86R3280 BRG-D
  By: Phelan H.B. No. 632
  relating to a pilot program for the recovery of delinquent state
  obligations owed to certain state agencies.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 2107, Government Code, is amended by
  designating Sections 2107.001 through 2107.008 as Subchapter A and
  adding a subchapter heading to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 2107, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter B to read as follows:
         Sec. 2107.051.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Contractor" means an entity selected by the
  attorney general under Section 2107.052(a).
               (2)  "Debtor" means a person who is indebted to a state
  agency for any delinquent account, charge, fee, loan, or other form
  of indebtedness.
               (3)  "Financial institution" means a bank or any other
  form of depository institution, credit union, benefit association,
  insurance entity, safe deposit entity, bond fund, money market
  mutual fund, or mutual fund of any kind or character.
  OBLIGATION RECOVERY. (a)  The attorney general shall contract with
  one or more entities to collect delinquent obligations owed to
  state agencies as provided by this subchapter.
         (b)  The attorney general shall provide for a contractor
  selected by the attorney general under Subsection (a) to conduct an
  assessment of all nontax delinquent obligations owed to all state
  agencies and identify for participation in a pilot program the 75
  state agencies that have the highest percentage of recoverable
         (c)  A state agency that is identified for participation in
  the pilot program under Subsection (b) shall refer outstanding
  obligations owed to the agency to a contractor for collection in
  accordance with this subchapter to the extent the referral is
  allowable under state and federal law.
         (d)  In addition to the state agencies identified by a
  contractor under Subsection (b), an entity in the state judicial
  system or a public institution of higher education may refer
  outstanding obligations owed to the entity or institution to a
  contractor for collection in accordance with this subchapter to the
  extent the referral is allowable under state and federal law. 
         Sec. 2107.053.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF CONTRACTOR. (a)  A
  contractor shall attempt to collect each obligation referred to the
  contractor by a state agency.
         (b)  A contractor is not a debt collection agency. The nature
  of an obligation owed to a state agency and referred to a contractor
  does not change as a result of the referral.
         (c)  With respect to a referred obligation, a contractor may:
               (1)  sue;
               (2)  file a lien;
               (3)  enter into a payment agreement with the debtor,
  subject to Section 55, Article III, Texas Constitution;
               (4)  impose a cost recovery fee;
               (5)  collect information for obligation recovery
               (6)  exercise any settlement authority the referring
  state agency is authorized by law to exercise and delegates to the
               (7)  seek a judicial or administrative determination of
  a referred obligation and, following the rendering of the
                     (A)  deliver a notice of levy to a financial
  institution possessing or controlling assets or funds owned by, or
  owed to, a debtor; or 
                     (B)  impose income garnishment or withholding
  against a debtor to the extent permitted by law;
               (8)  create and maintain a data match system with
  financial institutions;
               (9)  create and maintain a centralized electronic
  obligation management system to collect, track, and maintain
  information relating to obligation recovery under this subchapter;
               (10)  reduce the amount of any money to be paid to a
  debtor by this state by the amount of the referred obligation;
               (11)  enter into contracts with one or more third-party
  debt collectors to collect the obligation on behalf of the
               (12)  use any other debt collection method authorized
  by state law; and
               (13)  use any other power this subchapter grants the
         (d)  The contractor may determine the method or methods that
  are most suitable to use in attempting to collect a referred
         (e)  A contractor selected by the attorney general under
  Section 2107.052(b) shall perform annually an assessment of all
  outstanding obligations owed to state agencies that are eligible
  for referral to the contractor.
  CONTRACTOR. (a)  Before referring a delinquent obligation to a
  contractor for collection, the state agency to which the obligation
  is owed must provide a final notice to the debtor stating that:
               (1)  the debt will be referred to a contractor for
  collection; and
               (2)  a cost recovery fee of 30 percent of the total
  amount due on the date of the referral will be added to the total
  amount owed if the obligation is referred to a contractor.
         (b)  A state agency may enter into a contract with a
  contractor that, using a benefits-funded model, enables the
  contractor to:
               (1)  provide the final notice required by Subsection
  (a) to debtors on behalf of the agency; or
               (2)  collect delinquent obligations that are owed to
  the agency on behalf of the agency, before the referral of the
  obligations to the contractor by the agency in accordance with the
  pilot program created under this subchapter.
         (c)  The attorney general shall create a process for a debtor
  to challenge the recovery of an obligation by a contractor under
  this subchapter.  The process must provide that a challenge to the
  recovery of an obligation by a contractor may be made only by the
  debtor and must be made in writing.
         Sec. 2107.055.  COLLECTION OF INFORMATION. (a)  Information
  regarding an obligation referred to a contractor for collection
  under this subchapter is confidential.
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, a state agency that
  refers an obligation to a contractor for collection may share any
  information with the contractor that the contractor considers
  relevant and necessary to assist in the collection of the
         (c)  Information a state agency provides to a contractor may
  be used only for the purpose of collecting a referred obligation.
         (d)  Any information, record, or file used by a contractor to
  collect an obligation under this subchapter is privileged and
  confidential.  A person may not disclose any information obtained
  from the information, records, or files used by a contractor,
  except in relation to the administration or enforcement of an
         (e)  A contractor may not use any information, record, or
  file that contains information protected by the Health Insurance
  Portability and Accountability Act and Privacy Standards, as that
  term is defined by Section 181.001, Health and Safety Code, to
  collect an obligation.
         Sec. 2107.056.  COST RECOVERY FEE. (a)  To fund the
  obligation recovery authorized under this subchapter, a contractor
  shall impose a cost recovery fee for any referred obligation. The
  cost recovery fee is a debt owed by the debtor and is in addition to
  the amount of the referred obligation.
         (b)  The amount of the cost recovery fee is equal to 30
  percent of the total amount due on the date of the referral.
         (c)  A contractor may use any debt collection method
  authorized by law for collecting a referred debt to collect the cost
  recovery fee.
         Sec. 2107.057.  COLLECTION OF OBLIGATION BY CONTRACTOR. (a)  
  Notwithstanding any other provision of law providing for execution,
  attachment, garnishment, or levy against a person's accounts, a
  contractor may seek income garnishment or a notice of levy for a
  financial institution to collect an obligation referred to the
         (b)  If a debtor has an outstanding obligation that has been
  referred to a contractor for collection, any payment made by the
  debtor to the state is subject to offset by the contractor unless:
               (1)  the debtor has paid the referred obligation and
  cost recovery charge in full; or
               (2)  the debtor has entered into a payment plan with the
  contractor and is not delinquent.
         (c)  If a contractor is unable to recover an obligation, the
  contractor, subject to approval by the referring state agency, may
  forward the obligation to a collection agency. A collection agency
  that is forwarded an obligation under this subsection may impose an
  additional collection charge to the obligation.
  COLLECTED AMOUNTS.  (a)  A contractor shall remit any money
  recovered from a debtor, less the cost recovery fee, to the
  comptroller not later than the 30th day after the last day of the
  month in which the contractor recovered the money from the debtor.
         (b)  The comptroller shall deposit any money a contractor
  remits under Subsection (a) to the credit of the foundation school
         (c)  If a contractor collects on a referred obligation in an
  amount that is less than the total amount owed on the obligation,
  including the cost recovery fee, the amount collected is allocated
  proportionally between:
               (1)  the total amount of the referred obligation; and
               (2)  the cost recovery fee.
         (d)  If more than one obligation owed by the same debtor is
  referred to a contractor, amounts the contractor collects from the
  debtor are allocated to each referred obligation and cost recovery
  fee imposed in the order in which the obligations were referred to
  the contractor.  If the obligations were referred concurrently,
  amounts the contractor collects from the debtor shall be allocated
  proportionally between each referred obligation and cost recovery
         Sec. 2107.059.  RULES. The attorney general may adopt rules
  necessary to implement this subchapter.
         Sec. 2107.060.  REPORT. (a)  Not later than October 1 of
  each year, the attorney general shall provide a report to the
  legislature regarding:
               (1)  the collection of referred obligations by a
  contractor under this subchapter during the preceding fiscal year;
               (2)  any recommendations to improve or enhance the
  pilot program created under this subchapter.
         (b)  A contractor shall maintain any information necessary
  to allow for statistical measurements and evaluations of the
  operation of the obligation recovery pilot program under this
         SECTION 3.  Not later than March 1, 2020, the attorney
  general shall contract with one or more entities to create the
  delinquent state obligation recovery pilot program, as provided
  under Subchapter B, Chapter 2107, Government Code, as added by this
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect on the 91st day after the last day of the
  legislative session.