relating to a single Internet portal through which Medicaid |
providers may submit and receive information. |
SECTION 1. Section 533.0055, Government Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (c), (d), and (e) to |
read as follows: |
(b) The provider protection plan required under this |
section must provide for: |
(1) prompt payment and proper reimbursement of |
providers by managed care organizations; |
(2) prompt and accurate adjudication of claims |
through: |
(A) provider education on the proper submission |
of clean claims and on appeals; |
(B) acceptance of uniform forms, including HCFA |
Forms 1500 and UB-92 and subsequent versions of those forms, |
through an electronic portal; and |
(C) the establishment of standards for claims |
payments in accordance with a provider's contract; |
(3) adequate and clearly defined provider network |
standards that are specific to provider type, including physicians, |
general acute care facilities, and other provider types defined in |
the commission's network adequacy standards in effect on January 1, |
2013, and that ensure choice among multiple providers to the |
greatest extent possible; |
(4) a prompt credentialing process for providers; |
(5) uniform efficiency standards and requirements for |
managed care organizations for the submission and tracking of |
preauthorization requests for services provided under Medicaid; |
(6) establishment and maintenance of an [electronic
process, including the use of an] Internet portal[,] through which |
providers in any managed care organization's provider network may: |
(A) submit electronic claims, prior |
authorization requests, claims appeals and reconsiderations, |
clinical data, and other documentation that the managed care |
organization requests for prior authorization and claims |
processing; and |
(B) obtain electronic remittance advice, |
explanation of benefits statements, and other standardized |
reports; |
(7) the measurement of the rates of retention by |
managed care organizations of significant traditional providers; |
(8) the creation of a work group to review and make |
recommendations to the commission concerning any requirement under |
this subsection for which immediate implementation is not feasible |
at the time the plan is otherwise implemented, including the |
required process for submission and acceptance of attachments for |
claims processing and prior authorization requests through the |
Internet portal required by [an electronic process under] |
Subdivision (6) and, for any requirement that is not implemented |
immediately, recommendations regarding the expected: |
(A) fiscal impact of implementing the |
requirement; and |
(B) timeline for implementation of the |
requirement; and |
(9) any other provision that the commission determines |
will ensure efficiency or reduce administrative burdens on |
providers participating in a Medicaid managed care model or |
arrangement. |
(c) The commission shall consolidate each electronic or |
Internet portal operated or maintained by the commission, including |
through a contract with a separate entity, that is used to receive |
and deliver requests and other information from and to Medicaid |
providers, including nursing facility providers participating in |
the STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program, into the single |
Internet portal required by Subsection (b)(6). |
The commission |
shall ensure the single Internet portal meets the requirements of a |
portal described by Sections 531.02411, 533.00251, 533.002553, and |
533.0071. |
(d) The commission may contract with a private or nonprofit |
entity to develop, operate, and maintain the single Internet portal |
required by Subsection (b)(6). The entity may not be affiliated |
with any specific managed care plan. |
(e) Notwithstanding any other law, the executive |
commissioner by rule shall require each managed care organization |
to allow providers in the organization's provider network to use |
the single Internet portal required by Subsection (b)(6). |
SECTION 2. Not later than January 1, 2021, the Health and |
Human Services Commission, or an entity with whom the commission |
contracts, shall develop and implement the single Internet portal |
required by Section 533.0055, Government Code, as amended by this |
Act. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |