86R6939 EAS-D
  By: Bell of Montgomery H.B. No. 2404
  relating to establishment of the office of first responder support
  within the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of
  Texas and to the provision of critical incident support services to
  first responders; requiring occupational certification.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter D, Chapter 96, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 96.642 to read as follows:
         Sec. 96.642.  OFFICE OF FIRST RESPONDER SUPPORT. (a) In
  this section:
               (1)  "Critical incident support services" means
  services designed to provide compassionate or coping support to an
  individual who is involved in, a witness to, or otherwise affected
  by a traumatic event, including a series of events that results in a
  traumatic event.
               (2)  "First responder" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 421.095, Government Code.
               (3)  "Institute" means the Bill Blackwood Law
  Enforcement Management Institute of Texas.
               (4)  "Office" means the office of first responder
  support established by this section.
               (5)  "Peer counselor" means an individual who provides
  critical incident support services to a first responder as an:
                     (A)  employee of the office; or
                     (B)  employee or volunteer of a public agency.
               (6)  "President" means the president of Sam Houston
  State University.
               (7)  "Public agency" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 2257.002, Government Code.
         (b)  The president shall establish within the institute an
  office of first responder support.
         (c)  The president shall appoint a support coordinator as the
  administrative head of the office. The support coordinator may
  also serve as a first responder or in another position within the
  institute. The support coordinator must:
               (1)  have experience as a first responder;
               (2)  have successfully completed training in providing
  critical incident stress management to first responders; and
               (3)  demonstrate a professional ability to provide
  emotional and moral support to first responders.
         (d)  The office shall create regional peer support teams of
  peer counselors to provide the services described by Subsection
         (e)  The office at the request of a public agency may respond
  to and deploy a regional peer support team to provide peer
  counselors and critical incident support services to the agency and
  the agency's first responders who are experiencing post-traumatic
  stress disorder or other trauma associated with performing the
  duties of a first responder.  The office may not deploy a team
  member if the member is an employee of the public agency that
  employs a first responder to whom the team might provide services.
         (f)  The office shall establish a program for certifying
  individuals to serve on a regional peer support team and provide
  critical incident support services to first responders and
  establish the qualifications necessary for certification.  The
  program must require that the individual complete training in
  critical incident stress management provided by the International
  Critical Incident Stress Foundation or training in another similar
  training system.  An individual may not provide the support
  services to a first responder as part of a regional peer support
  team under this section unless the individual holds the
  certification required by this subsection.
         (g)  The office shall develop a training course on critical
  incident stress management and other related matters for the
  benefit of first responders who are not members of a regional peer
  support team.
         (h)  Except as provided by Subsection (i), communications
  between a peer counselor and a first responder receiving critical
  incident support services from the counselor are confidential and
  privileged and may not be disclosed.
         (i)  The confidentiality and privilege provisions of
  Subsection (h) do not apply if:
               (1)  disclosure is authorized by the first responder;
               (2)  the first responder is deceased and the disclosure
  is authorized by:
                     (A)  the executor or administrator of the first
  responder's estate; or
                     (B)  the first responder's next of kin if an
  executor or administrator is not appointed;
               (3)  disclosure is compelled by a court order;
               (4)  the peer counselor was a first responder, witness,
  or party to the incident that is the subject of the counseling;
               (5)  the communication was made when the peer counselor
  was not performing official duties as a peer counselor;
               (6)  the first responder is charged with a criminal
  offense; or
               (7)  the disclosure is otherwise required by law.
         (j)  The office may solicit and accept gifts, grants, and
  donations to implement this section.
         (k)  The president shall adopt rules necessary to implement
  this section.
         SECTION 2.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
  of this Act, the president of Sam Houston State University shall
  adopt rules necessary to implement Section 96.642, Education Code,
  as added by this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2019.