relating to the sale of fireworks on and before the Labor Day |
holiday. |
SECTION 1. Section 2154.202(g), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(g) Except as provided by Subsection (h), a retail fireworks |
permit holder may sell fireworks only to the public, and only during |
periods: |
(1) beginning June 24 and ending at midnight on July 4; |
(2) beginning December 20 and ending at midnight on |
January 1 of the following year; [and] |
(3) beginning May 1 and ending at midnight on May 5 if |
the fireworks are sold at a location that is not more than 100 miles |
from the Texas-Mexico border and that is in a county in which the |
commissioners court of the county has approved the sale of |
fireworks during the period; and |
(4) beginning five days before Labor Day and ending at |
midnight on Labor Day in a county in which the commissioners court |
of the county has approved the sale of fireworks during the period. |
SECTION 2. Sections 352.051(b) and (d), Local Government |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b)(1) The Texas A&M Forest Service in the ordinary course |
of its activities shall determine whether drought conditions, as |
defined under Subsection (a)(2), exist on average in any county |
requesting such a determination. The Texas A&M Forest Service |
shall make available the measurement index guidelines used to |
determine whether drought conditions exist in a particular area. |
Following any determination that such drought conditions exist, the |
Texas A&M Forest Service shall notify said county or counties when |
such drought conditions no longer exist. The Texas A&M Forest |
Service shall make its services available each day during the Texas |
Independence Day, San Jacinto Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, |
Labor Day, and December fireworks seasons to respond to the request |
of any county for a determination whether drought conditions exist |
on average in the county. |
(2) The Texas A&M Forest Service shall be allowed to |
take such donations of equipment or funds as necessary to aid in the |
carrying out of this section. |
(d) To facilitate compliance with an order adopted under |
Subsection (c), the order must be adopted before: |
(1) February 15 of each year for the Texas |
Independence Day fireworks season; |
(2) April 1 of each year for the San Jacinto Day |
fireworks season; |
(3) April 25 of each year for the Cinco de Mayo |
fireworks season; |
(4) May 15 of each year for the Memorial Day fireworks |
season; |
(5) June 15 of each year for the Fourth of July |
fireworks season; [and] |
(6) August 15 of each year for each Labor Day fireworks |
season; and |
(7) December 15 of each year for each December |
fireworks season. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |