Senate Research Center

S.B. 232


By: Men�ndez












Parental engagement is a vital part of quality education. Parents need to be adequately informed and involved with their child's education. According to the Foundation High School Program created by the 83rd Legislature, Algebra II is only required for a Distinguished Level of Achievement plan; it is not required to graduate high school. Students and parents need to be accurately informed about the curriculum requirements to receive a diploma. The Distinguished Level of Achievement program best correlates with college readiness and requires Algebra II completion among other math and science credits. Therefore, those who do not choose this route may be less prepared than students in this program.


There are additional benefits to graduating within the Distinguished Level of Achievement. These include the opportunity to compete for a position in the top 10 percent of the class which leads to automatic admission into Texas public universities, better preparation for college readiness, access to more financial aid opportunities, and a strong foundation to complete a college degree.


S.B. 232 would require school districts to notify parents or guardians of each student enrolled in ninth grade or above that the student is not required to complete an Algebra II course under the Foundation School Program. School districts would also be required to include the potential consequences of not taking Algebra II in the notification. These consequences include not qualifying for automatic admission into Texas public universities, the inability to qualify for STEM-focused diploma plans, the possible lack in preparation for college readiness, and limitations on certain financial aid opportunities.  (Original Author's/Sponsor's Statement of Intent)


S.B. 232 amends current law relating to parental notification by a school district regarding high school graduation requirements.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 28, Education Code, by adding Section 28.02123, as follows:


Sec. 28.02123. NOTIFICATION OF CERTAIN HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS. (a) Requires a school district, not later than September 1 of each school year, to notify by regular mail or e-mail the parent of or other person standing in parental relation to each student enrolled in grade nine or above that the student is not required to complete an Algebra II course to graduate under the foundation high school program.


(b) Requires the notification to include information regarding the potential consequences to a student of not completing an Algebra II course, including the impact on eligibility for automatic college admission under Section 51.803 (Automatic Admission: All Institutions) and certain financial aid authorized under Title 3 (Higher Education).


SECTION 2. Provides that this Act applies beginning with the 2019�2020 school year.


SECTION 3. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2019.