated by each of the following entities:
(1) the Office of the Governor;
(2) the Texas Veterans Commission;
(3) the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC);
(4) the Department of State Health Services;
(5) the Department of Family and Protective Services;
(6) the Texas Civil Commitment Office;
(7) The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston;
(8) The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler;
(9) the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center;
(10) the Texas Department of Criminal Justice;
(11) the Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments;
(12) the Texas Commission on Jail Standards;
(13) the Texas Indigent Defense Commission;
(14) the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals;
(15) the Texas Juvenile Justice Department;
(16) the Texas Military Department;
(17) the Texas Education Agency;
(18) the Texas Workforce Commission;
(19) the Health Professions Council, representing:
(A) the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners;
(B) the Texas State Board of Pharmacy;
(C) the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners;
(D) the Texas Optometry Board;
(E) the Texas Board of Nursing; and
(F) the Texas Medical Board; and
(20) the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
(b) Requires the executive commissioner of the HHSC to determine the number of representatives that each entity may designate to serve on the council.
(c) Authorizes the council to authorize another state agency or institution that provides specific behavioral health services with the use of appropriated money to designate a representative to the council.
(d) Provides that a council member serves at the pleasure of the designating entity.
Sec. 531.474. PRESIDING OFFICER. Requires the mental health statewide coordinator to serve as the presiding officer of the council.
Sec. 531.475. MEETINGS. Requires the council to meet at least once quarterly or more frequently at the call of the presiding officer.
Sec. 531.476. POWERS AND DUTIES. Provides that the council:
(1) is required to develop and monitor the implementation of a five-year statewide behavioral health strategic plan;
(2) is required to develop a biennial coordinated statewide behavioral health expenditure proposal;
(3) is required to annually publish an updated inventory of behavioral health programs and services that are funded by the state that includes a description of how those programs and services further the purpose of the statewide behavioral health strategic plan;
(4) is authorized to create subcommittees to carry out the council's duties under this subchapter; and
(5) is authorized to facilitate opportunities to increase collaboration for the effective expenditure of available federal and state funds for behavioral and mental health services in this state.
SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2019.