86R8818 CJC-D
  By: Clardy H.B. No. 2397
  relating to a sales and use tax refund and franchise tax credit for
  certain businesses that make investments in qualified opportunity
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter I, Chapter 151, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 151.4292 to read as follows:
  OPPORTUNITY ZONE. (a) In this section:
               (1)  "Economic opportunity zone" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 171.9261.
               (2)  "Qualifying business entity" means an entity that
  is eligible to receive a tax credit under Subchapter W, Chapter 171.
         (b)  After the qualifying business entity becomes eligible
  to receive a tax credit under Subchapter W, Chapter 171, and subject
  to Subsection (c), the entity is eligible for a one-time refund of
  the sales and use taxes paid by the entity for the purchase of:
               (1)  building materials to remodel, rehabilitate, or
  construct a structure owned or leased by the entity that is located
  in the economic opportunity zone and that is the basis for the
  entity's eligibility for the tax credit under Subchapter W, Chapter
               (2)  labor to remodel, rehabilitate, or construct a
  structure owned or leased by the entity that is located in the
  economic opportunity zone and that is the basis for the entity's
  eligibility for the tax credit under Subchapter W, Chapter 171; and
               (3)  equipment or machinery to be located in, or used in
  the operation of, a structure owned or leased by the entity that is
  located in the economic opportunity zone and that is the basis for
  the entity's eligibility for the tax credit under Subchapter W,
  Chapter 171.
         (c)  The amount of the one-time refund paid to a qualifying
  business entity under this section may not exceed the lesser of:
               (1)  25 percent of the total amount of sales and use
  taxes paid by the business entity on purchases described by
  Subsection (b); or
               (2)  $50,000.
         (d)  A qualifying business entity must apply to the
  comptroller to receive a refund authorized under this section on a
  form prescribed by the comptroller.
         (e)  The comptroller may adopt rules to implement and
  administer this section.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter W to read as follows:
         Sec. 171.9261.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Economic opportunity zone" means a population
  census tract that, as of September 1, 2019, was designated as a
  qualified opportunity zone under Public Law No. 115-97.
               (2)  "Qualifying investment" means an investment to:
                     (A)  remodel, rehabilitate, or construct a
  structure owned or leased by the entity that is located in an
  economic opportunity zone; or
                     (B)  purchase equipment or machinery to be located
  in, or used in the operation of, a structure owned or leased by the
  entity that is located in an economic opportunity zone.
         Sec. 171.9262.  ELIGIBILITY FOR CREDIT. An entity is
  eligible to apply for a credit in the amount and under the
  conditions provided by this subchapter against the tax imposed
  under this chapter.
         Sec. 171.9263.  QUALIFICATION. An entity qualifies for a
  credit under this subchapter if the entity makes a qualifying
               (1)  on or after September 1, 2019; and
               (2)  in an amount that is at least $100,000.
         Sec. 171.9264.  CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY. (a) Before
  claiming, selling, or assigning a credit under this subchapter, the
  entity that made the qualifying investment must request from the
  comptroller a certificate of eligibility on a form prescribed by
  the comptroller. The entity must include with the entity's request
  information sufficient to allow the comptroller to determine
  whether the entity has made a qualifying investment under this
  subchapter. At a minimum, the entity must provide documentation
  certified by the chief financial officer of the entity
               (1)  the total amount of the qualifying investment made
  by the entity; and
               (2)  the date on which the qualifying investment was
         (b)  The comptroller shall issue a certificate of
  eligibility to an entity that has made a qualifying investment
  under this subchapter.
         (c)  An entity that sells or assigns a credit under this
  subchapter to another entity shall provide a copy of the
  certificate of eligibility to the purchaser or assignee.
         Sec. 171.9265.  AMOUNT OF CREDIT; LIMITATIONS.  (a)  Subject
  to Subsections (b) and (c), the amount of the credit under this
  subchapter is equal to 25 percent of the total amount of the
  qualifying investment.
         (b)  An entity may not claim more than one credit under this
         (c)  The total credit claimed for a report, including the
  amount of any carryforward under Section 171.9266, may not exceed
  the amount of franchise tax due for the report after any other
  applicable tax credits.
         (d)  A qualifying investment may be counted only once in
  determining the amount of the tax credit available, and more than
  one entity may not claim a credit for the same qualifying
         Sec. 171.9266.  CARRYFORWARD. (a) If an entity is eligible
  for a credit that exceeds the limitation under Section 171.9265(c),
  the entity may carry the unused credit forward for not more than
  five consecutive reports.
         (b)  A carryforward is considered the remaining portion of a
  credit that cannot be claimed in the current year because of the
  limitation under Section 171.9265(c).
         Sec. 171.9267.  APPLICATION FOR CREDIT. (a) An entity must
  apply for a credit under this subchapter on or with the report for
  the period for which the credit is claimed.
         (b)  An entity shall file with any report on which the credit
  is claimed a copy of the certificate of eligibility issued by the
  comptroller under Section 171.9264 and any other information
  required by the comptroller to sufficiently demonstrate that the
  entity is eligible for the credit.
         (c)  The burden of establishing eligibility for and the value
  of the credit is on the entity.
         Sec. 171.9268.  SALE OR ASSIGNMENT OF CREDIT. (a) An entity
  that makes a qualifying investment may sell or assign all or part of
  the credit that may be claimed for that investment to one or more
  entities, and any entity to which all or part of the credit is sold
  or assigned may sell or assign all or part of the credit to another
  entity.  There is no limit on the total number of transactions for
  the sale or assignment of all or part of the total credit authorized
  under this subchapter, however, collectively all transfers are
  subject to the limitations provided by Section 171.9265.
         (b)  An entity that sells or assigns a credit under this
  section and the entity to which the credit is sold or assigned shall
  jointly submit written notice of the sale or assignment to the
  comptroller on a form promulgated by the comptroller not later than
  the 30th day after the date of the sale or assignment. The notice
  must include:
               (1)  the date of the sale or assignment;
               (2)  the amount of the credit sold or assigned;
               (3)  the names and federal tax identification numbers
  of the entity that sold or assigned the credit or part of the credit
  and the entity to which the credit or part of the credit was sold or
  assigned; and
               (4)  the amount of the credit owned by the selling or
  assigning entity before the sale or assignment, and the amount the
  selling or assigning entity retained, if any, after the sale or
         (c)  The sale or assignment of a credit in accordance with
  this section does not extend the period for which a credit may be
  carried forward and does not increase the total amount of the credit
  that may be claimed.
         (d)  Notwithstanding the requirements of this subchapter, a
  credit earned or purchased by, or assigned to, a partnership,
  limited liability company, S corporation, or other pass-through
  entity may be allocated to the partners, members, or shareholders
  of that entity and claimed under this subchapter in accordance with
  the provisions of any agreement among the partners, members, or
  shareholders, provided that the entity that claims the credit must
  be subject to the tax imposed under this chapter.
         Sec. 171.9269.  RULES. The comptroller shall adopt rules
  necessary to implement and administer this subchapter.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter W, Chapter 171, Tax Code, as added by
  this Act, applies only to a report originally due on or after the
  effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2020.