relating to the ethics of public servants, including regulations |
related to certain political contributions, lobbying activities, |
reports, and disclosures; creating criminal offenses. |
SECTION 1. The heading to Section 253.034, Election Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 2. Section 253.034, Election Code, is amended by |
adding Subsections (a-1) and (a-2) and amending Subsections (b) and |
(c) to read as follows: |
(a-1) During the period beginning on the date the governor |
issues a proclamation calling a special legislative session and |
continuing through the date of final adjournment of the special |
legislative session, a person may not knowingly make a political |
contribution to: |
(1) a statewide officeholder other than the governor; |
(2) a member of the legislature; or |
(3) a specific-purpose committee for supporting, |
opposing, or assisting a statewide officeholder other than the |
governor or a member of the legislature. |
(a-2) During the period beginning on the date the governor |
issues a proclamation calling a special legislative session and |
continuing through the 20th day after the date of final adjournment |
of the special legislative session, a person may not knowingly make |
a political contribution to the governor or a specific-purpose |
committee for supporting, opposing, or assisting the governor. |
(b) A statewide officeholder, a member of the legislature, |
or a specific-purpose committee for supporting, opposing, or |
assisting a statewide officeholder or member of the legislature may |
not knowingly accept a political contribution, and shall refuse a |
political contribution that is received, during an applicable [the] |
period prescribed by Subsection (a), (a-1), or (a-2). A political |
contribution that is received and refused during that period shall |
be returned to the contributor not later than the 30th day after the |
date of receipt. A contribution made by United States mail or by |
common or contract carrier is not considered received during that |
period if it was properly addressed and placed with postage or |
carrier charges prepaid or prearranged in the mail or delivered to |
the contract carrier before the beginning of the period. The date |
indicated by the post office cancellation mark or the common or |
contract carrier documents is considered to be the date the |
contribution was placed in the mail or delivered to the common or |
contract carrier unless proven otherwise. |
(c) This section does not apply to a political contribution |
that was made and accepted with the intent that it be used: |
(1) in an election held or ordered during a [the] |
period prescribed by Subsection (a), (a-1), or (a-2) in which the |
person accepting the contribution is a candidate if the |
contribution was made after the person appointed a campaign |
treasurer with the appropriate authority and before the person was |
sworn in for that office; |
(2) to defray expenses incurred in connection with an |
election contest; or |
(3) by a person who holds a state office or a member of |
the legislature if the person or member was defeated at the general |
election held immediately before the session is convened or by a |
specific-purpose political committee that supports or assists only |
that person or member. |
SECTION 3. Section 254.036(a), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) Each report filed under this chapter with an authority |
other than the commission must be in a format prescribed by the |
commission. A report filed with the commission that is not required |
to be filed by computer diskette, modem, or other means of |
electronic transfer must be on a form prescribed by the commission |
and written in black or blue ink or typed with black or blue |
typewriter ribbon or, if the report is a computer printout, the |
printout must conform to the same format and paper size as the form |
prescribed by the commission. |
SECTION 4. Section 571.061(a), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) The commission shall administer and enforce: |
(1) Chapters 302, 303, 305, 572, 576, and 2004; |
(2) Subchapter C, Chapter 159, Local Government Code, |
in connection with a county judicial officer, as defined by Section |
159.051, Local Government Code, who elects to file a financial |
statement with the commission; |
(3) Title 15, Election Code; and |
(4) Sections 2152.064 and 2155.003. |
SECTION 5. Section 571.077, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: |
(d) A person filing by nonelectronic means a statement, |
registration, or report with the commission may use an unsworn |
declaration in the format prescribed by Section 132.001, Civil |
Practice and Remedies Code, instead of an affidavit of |
verification. |
SECTION 6. Subchapter C, Chapter 572, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 572.062 to read as follows: |
"administrative action," "communicates directly with," |
"legislation," "member of the executive branch," and "member of the |
legislative branch" have the meanings assigned by Section 305.002. |
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c), a person who is a |
former member of the legislature or a former holder of an office |
normally filled by statewide election may not engage in activities |
that require registration under Chapter 305 before the first |
anniversary of the first day of the first regular legislative |
session to convene after the date the person ceases to be a member |
of the legislature or statewide officeholder, as applicable. |
(c) Subsection (b) does not apply to a person who: |
(1) communicates directly with a member of the |
legislative or executive branch to influence legislation or |
administrative action; and |
(2) does not receive compensation other than |
reimbursement for actual expenses for a communication described by |
Subdivision (1). |
(d) A person who violates this section commits an offense. |
An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor. |
SECTION 7. Subtitle B, Title 5, Government Code, is amended |
by adding Chapter 576 to read as follows: |
Sec. 576.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Conflict of interest" means the conflict between |
an official decision made by a state agency governing board member |
or governing officer in the individual's official capacity and the |
individual's private financial interest in which the individual |
realizes any pecuniary gain. |
(2) "Financial interest" means ownership or control, |
directly or indirectly, of an ownership interest of at least five |
percent in a person, including the right to share in profits, |
proceeds, or capital gains, or an ownership interest that an |
individual could reasonably foresee could result in any financial |
benefit to the individual. The term does not include an interest in |
a retirement plan, a blind trust, insurance coverage, or capital |
gains. |
(3) "State agency" means a board, commission, council, |
committee, department, office, agency, or other governmental |
entity in the executive branch of state government. |
PARTICIPATION. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) or (c), in |
each matter before the governing board of a state agency or, if the |
agency is not governed by a multimember governing board, the |
officer who governs the agency, for which a member of the board or |
officer, as applicable, has a conflict of interest, the individual: |
(1) shall disclose in writing the conflict of interest |
to the agency; and |
(2) may not participate in the decision on the matter. |
(b) If a majority of the members of the governing board of a |
state agency has a conflict of interest related to a matter before |
the board or, if the agency is not governed by a multimember |
governing board, the officer who governs the agency has a conflict |
of interest on the matter, the board or officer may decide the |
matter only if: |
(1) each member, or the officer, as applicable, who |
has a conflict of interest discloses in writing the conflict of |
interest to the agency; and |
(2) the board, or officer, as applicable, makes a |
finding that an emergency exists that requires a decision on the |
matter despite the conflict of interest. |
(c) The duty to disclose a conflict of interest and refrain |
from participation in the decision on a matter for a member of the |
governing board of an institution of higher education, as those |
terms are defined by Section 61.003, Education Code, is governed by |
Section 51.923, Education Code. |
Sec. 576.003. PUBLIC INFORMATION. A written disclosure |
made under Section 576.002 is public information. |
(a) A state agency that receives a written disclosure under Section |
576.002 shall file a copy of the disclosure with the Texas Ethics |
Commission. |
(b) The Texas Ethics Commission may adopt the rules |
necessary to implement this chapter, including rules on the |
disclosure to be filed with the commission under Subsection (a). |
Sec. 576.005. CRIMINAL PENALTY. (a) An individual commits |
an offense if the individual knowingly fails to comply with Section |
576.002. |
(b) An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor. |
SECTION 8. Section 253.034, Election Code, as amended by |
this Act, applies only to a political contribution made on or after |
the effective date of this Act. A political contribution made |
before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in |
effect on the date the contribution was made, and the former law is |
continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 9. Section 571.077(d), Government Code, as added by |
this Act, applies only to a statement, registration, or report |
required to be filed with the Texas Ethics Commission that is due on |
or after the effective date of this Act or that is due before the |
effective date of this Act but is filed after the effective date of |
this Act. |
SECTION 10. Section 572.062, Government Code, as added by |
this Act, applies only to a member of the legislature or statewide |
officeholder who ceases to hold office on or after the effective |
date of this Act. |
SECTION 11. This Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |