86R24116 AJA-D
  By: Leach, Lucio III, et al. H.B. No. 1999
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1999:
  By:  Smith C.S.H.B. No. 1999
  relating to certain construction liability claims concerning
  public buildings and public works.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle F, Title 10, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 2272 to read as follows:
         Sec. 2272.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Action" means a court or judicial proceeding or
  an arbitration.  The term does not include an administrative
               (2)  "Construction" includes:
                     (A)  the initial construction of an improvement to
  real property;
                     (B)  the construction of an addition to an
  improvement to real property; or
                     (C)  the repair, alteration, or remodeling of an
  improvement to real property.
               (3)  "Construction defect" means a deficiency in the
  construction of an improvement to real property, including a
  deficiency in or arising out of the design, specifications,
  surveying, planning, or supervision of the construction, that is
  the result of:
                     (A)  the use of defective materials, products, or
  components in the construction;
                     (B)  a violation of a building code applicable by
  law to the construction;
                     (C)  a failure of the design of an improvement to
  real property to meet the professional standards of care applicable
  at the time of governmental approval of the design or as otherwise
  applicable if no governmental approval of the design was required
  or obtained; or
                     (D)  a failure to perform the construction in
  accordance with the accepted trade standards for good and
  workmanlike construction.
               (4)  "Contractor" means a person engaged in the
  business of developing, constructing, fabricating, repairing,
  altering, or remodeling improvements to real property.
               (5)  "Design professional" means an individual
  registered as an architect under Chapter 1051, Occupations Code, or
  a person licensed as an engineer under Chapter 1001, Occupations
               (6)  "Governmental entity" means:
                     (A)  the state;
                     (B)  a municipality, county, public school
  district, or special-purpose district or authority;
                     (C)  a district, county, or justice of the peace
                     (D)  a board, commission, department, office, or
  other agency in the executive branch of state government, including
  an institution of higher education as defined by Section 61.003,
  Education Code;
                     (E)  the legislature or a legislative agency; or
                     (F)  the Supreme Court of Texas, the Texas Court
  of Criminal Appeals, a court of appeals, or the State Bar of Texas
  or another judicial agency having statewide jurisdiction.
               (7)  "Subcontractor" means a contractor directly
  retained and compensated by another contractor to perform labor or
  perform labor and supply materials in the construction.
               (8)  "Supplier" means a person who provides only
  materials, equipment, or other supplies for the construction.
         Sec. 2272.002.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. (a)  This chapter
  applies only to a claim:
               (1)  for:
                     (A)  damages arising from damage to or loss of
  real or personal property caused by an alleged construction defect
  in an improvement to real property that is a public building or
  public work; or
                     (B)  indemnity or contribution for damages
  described by Paragraph (A);
               (2)  asserted by a governmental entity with an interest
  in the public building or public work affected by the alleged
  construction defect, including a governmental entity whose
  interest arose from the purchase of the affected public building or
  public work after any relevant construction contract was entered
  into or relevant activity was performed; and
               (3)  asserted against a contractor, subcontractor,
  supplier, or design professional.
         (b)  This chapter does not apply to:
               (1)  a claim for personal injury, survival, or wrongful
               (2)  a claim involving the construction of residential
  property covered under Chapter 27, Property Code;
               (3)  a contract entered into by the Texas Department of
               (4)  a project that receives money from a state or
  federal highway fund; or
               (5)  a civil works project as defined by Section
  2269.351, Government Code.
         Sec. 2272.003.  REPORT. Before bringing an action asserting
  a claim to which this chapter applies, the governmental entity must
  provide each party with whom the governmental entity has a contract
  for the design or construction of an affected structure a written
  report by certified mail, return receipt requested, that clearly:
               (1)  identifies the specific construction defect on
  which the claim is based;
               (2)  describes the present physical condition of the
  affected structure; and
               (3)  describes any modification, maintenance, or
  repairs to the affected structure made by the governmental entity
  or others since the affected structure was initially occupied or
         Sec. 2272.004.  OPPORTUNITY TO INSPECT AND CORRECT. Before
  bringing an action asserting a claim to which this chapter applies,
  the governmental entity must allow each party with whom the
  governmental entity has a contract for the design or construction
  of an affected structure and who is subject to the claim and any
  known subcontractor or supplier who is subject to the claim:
               (1)  a reasonable opportunity to inspect any
  construction defect or related condition identified in the report
  for a period of 30 days after sending the report required by Section
  2272.003; and
               (2)  at least 120 days after the inspection to:
                     (A)  correct any construction defect or related
  condition identified in the report; or
                     (B)  enter into a separate agreement with the
  governmental entity to correct any construction defect or related
  condition identified in the report.
         Sec. 2272.005.  TOLLING OF LIMITATIONS PERIOD. If the
  report and opportunity to correct required by Sections 2272.003 and
  2272.004 are provided during the final year of the limitations
  period applicable to the claim, the limitations period is tolled
  until the first anniversary of the date on which the report is
         Sec. 2272.006.  DISMISSAL.  (a)  If a governmental entity
  brings an action asserting a claim to which this chapter applies
  without complying with Sections 2272.003 and 2272.004, the court,
  arbitrator, or other adjudicating authority shall dismiss the
  action without prejudice.
         (b)  If an action is dismissed without prejudice under
  Subsection (a) and the governmental entity brings a second action
  asserting a claim to which this chapter applies without complying
  with Sections 2272.003 and 2272.004, the court, arbitrator, or
  other adjudicating authority shall dismiss the action with
         Sec. 2272.007.  RECOVERY OF INSPECTION COSTS. If a report
  provided by a governmental entity under Section 2272.003 identifies
  a construction defect for which the governmental entity recovers
  damages, the damages awarded to the governmental entity against the
  party responsible for that construction defect shall include
  reasonable amounts paid by the governmental entity to obtain the
  report with respect to identification of that construction defect.
  This chapter does not prohibit or limit a governmental entity from
  making emergency repairs to the property as necessary to protect
  the health, safety, and welfare of the public or a building
         Sec. 2272.009.  INSURANCE TREATMENT OF CLAIM. If a party, in
  connection with a potential claim against the party, receives a
  written notice of an alleged construction defect or a report under
  Section 2272.003 identifying a construction defect and provides the
  notice or report to the party's insurer, the insurer shall treat the
  provision of the notice or report to the party as the filing of a
  suit asserting that claim against the party for purposes of the
  relevant policy terms.
         SECTION 2.  (a)  Chapter 2272, Government Code, as added by
  this Act, applies only to a cause of action that accrues on or after
  the effective date of this Act.
         (b)  Section 2272.009, Government Code, as added by this Act,
  applies only to an insurance policy delivered, issued for delivery,
  or renewed on or after January 1, 2020.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2019.