86R22373 BEE-D
  By: Thompson of Harris H.B. No. 914
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 914:
  By:  Thompson of Harris C.S.H.B. No. 914
  relating to the regulation of bingo games.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 2001.305(b) and (c), Occupations Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Immediately after issuing [receiving] a license, the
  commission [a license holder] shall send a copy of the license to
  the appropriate governing body. The governing body shall file the
  copy of the license in a central file containing licenses issued
  under this chapter.
         (c)  Not later than the 10th day after the date a license is
  issued, the commission [license holder] shall give written notice
  of the issuance of the license to:
               (1)  the police department of the municipality in which
  bingo will be conducted, if bingo is to be conducted in a
  municipality; or
               (2)  the sheriff of the county in which bingo will be
  conducted, if bingo is to be conducted outside a municipality.
         SECTION 2.  Section 2001.313(h), Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (h)  A licensed authorized organization may employ an
  individual who is not on the registry established by this section as
  an operator, manager, cashier, usher, caller, or salesperson on a
  provisional basis if the individual is awaiting the results of a
  background check by the commission:
               (1)  for a period not to exceed 30 [14] days if the
  individual is a resident of this state; or
               (2)  for a period to be established by commission rule
  if the individual is not a resident of this state.
         SECTION 3.  Section 2001.419, Occupations Code, is amended
  by amending Subsections (c), (d), and (e) and adding Subsections
  (c-1) and (f) to read as follows:
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (c-1), no [No] more
  than two bingo occasions may be conducted at the same premises
  during one day except that a third bingo occasion may be conducted
  under a temporary license held by a licensed authorized
  organization at that premises.
         (c-1)  In addition to the bingo occasions authorized at the
  same premises during one day under Subsection (c), on not more than
  three days of a calendar week, one or two additional bingo occasions
  may be held at the same premises at which bingo occasions are
  conducted under that subsection under the annual license of one or
  more licensed authorized organizations.
         (d)  If more than one bingo occasion is conducted at the same
  premises on the same day:
               (1)  the bingo occasions must be announced separately;
               (2)  the licensed times may not overlap; and
               (3)  notwithstanding Subsection (e), bingo cards may be
  sold during a bingo occasion for play during a subsequent bingo
  occasion that is scheduled to begin at the same premises in not more
  than eight hours after the sale of cards for the subsequent occasion
         (e)  Bingo cards, pull-tab bingo tickets, and the use of
  card-minding devices [paper] for a bingo occasion may be sold at the
  licensed premises at any time beginning one hour before the bingo
  occasion and ending at the conclusion of the bingo occasion
         (f)  If pull-tab bingo tickets are sold by one licensed
  authorized organization that conducts consecutive bingo occasions
  during one day, the organization may account for and report all of
  the pull-tab bingo ticket sales for the occasions as sales for the
  final occasion.
         SECTION 4.  Section 2001.451, Occupations Code, is amended
  by amending Subsections (b) and (g) and adding Subsection (g-1) to
  read as follows:
         (b)  Except as provided by Section 2001.502(a), a [A]
  licensed authorized organization shall deposit in the bingo account
  all funds derived from the conduct of bingo, less the amount awarded
  as cash prizes under Sections 2001.420(a) and (b). Except as
  provided by Subsection (b-1), a deposit must be made not later than
  the third [second] business day after the day of the bingo occasion
  on which the receipts were obtained.
         (g)  Except as provided by Subsection (g-1), the [The] bingo
  operations of a licensed authorized organization must[:
               [(1)     result in net proceeds over the organization's
  license period; or
               [(2)  if the organization has a two-year license,]
  result in net proceeds for the organization's bingo operations over
  each 18-month [12-month] period beginning on the first [that ends
  on an] anniversary of the date the initial [two-year] license was
  issued to the organization.
         (g-1)  The bingo operations of a unit as defined by Section
  2001.431 must result in net proceeds for the unit's bingo
  operations over each 18-month period beginning on the first
  anniversary of the date the unit is formed.
         SECTION 5.  Section 2001.502, Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 2001.502.  PRIZE FEE. (a) A licensed authorized
  organization or unit as defined by Section 2001.431 shall[:
               [(1)]  collect from a person who wins a cash bingo prize
  of more than $5 a fee in the amount of five percent of the amount [or
  value] of the prize. Each quarter, the licensed authorized
  organization or unit shall remit 50 percent of the amount collected
  as the prize fee to the commission and:
               (1)  if a county or municipality in which the bingo game
  is conducted voted before November 1, 2019, to impose the prize fee,
  remit 50[; and
               [(2)     remit to the commission a fee in the amount of
  five] percent of the amount collected as the prize fee to:
                     (A)  the county in which the bingo game is
  conducted, if the county voted to impose the fee by that date and
  the location at which bingo is conducted is not within the
  boundaries of a municipality;
                     (B)  the municipality in which the bingo game is
  conducted, if the municipality voted to impose the fee by that date
  and the county in which the bingo game is conducted did not vote to
  impose the fee by that date; or
                     (C)  in equal shares, the county and the
  municipality in which the bingo game is conducted, if the county and
  municipality each voted to impose the fee before that date; or
               (2)  if a county or municipality is not entitled to a
  percentage of the amount of fees collected under Subdivision (1),
  deposit 50 percent of the amount collected as the prize fee in the
  general charitable fund of the organization or on a pro rata basis
  to the general funds of the organizations comprising the unit, as
  applicable, to be used for the charitable purposes of the
  organization or organizations [or value of all bingo prizes of more
  than $5 awarded].
         (b)  The governing body of a county or municipality that
  voted to impose a prize fee under Subsection (a) may at any time
  vote to discontinue the imposition of the fee. If a county or
  municipality votes after November 1, 2019, to discontinue the fee,
  the fees shall be collected by the licensed authorized organization
  or unit as defined by Section 2001.431 and deposited as provided by
  Subsection (a)(2).
         (c)  A fee collected under Subsection (a) does not apply to:
               (1)  a merchandise prize awarded as a prize for winning
  a bingo game, including a bingo card, a pull-tab bingo ticket, a
  bingo dauber, or other bingo merchandise; or
               (2)  the use of a card-minding device awarded as a prize
  for winning a bingo game.
         SECTION 6.  Section 2001.504(a), Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A fee on prizes authorized or imposed under this
  subchapter is due and is payable by the license holder or a person
  conducting bingo without a license to the commission and county or
  municipality, as applicable, quarterly on or before the 25th day of
  the month succeeding each calendar quarter.
         SECTION 7.  The heading to Section 2001.507, Occupations
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 8.  Section 2001.507, Occupations Code, is amended
  by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (a-1) to read as
         (a)  The commission shall deposit the revenue collected from
  the fee on prizes imposed by Section 2001.502 to the credit of [a
  special account in] the general revenue fund.
         (a-1)  The revenue collected by the commission from the fee
  on prizes imposed by Section 2001.502 is considered miscellaneous
  revenue for purposes of appropriations made to the commission under
  the General Appropriations Act for the administration of this
         SECTION 9.  Section 404.073(c), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (c)  Interest that has been and that will be accrued or
  earned from deposits made under a law to which this subsection
  applies is state funds not subject to allocation or distribution to
  taxing units, cities, or transportation authorities under that law.
  This subsection applies to:
               (1)  Section 205.02, Alcoholic Beverage Code;
               (2)  [Section 2001.507, Occupations Code;
               [(3)] Section 403.105(d) of this code;
               (3) [(4)]  Sections 321.501 and 321.504, Tax Code;
               (4) [(5)]  Sections 322.301 and 322.304, Tax Code; and
               (5) [(6)]  Sections 323.501 and 323.504, Tax Code.
         SECTION 10.  The following provisions of the Occupations
  Code are repealed:
               (1)  Section 2001.103(a-1);
               (2)  Section 2001.104;
               (3)  Section 2001.313(b-3);
               (4)  Section 2001.437(i);
               (5)  Section 2001.503; and
               (6)  Sections 2001.507(b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g),
  (h), and (i).
         SECTION 11.  (a) A county or municipality may receive a
  portion of the prize fee collected under Section 2001.502,
  Occupations Code, as amended by this Act, after the effective date
  of this Act only if:
               (1)  the county or municipality was entitled to receive
  a portion of a bingo prize fee as of January 1, 2019; and
               (2)  the governing body of the county or municipality:
                     (A)  by majority vote of the members of the
  governing body approves the continued receipt of funds under that
  section and notifies the Texas Lottery Commission of that decision
  not later than November 1, 2019; and
                     (B)  notifies each licensed authorized
  organization within the county's or municipality's jurisdiction, as
  applicable, of the continued imposition of the fee.
         (b)  Not later than October 1, 2019, the Texas Lottery
  Commission shall notify the governing body of a county or
  municipality that was entitled to receive a portion of the prize fee
  collected under Section 2001.502, Occupations Code, as that section
  existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, of the
  requirements for continued receipt of the prize fee under that
  section as provided in Subsection (a) of this section.
         SECTION 12.  Section 2001.305, Occupations Code, as amended
  by this Act, applies only to an authorized organization license or a
  commercial lessor license that is issued under Chapter 2001,
  Occupations Code, on or after the effective date of this Act. An
  authorized organization license or a commercial lessor license
  issued before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law
  as it existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and
  that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 13.  (a) Except as otherwise provided by Subsection
  (b) of this section, this Act takes effect January 1, 2020.
         (b)  The following provisions take effect September 1, 2019:
               (1)  Section 2001.502(c), Occupations Code, as added by
  this Act;
               (2)  Section 2001.507(a), Occupations Code, as amended
  by this Act; and
               (3)  Section 2001.507(a-1), Occupations Code, as added
  by this Act.