Senate Research Center

S.C.R. 66


By: Huffman


Committee To Be Determined | Never Referred










S.B. 20 has been adopted by the senate and the house of representatives and is being prepared for enrollment.


The bill contains technical errors that should be corrected.




That the enrolling clerk of the senate be instructed to make the following corrections to the enrolled version of S.B. 20:


(1)  In SECTION 3.01 of the bill, in the recital to amended Section 43.01, Penal Code (conference committee report, page 14, lines 5-6), strike "adding Subdivisions (1-b) and (1-c)" and substitute "amending Subdivisions (1) and (1-a) and adding Subdivisions (1‑b), (1-c), (1-d), and (1-e)".


(2)  In SECTION 3.01 of the bill, in amended Section 43.01, Penal Code (conference committee report, page 14, between lines 6 and 7), immediately after the recital to that SECTION, insert the following:


(1) Defines "access software provider."


(1-a) and (1-b) Redesignates existing Subdivisions (1) and (1-a) as these subdivisions and makes no further changes.


(1-c) Defines "information content provider."


(3)  In SECTION 3.01 of the bill, in amended Section 43.01, Penal Code (conference committee report, page 14, lines 7 and 13), redesignate as Subdivisions (1-d) and (1-e), respectively, the subdivisions of that section in which "Interactive computer service" and "Internet" are defined.


(4)  In SECTION 3.02 of the bill, in added Section 43.031(a), Penal Code (conference committee report, page 14, line 20), between "interactive computer service" and "with the intent", insert "or information content provider, or operates as an information content provider,".


(5)  In SECTION 3.02 of the bill, in added Section 43.041(a), Penal Code (conference committee report, page 15, line 7), between "interactive computer service" and "with the intent", insert "or information content provider, or operates as an information content provider,".