Senate Research Center |
H.B. 2900 |
86R11002 TSR-F |
By: Fierro; Springer (Hall) |
Business & Commerce |
4/24/2019 |
Engrossed |
It has been noted that because Texas is such a large state it is often difficult and expensive for all members of a commodity producers board to meet in one location at the same time. H.B. 2900 seeks to address this issue by providing for such a board to hold an open or closed meeting by telephone conference call.
H.B. 2900 amends current law relating to the authority of a commodity producers board or a committee to hold meetings by telephone conference.
This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.
SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter D, Chapter 41, Agriculture Code, by adding Section 41.061, as follows:
Sec. 41.061. MEETINGS BY TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL. (a) Authorizes a commodity producers board (board) or a committee established by a board, notwithstanding Chapter 551 (Open Meetings), Government Code, to hold an open or closed meeting by telephone conference call if the convening at one location of a quorum of the board or committee is inconvenient for any member of the board or committee.
(b) Provides that the meeting is subject to the notice requirements applicable to other meetings.
(c) Requires the notice of the meeting to specify as the location of the meeting the location where meetings of the board or committee, as applicable, are usually held.
(d) Requires each part of the meeting that is required to be open to the public to be audible to the public at the location specified in the notice of the meeting as the location of the meeting and requires the audio to be recorded. Requires the audio recording to be made available to the public.
SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2019. �