86R11456 BRG-F
  By: Stucky H.B. No. 2042
  relating to postpayment audits conducted by the comptroller and
  annual financial reports submitted by state agencies.
         SECTION 1.  Section 403.071, Government Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (g) and (h) and adding Subsections (i) and (j)
  to read as follows:
         (g)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the comptroller [and a
  state agency] may [contract in writing for the comptroller to]
  audit claims presented by the state agency after the comptroller
  prepares warrants or uses the electronic funds transfer system to
  pay the claims. [If the comptroller and a state agency execute a
  contract, the comptroller may decide the types of claims that will
  be audited after payment.]
         (h)  [This subsection applies if the comptroller and a state
  agency have contracted in accordance with Subsection (g). The
  comptroller shall audit claims after payment in the same way that
  the comptroller audits claims before payment under Subsection (a).]  
  The comptroller may establish requirements and adopt rules
  concerning the time that a state agency must retain documentation
  in its files to enable a postpayment audit.  If a postpayment audit
  by the comptroller shows that a claim presented by a state agency
  was invalid, the comptroller may:
               (1)  implement procedures to ensure that similar
  invalid claims from the state agency are not paid in the future;
               (2)  report to the governor, the lieutenant governor,
  the speaker of the house of representatives, the state auditor, and
  the Legislative Budget Board the results of the audit;
               (3)  require the state agency to obtain a refund of the
  monies from the payee; and
               (4)  [cancel the contract with the state agency; and
               [(5)] reduce the state agency's remaining
  appropriations by the amount of the claim.
         (i)  The comptroller may access the books, accounts,
  confidential or nonconfidential reports, vouchers, electronic
  data, or other records or information of a state agency subject to a
  postpayment audit.  If information may not be released under
  federal law, the comptroller may not access the information without
  approval of the appropriate federal agency.
         (j)  The comptroller shall use reasonable efforts to avoid
  hindering the daily operations of a state agency subject to a
  postpayment audit by coordinating requests for access to books,
  accounts, reports, vouchers, electronic data, or other records or
  information of the audited agency.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 2101.011(b) and (c), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Not later than November 20 of each year or an earlier
  date designated by the comptroller, a state agency shall submit an
  annual financial report regarding the agency's use of appropriated
  money during the preceding fiscal year to:
               (1)  the governor;
               (2)  the comptroller;
               (3)  the Legislative Reference Library;
               (4)  the state auditor; and
               (5)  the Legislative Budget Board.
         (c)  A state agency's annual financial report must include
  information on [a detailed statement of] all assets, liabilities,
  and fund balances, including:
               (1)  cash on hand and on deposit in banks and accounts
  in the state treasury;
               (2)  [the value of consumable supplies and postage;
               [(3)] the value of the agency's inventory of movable
  equipment and other fixed assets;
               (3)  [(4) all other assets;
               [(5)] an itemization of the investments, bonds, notes,
  and other securities owned by any special funds under the agency's
  jurisdiction, including the amount and value of the securities;
               (4) [(6)]  all money due the agency from any source;
               (5) [(7)]  all outstanding commitments of the agency,
  including amounts due for services or goods received by the agency;
               (6) [(8)]  a summary by source of all revenue collected
  or accruing through the agency;
               (7) [(9)]  a summary of all appropriations,
  expenditures, bona fide encumbrances, and other disbursements by
  the agency; and
               (8) [(10)]  any other financial information requested
  by the comptroller.
         SECTION 3.  Section 2101.012(b), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The procedures must[:
               [(1) comply with generally accepted accounting
  principles as established by the Governmental Accounting Standards
  Board and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants or
  their successors; and
               [(2)] include the requirements for compliance with the
  federal Single Audit Act of 1984 and Office of Management and Budget
  Circular A-133 and any subsequent changes or amendments that will
  fulfill the audit requirements for a statewide single audit.
         SECTION 4.  Section 403.071, Government Code, as amended by
  this Act, applies to a claim presented by a state agency to the
  warrant clerk on or after the effective date of this Act.  A claim
  presented before the effective date of this Act is governed by the
  law in effect on the date the claim is presented, and the former law
  is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2019.