86R9126 CAE-F
  By: Oliverson H.B. No. 2243
  relating to the use of prescription asthma medicine on public and
  private school campuses.
         SECTION 1.  The heading to Subchapter E, Chapter 38,
  Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.  The heading to Section 38.208, Education Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 3.  Section 38.208, Education Code, is amended by
  adding Subsections (a-1), (b-1), and (f) and amending Subsections
  (c) and (e) to read as follows:
         (a-1)  Each school district, open-enrollment charter school,
  and private school may adopt and implement a policy authorizing a
  school nurse to maintain and administer asthma medicine at each
  campus in the district or school.
         (b-1)  If a policy is adopted under Subsection (a-1), the
  policy must provide that the school nurse may administer
  prescription asthma medicine to a student only if the school nurse
  has written notification from a parent or guardian of the student
  that the student has been diagnosed as having asthma and stating
  that the school nurse may administer prescription asthma medicine
  to the student. A school nurse may administer the prescription
  asthma medicine only at a school campus.
         (c)  The executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission, in consultation with the commissioner of
  education, and with advice from the advisory committee as
  appropriate, shall adopt rules regarding the maintenance,
  administration, and disposal of an epinephrine auto-injector at a
  school campus subject to a policy adopted under Subsection (a) and
  the maintenance and administration of asthma medicine at a school
  campus subject to a policy adopted under Subsection (a-1).  The
  rules must establish:
               (1)  the number of epinephrine auto-injectors
  available at each campus;
               (2)  the amount of prescription asthma medicine
  available at each campus;
               (3)  the process for each school district,
  open-enrollment charter school, and private school to check the
  inventory of epinephrine auto-injectors and asthma medicine at
  regular intervals for expiration and replacement; and
               (4) [(3)]  the amount of training required for school
  personnel and school volunteers to administer an epinephrine
         (e)  The supply of epinephrine auto-injectors at each campus
  must be stored in a secure location and be easily accessible to
  school personnel and school volunteers authorized and trained to
  administer an epinephrine auto-injector. The supply of asthma
  medicine at each campus must be stored in a secure location and be
  easily accessible to the school nurse.
         (f)  The policy described by Subsection (a-1) may not require
  a school district, open-enrollment charter school, or private
  school to purchase prescription asthma medicine or require any
  other expenditure related to the maintenance or administration of
  asthma medicine that would result in a negative fiscal impact on the
  district or school.
         SECTION 4.  The heading to Section 38.211, Education Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 5.  Sections 38.211(a), (b), (c), (e), and (f),
  Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A physician or person who has been delegated
  prescriptive authority under Chapter 157, Occupations Code, may
  prescribe epinephrine auto-injectors or asthma medicine in the name
  of a school district, open-enrollment charter school, or private
         (b)  A physician or other person who prescribes epinephrine
  auto-injectors or asthma medicine under Subsection (a) shall
  provide the school district, open-enrollment charter school, or
  private school with a standing order for the administration of, as
               (1)  an epinephrine auto-injector to a person
  reasonably believed to be experiencing anaphylaxis; or
               (2)  asthma medicine to a person reasonably believed to
  be experiencing a symptom of asthma and who has provided written
  notification and permission as required by Section 38.208(b-1).
         (c)  The standing order under Subsection (b) is not required
  to be patient-specific, and the epinephrine auto-injector or asthma
  medicine may be administered to a person without a previously
  established physician-patient relationship.
         (e)  An order issued under this section must contain:
               (1)  the name and signature of the prescribing
  physician or other person;
               (2)  the name of the school district, open-enrollment
  charter school, or private school to which the order is issued;
               (3)  the quantity of epinephrine auto-injectors or
  asthma medicine to be obtained and maintained under the order; and
               (4)  the date of issue.
         (f)  A pharmacist may dispense an epinephrine auto-injector
  or asthma medicine to a school district, open-enrollment charter
  school, or private school without requiring the name or any other
  identifying information relating to the user.
         SECTION 6.  Section 38.212, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 38.212.  NOTICE TO PARENTS.  If a school district,
  open-enrollment charter school, or private school implements a
  policy under this subchapter [for the maintenance, administration,
  and disposal of epinephrine auto-injectors], the district or school
  shall provide written notice to a parent or guardian of each student
  enrolled in the district or school.  Notice required under this
  section must be provided before a [the] policy is implemented by the
  district or school and before the start of each school year.
         SECTION 7.  Section 38.215(a), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  A person who in good faith takes, or fails to take, any
  action under this subchapter is immune from civil or criminal
  liability or disciplinary action resulting from that action or
  failure to act, including:
               (1)  issuing an order for epinephrine auto-injectors or
  asthma medicine;
               (2)  supervising or delegating the administration of an
  epinephrine auto-injector or asthma medicine;
               (3)  possessing, maintaining, storing, or disposing of
  an epinephrine auto-injector or asthma medicine;
               (4)  prescribing an epinephrine auto-injector or
  asthma medicine;
               (5)  dispensing:
                     (A)  an epinephrine auto-injector; or
                     (B)  asthma medicine, provided that permission
  has been granted as provided by Section 38.208(b-1);
               (6)  administering, or assisting in administering, an
  epinephrine auto-injector or asthma medicine, provided that
  permission has been granted as provided by Section 38.208(b-1);
               (7)  providing, or assisting in providing, training,
  consultation, or advice in the development, adoption, or
  implementation of policies, guidelines, rules, or plans; or
               (8)  undertaking any other act permitted or required
  under this subchapter.
         SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2019.