86R20592 SRA-F
  By: Lambert, Rodriguez, Flynn, Harris H.B. No. 1694
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1694:
  By:  Wray C.S.H.B. No. 1694
  relating to limitations on food regulations at farms, farmers'
  markets, and cottage food production operations.
         SECTION 1.  Section 437.020(a)(2), Health and Safety Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
               (2)  "Food" means an agricultural, apicultural,
  horticultural, silvicultural, viticultural, or vegetable product
  for human consumption, in either its natural or processed state,
  that has been produced or processed or otherwise has had value added
  to the product in this state. The term includes:
                     (A)  fish or other aquatic species;
                     (B)  livestock, a livestock product, or a
  livestock by-product;
                     (C)  planting seed;
                     (D)  poultry, a poultry product, or a poultry
                     (E)  wildlife processed for food or by-products;
                     (F)  a product made from a product described by
  this subdivision by a farmer or other producer, including a cottage
  food production operation, who grew or processed the product; or
                     (G)  produce.
         SECTION 2.  Section 437.020, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Subsections (b-1), (b-2), (b-3), (f), and (g) to
  read as follows:
         (b-1)  The department or a local government authority,
  including a local health department, may not require a person to
  obtain a permit under this chapter to provide samples of food at a
  farm or farmers' market under this section.
         (b-2)  A local government authority, including a local
  health department, may not regulate the provision of samples of
  food at a farm or farmers' market except as provided by this
         (b-3)  The department or a local government authority,
  including a local health department, may:
               (1)  perform an inspection to enforce the requirements
  of this section for preparing and distributing samples of food at a
  farm or farmers' market; and
               (2)  require a person to obtain a permit under this
  chapter to offer for sale or distribution to consumers food cooked
  at a farm or farmers' market.
         (f)  A cottage food production operation may only provide
  samples of food described by Section 437.001(2-b)(A) produced by
  the operation.
         (g)  This section does not apply to a person who:
               (1)  provides samples of food at a farm or farmers'
  market; and
               (2)  does not sell food directly to consumers at the
  farm or farmers' market.
         SECTION 3.  Section 437.0201(e), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (e)  The executive commissioner, [or] a state [or local]
  enforcement agency, or a local government authority, including a
  local health department, may not adopt a rule requiring a farmers'
  market to pay a permit fee for:
               (1)  conducting a cooking demonstration [or providing
  samples of food] if the demonstration [or provision of samples] is
  conducted for a bona fide educational purpose; or
               (2)  providing samples of food.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2019.