By: Guillen H.B. No. 2667
  relating to the licensing and regulation of certain occupations and
  activities; providing administrative penalties; requiring
  occupational licenses; authorizing fees; creating criminal
         SECTION 1.001.  Title 2, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subtitle M to read as follows:
         Sec. 171.0001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Alcohol educational program for minors" means an
  alcohol awareness program described by Section 106.115, Alcoholic
  Beverage Code.
               (2)  "Certificate of program completion" means a
  uniform, serially numbered certificate that is given by a program
  provider to a participant who successfully completes a
  court-ordered program.
               (3)  "Commission" means the Texas Commission of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (4)  "Court-ordered program" means any of the following
                     (A)  the alcohol educational program for minors;
                     (B)  the drug offense educational program;
                     (C)  the intervention program for intoxication;
                     (D)  the intoxication offense educational
  program; or
                     (E)  the responsible pet owner program.
               (5)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (6)  "Drug offense educational program" means an
  educational program described by Section 521.374(a)(1),
  Transportation Code.
               (7)  "Executive director" means the executive director
  of the department.
               (8)  "Instructor" means a person licensed by the
  department to instruct a court-ordered program.
               (9)  "Intervention program for intoxication" means an
  educational program described by Article 42A.404, Code of Criminal
               (10)  "Intoxication offense educational program" means
  an educational program described by Article 42A.403, Code of
  Criminal Procedure.
               (11)  "Participant" means a person who attends a
  court-ordered program.
               (12)  "Program provider" means a person licensed by the
  department to offer or provide a court-ordered program.
               (13)  "Responsible pet owner program" means an
  educational program described by Article 42A.511(a)(1), Code of
  Criminal Procedure.
         Sec. 171.0051.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. The commission,
  department, or executive director, as appropriate, shall
  administer and enforce this chapter.
         Sec. 171.0052.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF DEPARTMENT. The
  department shall:
               (1)  prescribe the application form for a license under
  this chapter;
               (2)  evaluate the qualifications of applicants; and
               (3)  enforce minimum standards applicable to program
  providers, instructors, and court-ordered programs.
         Sec. 171.0053.  RULES. (a) The commission shall adopt rules
  necessary to administer and enforce this chapter.
         (b)  The department may consult with other state agencies in
  the development of rules under this section.
         Sec. 171.0054.  FEES. (a) The commission by rule shall set
  fees in amounts that are reasonable and necessary to cover the costs
  of administering and enforcing this chapter, including fees for:
               (1)  the issuance or renewal of a license;
               (2)  the issuance of a certificate of program
  completion or a certificate number; and
               (3)  the curricula and materials used for a
  court-ordered program.
         (b)  A fee imposed by the department under this chapter is
  not refundable.
         (c)  The department or the department's authorized
  representative may collect a fee imposed under this chapter.
         Sec. 171.0055.  CODE OF ETHICS. The commission shall adopt
  and publish a code of ethics for license holders.
  INFORMATION. The department may develop and implement procedures
  to electronically transmit information regarding court-ordered
  programs to municipal and justice courts.
         Sec. 171.0057.  DIRECTORY. (a) The department shall
  maintain a directory of:
               (1)  program providers;
               (2)  instructors; and
               (3)  court-ordered programs.
         (b)  The department shall make the directory available to the
         Sec. 171.0058.  MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING. The department
  may enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Department of
  Public Safety, the Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas
  Department of Criminal Justice, the Health and Human Services
  Commission, the Department of State Health Services, or any other
  appropriate state agency regarding the development of rules,
  curricula, certificates of program completion, or certificate
  numbers for court-ordered programs.
         Sec. 171.0101.  COMPLAINTS. (a) Any person may file a
  complaint with the department alleging a violation of this chapter
  or a rule adopted under this chapter.
         (b)  The commission by rule shall establish methods by which
  participants of a court-ordered program are notified of the name,
  mailing address, telephone number, and Internet website address of
  the department for the purpose of directing complaints regarding a
  person or activity regulated under this chapter to the department.
         Sec. 171.0102.  ASSISTANCE WITH FILING COMPLAINT. The
  department shall provide reasonable assistance to a person who
  wishes to file a complaint with the department regarding a person or
  activity regulated under this chapter.
         Sec. 171.0151.  PROGRAM PROVIDER LICENSE REQUIRED. A person
  may not provide or offer to provide a court-ordered program unless
  the person holds a program provider license issued under this
  subchapter for the program.
  PROVIDER LICENSE. (a) The commission by rule shall establish
  eligibility requirements and criteria for the issuance of a program
  provider license under this chapter.
         (b)  The commission by rule may establish eligibility
  requirements based on:
               (1)  the type of court-ordered program the applicant
  seeks to provide; and
               (2)  the location where a court-ordered program will be
  provided, including the applicant's headquarters and any branch
  department shall issue a program provider license to an applicant
               (1)  meets the eligibility requirements and criteria
  established by commission rule;
               (2)  submits a completed application to the department
  on the form prescribed by the department; and
               (3)  pays the nonrefundable license application fee set
  by the commission.
         Sec. 171.0201.  APPLICABILITY. This subchapter applies to
  the following court-ordered programs:
               (1)  the alcohol educational program for minors;
               (2)  the drug offense educational program;
               (3)  the intervention program for intoxication; and
               (4)  the intoxication offense educational program.
         Sec. 171.0202.  INSTRUCTOR LICENSE REQUIRED. (a) A person
  may not instruct or represent that the person is an instructor of a
  court-ordered program to which this subchapter applies unless the
  person holds the appropriate instructor license issued under this
         (b)  A separate instructor license is required for each
  court-ordered program.
         Sec. 171.0203.  ISSUANCE OF INSTRUCTOR LICENSE. The
  department shall issue an instructor license for a particular
  court-ordered program to an applicant who:
               (1)  meets the eligibility requirements and criteria
  established by commission rule;
               (2)  submits a completed application to the department
  on the form prescribed by the department;
               (3)  submits proof of meeting the education and
  experience requirements of Section 171.0204 or 171.0205, as
               (4)  completes the instructor training course and
  passes the examination required under Section 171.0206;
               (5)  passes a criminal history background check
  conducted by the department; and
               (6)  pays the nonrefundable license application fee set
  by the commission.
  RELATED INSTRUCTOR LICENSES. To be eligible for an instructor
  license for an alcohol educational program for minors, intoxication
  offense educational program, or drug offense educational program,
  an applicant must:
               (1)  hold an associate degree or a more advanced degree
  in psychology, sociology, counseling, social work, criminal
  justice, education, nursing, health, or traffic safety;
               (2)  hold a license, registration, or certification
  under Chapter 301, 501, 503, 504, or 505 or Subtitle B, Title 3,
  Occupations Code, or under Subchapter B, Chapter 21, Education
               (3)  have sufficient experience, as specified by rule,
  as a parole or community supervision officer or adult or child
  protective services caseworker;
               (4)  have at least one year of documented experience in
  substance abuse or mental health case management; or
               (5)  have at least one year of education relating to
  substance abuse or mental health.
  INTOXICATION INSTRUCTOR LICENSE. To be eligible for an instructor
  license for the intervention program for intoxication, an applicant
               (1)  either:
                     (A)  hold a license or registration under Chapter
  501, 503, 504, or 505 or Subtitle B, Title 3, Occupations Code; or
                     (B)  hold an associate degree or a more advanced
  degree in psychology, sociology, counseling, social work, criminal
  justice, education, nursing, or health; and
               (2)  have at least two years of documented experience
  providing direct client services to persons with substance abuse
  disorders or mental illness.
  (a) The commission by rule shall establish the requirements for the
  instructor training course and examination.
         (b)  The department or the department's authorized
  representative shall provide the training course and administer
  examinations for applicants for an instructor license.
         (c)  The commission may adopt rules to provide for the
  reexamination of an applicant who fails the examination.
         (d)  The department or the department's authorized
  representative may charge a fee as set by commission rule for the
  instructor training course, any training materials, and the
         Sec. 171.0251.  LICENSE NOT TRANSFERABLE. A license issued
  under this chapter is not transferable or assignable.
         Sec. 171.0252.  LICENSE ONLY FOR ISSUED PROGRAM. A license
  issued under this chapter is valid only for the type of
  court-ordered program for which the license is issued.
         Sec. 171.0301.  LICENSE TERM. A license issued under this
  chapter is valid for one or two years from the date of issuance as
  prescribed by commission rule.
         Sec. 171.0302.  LICENSE RENEWAL. The commission by rule
  shall establish the requirements for renewing a license issued
  under this chapter, including the payment of applicable fees.
  INSTRUCTOR LICENSE. (a) The commission by rule shall establish the
  continuing education requirements to renew an instructor license
  issued under Subchapter E. The commission may require a different
  number of hours of continuing education for each type of
  court-ordered program.
         (b)  In addition to the continuing education requirements of
  Subsection (a), an instructor must complete an instructor
  continuing education seminar prescribed by the department if the
  department makes substantial changes to the curriculum or materials
  for the court-ordered program for which the license was issued.
         (c)  The commission by rule may establish an alternative
  method for satisfying the continuing education requirements of
  Subsection (a).
  (a) The commission shall adopt rules for each court-ordered
  program regarding:
               (1)  the criteria for administration; 
               (2)  the structure, length, content, manner of
  delivery, schedule, and applicable fees;
               (3)  the criteria for a participant to successfully
  complete the program; and
               (4)  the development of a certificate of program
  completion that is acceptable to a court.
         (b)  The commission may adopt rules for each court-ordered
  program regarding records to be maintained and reports to be filed
  with the department.
         (c)  The department or the department's authorized
  representative shall develop the curriculum and educational
  materials to be used for each court-ordered program.
         (d)  A program provider or instructor may not discriminate
  against participants based on sex, race, religion, age, national or
  ethnic origin, or disability.
  RELATED PROGRAMS. (a) This section applies to the following
  court-ordered programs:
               (1)  the alcohol educational program for minors;
               (2)  the drug offense educational program;
               (3)  the intervention program for intoxication; and
               (4)  the intoxication offense educational program.
         (b)  A court-ordered program to which this section applies
  must be:
               (1)  provided by a program provider licensed for the
  type of program;
               (2)  provided at a specific location, if required by
  commission rule; and
               (3)  taught by an instructor licensed for the type of
         (c)  The commission may adopt rules for each court-ordered
  program to which this section applies regarding:
               (1)  the appointment, qualifications, and
  responsibilities of an administrator of a court-ordered program;
               (2)  the use of supplemental educational materials;
               (3)  minimum classroom facilities and equipment;
               (4)  the conduct of instructors;
               (5)  teaching requirements for instructors; and
               (6)  participant evaluations, screenings, and exit
  RESPONSIBLE PET OWNER PROGRAM. (a) The responsible pet owner
  program must be offered online by a program provider licensed for
  that program.
         (b)  The commission may adopt rules for the responsible pet
  owner program regarding:
               (1)  the timing of the program; and
               (2)  the procedures for program security and attendance
         Sec. 171.0354.  CERTIFICATE OF PROGRAM COMPLETION. (a) The
  department shall issue or provide for the issuance of a certificate
  of program completion or certificate number showing completion of a
  court-ordered program.
         (b)  The commission by rule shall provide for the form,
  design, content, and distribution of certificates of program
  completion and certificate numbers.
         (c)  The commission by rule shall adopt a system for program
  providers to provide for the appropriate care, custody, and control
  of certificates of program completion and certificate numbers.
         (d)  The commission by rule shall establish requirements
  regarding the submission of a copy of a certificate of program
  completion or certificate number to the appropriate court, state
  agency, or community supervision and corrections department.
  HOLDERS. (a) A license holder shall comply with all requirements
  under this chapter or commission rule for the court-ordered program
  for which the license is issued.
         (b)  A license holder may only provide or instruct, as
  applicable, the court-ordered program for which the license is
         (c)  A license holder may only use the curriculum approved
  for the court-ordered program for which the license is issued.
  INFORMATION. Not later than the 30th day after the date of the
  change, a license holder shall notify the department in writing of
  any change regarding:
               (1)  the administrator of a court-ordered program
  provided by a program provider; or
               (2)  the license holder's address, telephone number,
  e-mail address, or Internet website address.
  REQUIREMENTS. (a) A program provider shall maintain care, custody,
  and control of the certificates of program completion and
  certificate numbers, as prescribed by commission rule.
         (b)  A program provider shall issue and deliver a certificate
  of program completion to a participant who successfully completes a
  court-ordered program provided by the program provider. The
  commission by rule shall establish the timing and method of
  delivery of the certificate.
         (c)  A program provider shall comply with applicable laws
  regarding confidentiality of participant records and obtaining
  consent to disclosure.
         (d)  A program provider shall submit to the department
  information required by the department relating to certificates of
  program completion issued by the program provider.
         Sec. 171.0452.  ADDITIONAL PROGRAM PROVIDER
  section applies to the following court-ordered programs:
               (1)  the alcohol educational program for minors;
               (2)  the drug offense educational program;
               (3)  the intervention program for intoxication; and
               (4)  the intoxication offense educational program.
         (b)  A program provider shall designate an administrator for
  each of the provider's court-ordered programs to which this section
         (b-1)  The commission by rule may establish requirements
  regarding the qualifications and responsibilities of an
         (c)  As prescribed by commission rule, a program provider
               (1)  collect and maintain information regarding each of
  the program provider's instructors, each court-ordered program
  provided by the program provider, and each program participant; and
               (2)  make available to the department on request
  records containing the information described by Subdivision (1).
         (d)  The commission may require different information to be
  collected and maintained for each type of court-ordered program.
         (e)  The commission may adopt rules requiring program
  providers to submit to the department information regarding
  programs, instructors, and participants. The commission may
  require different information to be reported for each type of
  court-ordered program.
         (f)  A program provider shall provide in writing to each
  participant the provider's license number and the applicable
  instructor's license number.
         (g)  A program provider shall maintain and make available to
  participants information regarding course fees, schedules, and
  locations for all court-ordered programs provided by the program
         Sec. 171.0453.  ADDITIONAL PROGRAM PROVIDER
  provider shall ensure that a responsible pet owner program provided
  by a program provider is delivered online in a manner conducive to
         (b)  The program provider is responsible for the conduct and
  administration of a responsible pet owner program, including the
  verification of participant attendance and program performance.
         (c)  As prescribed by commission rule, a program provider
               (1)  collect information for each participant in a
  responsible pet owner program;
               (2)  maintain and make available to the department on
  request the information described by Subdivision (1); and
               (3)  submit monthly reports to the department.
         (d)  A program provider shall:
               (1)  maintain the security and integrity of the
  information of participants in a responsible pet owner program; and
               (2)  create and provide a privacy policy statement to
  each participant.
         (e)  In each advertisement for or Internet website of a
  responsible pet owner program, the program provider shall include:
               (1)  the provider's license number; and
               (2)  the program's number issued by the department.
  less than 30 days before the date of a change in ownership of a
  program provider, the proposed new owner must apply for a new
  program provider license for each type of court-ordered program to
  be offered by the new owner.
  DRUG RELATED PROGRAMS. (a)  This section applies to the following
  court-ordered programs:
               (1)  the alcohol educational program for minors;
               (2)  the drug offense educational program;
               (3)  the intervention program for intoxication; and
               (4)  the intoxication offense educational program.
         (b)  An instructor may only instruct for a program provider
  that holds the appropriate program provider license.
         (c)  An instructor shall carry the instructor's license at
  all times while providing instruction at a court-ordered program to
  which this section applies.
  A license holder may not:
               (1)  use advertising that is false, misleading, or
  deceptive; or
               (2)  issue, sell, trade, or transfer a certificate of
  program completion or a certificate number to a person who has not
  successfully completed the applicable court-ordered program or who
  is not otherwise authorized to possess the certificate or number.
         Sec. 171.0552.  GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS. The
  commission or executive director may deny an application for an
  initial or renewal license, revoke or suspend a license, place on
  probation a person whose license has been suspended, or reprimand a
  license holder who:
               (1)  violates this chapter, a rule adopted under this
  chapter, or an order of the commission or executive director;
               (2)  fails to meet a requirement for obtaining or
  holding a license under this chapter;
               (3)  fails to notify the department of the
  discontinuation of the operation of a court-ordered program
  provided or instructed by the license holder;
               (4)  fails to make available to the department accurate
  records regarding the operation of a discontinued court-ordered
  program provided or instructed by the license holder;
               (5)  permits or engages in misrepresentation, fraud, or
  deceit in applying for a license;
               (6)  permits or engages in a fraudulent practice
  regarding a court-ordered program provided or instructed by the
  license holder;
               (7)  sells, barters, or offers to sell or barter a
               (8)  engages in unprofessional conduct that:
                     (A)  endangers or is likely to endanger the
  health, welfare, or safety of the public as defined by commission
  rule; or
                     (B)  violates the code of ethics adopted and
  published by the commission;
               (9)  falsifies, submits, or maintains any
  substantially false, inaccurate, or incomplete documentation
  required under this chapter or related to the court-ordered program
  provided or instructed by the license holder;
               (10)  engages in conduct, or encourages or permits a
  participant in a court-ordered program provided or instructed by
  the license holder to engage in conduct, that is inconsistent with
  the behaviors and principles of the curriculum of the court-ordered
  program for which the license is issued;
               (11)  while under the influence of alcohol or a
  controlled substance, attends an instructor training or a
  court-ordered program, instructs a court-ordered program, or
  performs duties related to the court-ordered program for which the
  holder's license is issued;
               (12)  provides a participant with, or permits a
  participant to use, alcohol or a controlled substance; or
               (13)  engages in conduct that is harmful to the health,
  safety, or welfare of a participant or the public.
  PENALTY.  If a person violates this chapter or an order issued or a
  rule adopted under this chapter, the person is subject to any action
  or penalty under Subchapter F or G, Chapter 51, Occupations Code.
  The department or the department's authorized representative may:
               (1)  conduct periodic, onsite inspections to verify a
  program provider's compliance with this chapter; and
               (2)  attend or audit a court-ordered program.
         Sec. 171.0555.  INVESTIGATIONS. (a)  A program provider,
  administrator, instructor, or any person associated with a
  court-ordered program shall:
               (1)  cooperate with the department during an
  investigation of a complaint under this chapter; and
               (2)  provide or make available to the department on
  request any documents or records related to the investigation,
  including all instructor or administrator records, unless
  otherwise prohibited by law.
         (b)  The department may contract with the Department of
  Public Safety to provide investigative assistance in the
  enforcement of this chapter.
  offense if the person knowingly sells, trades, issues, or otherwise
  transfers, or possesses with intent to sell, trade, issue, or
  otherwise transfer, a certificate of program completion or a
  certificate number to a person not authorized to possess the
  certificate or number.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a felony of the third
  commits an offense if the person knowingly possesses a certificate
  of program completion or a certificate number that the person is not
  authorized to possess under this chapter.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a felony of the third
         SECTION 1.002.  The heading to Section 106.115, Alcoholic
  Beverage Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 1.003.  Section 106.115, Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
  amended by amending Subsections (a) and (b-2) and adding
  Subsections (a-1) and (a-2) to read as follows:
         (a)  On the placement of a minor on deferred disposition for
  an offense under Section 49.02, Penal Code, or under Section
  106.02, 106.025, 106.04, 106.041, 106.05, or 106.07, the court
  shall require the defendant to attend one of the following
               (1)  an alcohol awareness program [approved by the
  Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation] under this section
  that is regulated under Chapter 171, Government Code;
               (2)  [,] a drug education program under [approved by
  the Department of State Health Services in accordance with] Section
  521.374(a)(1) [521.374], Transportation Code, that is regulated
  under Chapter 171, Government Code; or
               (3)  a drug and alcohol driving awareness program under
  Section 1001.103, Education Code [approved by the Texas Education
         (a-1)  On conviction of a minor of an offense under Section
  49.02, Penal Code, or Section 106.02, 106.025, 106.04, 106.041,
  106.05, or 106.07 [one or more of those sections], the court, in
  addition to assessing a fine as provided by those sections, shall
  require a defendant who has not been previously convicted of an
  offense under one of those sections to attend an alcohol awareness
  program, a drug education program, or a drug and alcohol driving
  awareness program described by Subsection (a) [this subsection].
  If the defendant has been previously convicted once or more of an
  offense under one or more of those sections, the court may require
  the defendant to attend an alcohol awareness program, a drug
  education program, or a drug and alcohol driving awareness program
  described by Subsection (a) [this subsection].
         (a-2)  If the defendant is younger than 18 years of age, the
  court may require the parent or guardian of the defendant to attend
  the program described by Subsection (a) with the defendant.  [The
  Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation or Texas Commission of
  Licensing and Regulation, as appropriate:
               [(1)     is responsible for the administration of the
  certification of approved alcohol awareness programs;
               [(2)  may charge a nonrefundable application fee for:
                     [(A)  initial certification of the approval; or
                     [(B)  renewal of the certification;
               [(3)     shall adopt rules regarding alcohol awareness
  programs approved under this section; and
               [(4)     shall monitor, coordinate, and provide training
  to a person who provides an alcohol awareness program.]
         (b-2)  For purposes of Subsection (b-1), if the defendant is
  enrolled in an institution of higher education located in a county
  in which access to an alcohol awareness program is readily
  available, the court may consider the defendant to be a resident of
  that county. If the defendant is not enrolled in such an institution
  of higher education or if the court does not consider the defendant
  to be a resident of the county in which the institution is located,
  the defendant's residence is the residence listed on the
  defendant's driver's license or personal identification
  certificate issued by the Department of Public Safety. If the
  defendant does not have a driver's license or personal
  identification certificate issued by the Department of Public
  Safety, the defendant's residence is the residence on the
  defendant's voter registration certificate. If the defendant is not
  registered to vote, the defendant's residence is the residence on
  file with the public school district on which the defendant's
  enrollment is based. If the defendant is not enrolled in public
  school, the defendant's residence is determined [as provided] by
  the court [commission rule].
         SECTION 1.004.  The heading to Article 42A.403, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 1.005.  Article 42A.403(a), Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A judge who places on community supervision a defendant
  convicted of an offense under Sections 49.04-49.08, Penal Code,
  shall require as a condition of community supervision that the
  defendant attend and successfully complete, before the 181st day
  after the date community supervision is granted, an educational
  program designed to rehabilitate persons who have driven while
  intoxicated that is regulated [jointly approved] by [:
               [(1)]  the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
  under Chapter 171, Government Code [;
               [(2)  the Department of Public Safety;
               [(3)     the traffic safety section of the traffic
  operations division of the Texas Department of Transportation; and
               [(4)     the community justice assistance division of the
  Texas Department of Criminal Justice].
         SECTION 1.006.  The heading to Article 42A.404, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 1.007.  Article 42A.404(a), Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The judge shall require a defendant who is punished
  under Section 49.09, Penal Code, to attend and successfully
  complete as a condition of community supervision an educational
  program for repeat offenders that is regulated [approved] by the
  Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation under Chapter 171,
  Government Code.
         SECTION 1.008.  Article 42A.511(a), Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If a judge grants community supervision to a defendant
  convicted of an offense under Section 42.09, 42.091, 42.092, or
  42.10, Penal Code, the judge may require the defendant to:
               (1)  complete an online responsible pet owner
  educational program regulated [course approved and certified] by
  the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation under Chapter 171,
  Government Code; or
               (2)  attend a responsible pet owner course sponsored by
  a municipal animal shelter, as defined by Section 823.001, Health
  and Safety Code, that:
                     (A)  receives federal, state, county, or
  municipal funds; and
                     (B)  serves the county in which the court is
         SECTION 1.009.  Article 42A.514(a), Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If a judge grants community supervision to a defendant
  younger than 18 years of age convicted of an alcohol-related
  offense under Section 106.02, 106.025, 106.04, 106.041, 106.05, or
  106.07, Alcoholic Beverage Code, or Section 49.02, Penal Code, or
  an offense involving possession of a controlled substance or
  marihuana under Section 481.115, 481.1151, 481.116, 481.1161,
  481.117, 481.118, or 481.121, Health and Safety Code, the judge may
  require the defendant as a condition of community supervision to
  attend, as appropriate:
               (1)  an alcohol awareness program [approved] under
  Section 106.115, Alcoholic Beverage Code, that is regulated by the
  Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation under Chapter 171,
  Government Code; or
               (2)  a drug education program that is designed to
  educate persons on the dangers of drug abuse [and is approved by the
  Department of State Health Services] in accordance with Section
  521.374(a)(1) [521.374], Transportation Code, and that is
  regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation under
  Chapter 171, Government Code.
         SECTION 1.010.  Article 45.051(b), Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  During the deferral period, the judge may require the
  defendant to:
               (1)  post a bond in the amount of the fine assessed to
  secure payment of the fine;
               (2)  pay restitution to the victim of the offense in an
  amount not to exceed the fine assessed;
               (3)  submit to professional counseling;
               (4)  submit to diagnostic testing for alcohol or a
  controlled substance or drug;
               (5)  submit to a psychosocial assessment;
               (6)  participate in an alcohol or drug abuse treatment
  or education program, such as:
                     (A)  a drug education program that is designed to
  educate persons on the dangers of drug abuse [and is approved by the
  Department of State Health Services] in accordance with Section
  521.374(a)(1) [521.374], Transportation Code, and that is
  regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation under
  Chapter 171, Government Code; or
                     (B)  an alcohol awareness program described by
  Section 106.115, Alcoholic Beverage Code, that is regulated by the
  Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation under Chapter 171,
  Government Code;
               (7)  pay the costs of any diagnostic testing,
  psychosocial assessment, or participation in a treatment or
  education program either directly or through the court as court
               (8)  complete a driving safety course approved under
  Chapter 1001, Education Code, or another course as directed by the
               (9)  present to the court satisfactory evidence that
  the defendant has complied with each requirement imposed by the
  judge under this article; and
               (10)  comply with any other reasonable condition.
         SECTION 1.011.  Sections 53.03(h-1) and (h-2), Family Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (h-1)  If the child is alleged to have engaged in delinquent
  conduct or conduct indicating a need for supervision that violates
  Section 481.115, 481.1151, 481.116, 481.1161, 481.117, 481.118, or
  481.121, Health and Safety Code, deferred prosecution under this
  section may include a condition that the child attend a drug
  education program that is designed to educate persons on the
  dangers of drug abuse [and is approved by the Department of State
  Health Services] in accordance with Section 521.374(a)(1)
  [521.374], Transportation Code, and that is regulated by the Texas
  Department of Licensing and Regulation under Chapter 171,
  Government Code.
         (h-2)  If the child is alleged to have engaged in delinquent
  conduct or conduct indicating a need for supervision that violates
  Section 106.02, 106.025, 106.04, 106.041, 106.05, or 106.07,
  Alcoholic Beverage Code, or Section 49.02, Penal Code, deferred
  prosecution under this section may include a condition that the
  child attend an alcohol awareness program described by Section
  106.115, Alcoholic Beverage Code, that is regulated by the Texas
  Department of Licensing and Regulation under Chapter 171,
  Government Code.
         SECTION 1.012.  Sections 54.047(a) and (b), Family Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If the court or jury finds at an adjudication hearing
  for a child that the child engaged in delinquent conduct or conduct
  indicating a need for supervision that constitutes a violation of
  Section 481.115, 481.1151, 481.116, 481.1161, 481.117, 481.118, or
  481.121, Health and Safety Code, the court may order that the child
  attend a drug education program that is designed to educate persons
  on the dangers of drug abuse [and is approved by the Department of
  State Health Services] in accordance with Section 521.374(a)(1)
  [521.374], Transportation Code, and that is regulated by the Texas
  Department of Licensing and Regulation under Chapter 171,
  Government Code.
         (b)  If the court or jury finds at an adjudication hearing
  for a child that the child engaged in delinquent conduct or conduct
  indicating a need for supervision that violates the alcohol-related
  offenses in Section 106.02, 106.025, 106.04, 106.041, 106.05, or
  106.07, Alcoholic Beverage Code, or Section 49.02, Penal Code, the
  court may order that the child attend an alcohol awareness program
  described by Section 106.115, Alcoholic Beverage Code, that is
  regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation under
  Chapter 171, Government Code.
         SECTION 1.013.  Section 461A.052(a), Health and Safety Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department shall:
               (1)  provide for research and study of the problems of
  chemical dependency in this state and seek to focus public
  attention on those problems through public information and
  education programs;
               (2)  plan, develop, coordinate, evaluate, and
  implement constructive methods and programs for the prevention,
  intervention, treatment, and rehabilitation of chemical dependency
  in cooperation with federal and state agencies, local governments,
  organizations, and persons, and provide technical assistance,
  funds, and consultation services for statewide and community-based
               (3)  cooperate with and enlist the assistance of:
                     (A)  other state, federal, and local agencies;
                     (B)  hospitals and clinics;
                     (C)  public health, welfare, and criminal justice
  system authorities;
                     (D)  educational and medical agencies and
  organizations; and
                     (E)  other related public and private groups and
               (4)  expand chemical dependency services for children
  when funds are available because of the long-term benefits of those
  services to this state and its citizens;
               (5)  sponsor, promote, and conduct educational
  programs on the prevention and treatment of chemical dependency,
  and maintain a public information clearinghouse to purchase and
  provide books, literature, audiovisuals, and other educational
  material for the programs;
               (6)  sponsor, promote, and conduct training programs
  for persons delivering prevention, intervention, treatment, and
  rehabilitation services and for persons in the criminal justice
  system or otherwise in a position to identify the service needs of
  persons with a chemical dependency and their families;
               (7)  require programs rendering services to persons
  with a chemical dependency to safeguard those persons' legal rights
  of citizenship and maintain the confidentiality of client records
  as required by state and federal law;
               (8)  maximize the use of available funds for direct
  services rather than administrative services;
               (9)  consistently monitor the expenditure of funds and
  the provision of services by all grant and contract recipients to
  assure that the services are effective and properly staffed and
  meet the standards adopted under this chapter;
               (10)  make the monitoring reports prepared under
  Subdivision (9) a matter of public record;
               (11)  license treatment facilities under Chapter 464;
               (12)  use funds appropriated to the department for
  purposes of providing chemical dependency services and related
  programs to carry out those purposes and maximize the overall state
  allotment of federal funds;
               (13)  plan, develop, coordinate, evaluate, and
  implement constructive methods and programs to provide healthy
  alternatives for youth at risk of selling controlled substances;
               (14)  submit to the federal government reports and
  strategies necessary to comply with Section 1926 of the federal
  Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration
  Reorganization Act, Pub. L. No. 102-321 (42 U.S.C. Section
  300x-26), and coordinate the reports and strategies with
  appropriate state governmental entities[; and
               [(15)     regulate, coordinate, and provide training for
  alcohol awareness courses required under Section 106.115,
  Alcoholic Beverage Code, and may charge a fee for an activity
  performed by the department under this subdivision].
         SECTION 1.014.  Section 521.374(a), Transportation Code, as
  amended by Chapters 838 (S.B. 202), 851 (S.B. 1070), and 1004 (H.B.
  642), Acts of the 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, is
  reenacted and amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person whose license is suspended under Section
  521.372 may:
               (1)  attend an educational program regulated[,
  approved] by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
  [Department of State Health Services] under Chapter 171, Government
  Code [rules adopted by the executive commissioner of the Health and
  Human Services Commission and the department], that is designed to
  educate persons on the dangers of drug abuse; or
               (2)  successfully complete education on the dangers of
  drug abuse approved by the Department of State Health Services as
  equivalent to the educational program described by Subdivision (1),
  while the person is a resident of a facility for the treatment of
  drug abuse or chemical dependency, including:
                     (A)  a substance abuse treatment facility or
  substance abuse felony punishment facility operated by the Texas
  Department of Criminal Justice under Section 493.009, Government
                     (B)  a community corrections facility, as defined
  by Section 509.001, Government Code; or
                     (C)  a chemical dependency treatment facility
  licensed under Chapter 464, Health and Safety Code.
         SECTION 1.015.  Section 521.375, Transportation Code, as
  amended by Chapters 838 (S.B. 202) and 851 (S.B. 1070), Acts of the
  84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, is reenacted and amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 521.375.  JOINT ADOPTION OF RULES. (a) The executive
  commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission and the
  department shall jointly adopt rules for the qualification and
  approval of[:
               [(1)     providers of educational programs under Section
  521.374(a)(1); and
               [(2)]  equivalent education provided in a residential
  treatment facility described by Section 521.374(a)(2).
         (b)  The Department of State Health Services shall publish
  the jointly adopted rules.
         SECTION 1.016.  Section 521.376, Transportation Code, as
  amended by Chapters 838 (S.B. 202) and 851 (S.B. 1070), Acts of the
  84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, is reenacted and amended
  to read as follows:
  Health Services:
               (1)  shall monitor, coordinate, and provide training
                     [(A)     persons who provide educational programs
  under Section 521.374(a)(1); and
                     [(B)]  residential treatment facilities described
  by Section 521.374(a)(2) providing equivalent education; and
               (2)  shall administer the approval of the [educational
  programs and the] equivalent education provided in a residential
  treatment facility[; and
               [(3)     may charge a nonrefundable application fee to the
  provider of an educational program under Section 521.374(a)(1) for:
                     [(A)  initial certification of approval; and
                     [(B)  renewal of the certification].
         SECTION 1.017.  The following provisions are repealed:
               (1)  Section 106.115(b), Alcoholic Beverage Code;
               (2)  Article 42A.405, Code of Criminal Procedure;
               (3)  Article 42A.511(b), Code of Criminal Procedure, as
  added by Chapter 1132 (H.B. 162), Acts of the 85th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2017; and
               (4)  Section 54.047(e), Family Code.
         SECTION 1.018.  The enactment by this Act of Sections
  171.0151 and 171.0202, Government Code, and Subchapters I, J, and
  K, Chapter 171, Government Code, does not affect the validity of a
  court program or instructor license in effect on the effective date
  of this Act or the right of the license holder to continue to
  practice under that license until September 1, 2020.
         SECTION 1.019.  As soon as practicable after the effective
  date of this Act, the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation,
  the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, and the executive
  director of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, as
  appropriate, shall adopt rules and forms necessary to implement
  Chapter 171, Government Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 2.001.  Section 51.203, Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  DEPARTMENT. (a) The commission shall adopt rules as necessary to
  implement each law establishing a program regulated by the
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, for each program
  regulated by the department, including a program under which a
  license is issued by the department, the commission by rule may
               (1)  the length of a license term;
               (2)  a fee for the issuance or renewal of a license; and
               (3)  any continuing education required to renew a
         SECTION 2.002.  Section 51.2031(a-2), Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a-2)  For each rule proposed under Subsection (a-1), the
  commission shall either adopt the rule as proposed or return the
  rule to the advisory board for revision. The commission retains
  authority for final adoption of all rules and is responsible for
  ensuring compliance with all laws regarding the rulemaking process.
  [This subsection and Subsection (a-1) expire September 1, 2019.]
         SECTION 3.001.  Section 203.056, Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 203.056.  PRESIDING OFFICER. The presiding officer of
  the commission shall designate a [public] member of the advisory
  board to serve as the presiding officer of the advisory board to
  serve for a term of one year. The presiding officer of the advisory
  board may vote on any matter before the advisory board.
         SECTION 3.002.  Section 203.254, Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 203.254.  BASIC MIDWIFERY EDUCATION. The commission
  shall establish requirements for basic midwifery education,
  including basic requirements for midwifery preceptors and
         SECTION 3.003.  Section 203.152, Occupations Code, is
         SECTION 3.004.  Section 203.056, Occupations Code, as
  amended by this article, does not affect the entitlement of a member
  of the Midwives Advisory Board who is serving as the presiding
  officer of the advisory board immediately before the effective date
  of this Act to continue to serve in that capacity for the remainder
  of the member's term as presiding officer.
         SECTION 4.001.  Subchapter F, Chapter 301, Occupations Code,
  is amended by adding Section 301.262 to read as follows:
  ADVANCED PRACTICE REGISTERED NURSES. (a) The board by rule shall
  create an expedited licensing process for an applicant who holds a
  license or other authorization in good standing to practice nursing
  as an advanced practice registered nurse issued by another state.
         (b)  The board may establish a fee in an amount sufficient to
  cover the cost of the expedited licensing process.
         (c)  The 180-day deadline and extension provisions under
  Section 301.260(c) do not apply to the expedited licensing process
  required under this section.
         SECTION 4.002.  The Texas Board of Nursing shall create and
  implement the expedited licensing process under Section 301.262,
  Occupations Code, as added by this article, not later than January
  1, 2020.
         SECTION 5.001.  Section 455.151, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
         (e)  Notwithstanding Subsections (a) and (b), a person may
  act as, or represent that the person is, a massage establishment if
  the person holds a license under Chapter 1604.
         SECTION 5.002.  Section 1601.453, Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 1601.453.  LOCATION OF PRACTICE. A person licensed by
  the department may practice barbering only at a location for which
  the department has issued a barbershop permit, specialty shop
  permit, or barber school permit under this chapter, [or] a permit
  issued under Chapter 1603, or a license issued under Chapter 1604.
         SECTION 5.003.  Section 1601.455(a), Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section, "licensed facility" means the premises
  of a place of business that holds a license, certificate, or permit
  under this chapter, [or] Chapter 1603, or Chapter 1604.
         SECTION 5.004.  Section 1603.102, Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 1603.102.  SANITATION RULES. (a) The commission shall
  establish sanitation rules to prevent the spread of an infectious
  or contagious disease.
         (b)  Rules adopted under this section applicable to an
  individual or facility regulated under Chapter 1602 must be
  consistent with the standards and terminology related to safety and
  sanitation that are commonly used in the cosmetology industry.
         SECTION 5.005.  Section 1603.104, Occupations Code, is
  amended by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (c) and
  (c-1) to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, at [At]
  least once every four [two] years, the department shall inspect
  each shop or other facility that holds a license, certificate, or
  permit in which the practice of barbering or cosmetology is
  performed under this chapter, Chapter 1601, or Chapter 1602.
         (c)  At [, and at] least twice per year, the department shall
  inspect each school in which barbering or cosmetology is taught
  under this chapter, Chapter 1601, or Chapter 1602.
         (c-1)  At least once every two years, the department shall
  inspect each specialty shop that holds a license, certificate, or
  permit issued under this chapter, Chapter 1601, or Chapter 1602 and
  at which the practices described by Section 1601.002(1)(E) or (F)
  or 1602.002(a)(8) or (9) are performed.
         SECTION 5.006.  Title 9, Occupations Code, is amended by
  adding Chapter 1604 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1604.001.  GENERAL DEFINITIONS. (a) In this chapter:
               (1)  "Commission" means the Texas Commission of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (2)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (3)  "Dual shop" means a dual barber and beauty shop
  licensed under Chapter 1603.
               (4)  "Executive director" means the executive director
  of the department.
         (b)  Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
  definitions in Chapters 455, 1601, 1602, and 1603 apply to this
         Sec. 1604.002.  REGULATION BY DEPARTMENT. The department
  shall administer this chapter. A reference in this chapter to the
  commission's, executive director's, or department's powers or
  duties does not limit the executive director's, department's, or
  commission's general powers under Chapter 51.
         Sec. 1604.051.  ADVISORY BOARDS. The advisory boards
  established under Chapters 455, 1601, and 1602 shall advise the
  commission on administering this chapter.
         Sec. 1604.052.  RULES. The commission shall adopt rules for 
  the administration of this chapter.
  LICENSE. (a) The department may issue a barbershop and massage
  establishment license.
         (b)  A person holding a barbershop and massage establishment
  license may own, operate, or manage a shop or establishment in which
  any practice of barbering defined by Section 1601.002 or massage
  therapy or other massage services as defined by Section 455.001 is
         (c)  The department shall issue a barbershop and massage
  establishment license to an applicant that:
               (1)  meets the requirements of:
                     (A)  this chapter;
                     (B)  Chapter 455 for obtaining a massage
  establishment license; and
                     (C)  Chapter 1601 for obtaining a barbershop
               (2)  submits an application on a form prescribed by the
  department; and
               (3)  pays the required fees.
         (d)  The holder of a barbershop and massage establishment
  license must comply with this chapter, Chapters 455, 1601, and
  1603, and commission rules related to barbering and massage
  (a)  The department may issue a dual shop and massage establishment
         (b)  A person holding a dual shop and massage establishment
  license may own, operate, or manage a shop or establishment in which
  any practice of barbering defined by Section 1601.002, cosmetology
  defined by Section 1602.002(a), or massage therapy or other massage
  services as defined by Section 455.001 are performed.
         (c)  The department shall issue a dual shop and massage
  establishment license to an applicant that:
               (1)  meets the requirements of:
                     (A)  this chapter;
                     (B)  Chapter 455 for obtaining a massage
  establishment license; and
                     (C)  Chapter 1603 for obtaining a dual shop
               (2)  submits an application on a form prescribed by the
  department; and
               (3)  pays the required fees.
         (d)  The holder of a dual shop and massage establishment
  license must comply with this chapter, Chapters 455, 1601, 1602,
  and 1603, and commission rules related to barbering, cosmetology,
  and massage therapy.
         SECTION 5.007.  Not later than June 1, 2020, the Texas
  Commission of Licensing and Regulation shall adopt rules as
  necessary to implement Chapter 1604, Occupations Code, as added by
  this Act.
         SECTION 6.001.  Section 2309.106(a), Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department shall inspect each used automotive parts
  recycling facility at least once every four [two] years.
         SECTION 7.001.  Section 51.2031(a), Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  This section applies only to the regulation of the
  following professions by the department:
               (1)  athletic trainers;
               (2)  behavior analysts;
               (3)  dietitians;
               (4)  genetic counselors;
               (5)  hearing instrument fitters and dispensers;
               (6) [(5)]  midwives;
               (7) [(6)]  orthotists and prosthetists; and
               (8) [(7)]  speech-language pathologists and
         SECTION 7.002.  Subtitle I, Title 3, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 508 to read as follows:
         Sec. 508.001.  SHORT TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as the
  Licensed Genetic Counselor Act.
         Sec. 508.002.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
               (1)  "Advisory board" means the Licensed Genetic
  Counselor Advisory Board.
               (2)  "Certifying entity" means the American Board of
  Medical Genetics and Genomics, the American Board of Genetic
  Counseling, or another entity that is nationally accredited to
  issue credentials in the practice of genetic counseling and is
  approved by the department.
               (3)  "Commission" means the Texas Commission of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (4)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (5)  "Executive director" means the executive director
  of the department.
               (6)  "Licensed genetic counselor" means a person
  licensed under this chapter to engage in the practice of genetic
         Sec. 508.003.  PRACTICE OF GENETIC COUNSELING.  (a)  In this
  chapter, "practice of genetic counseling" means providing
  professional services described by Subsection (b) for compensation
  to communicate genetic information to an individual, family, group,
  or other entity:
               (1)  on the documented referral by:
                     (A)  a physician licensed in this state; 
                     (B)  a physician assistant licensed in this state;
                     (C)  an advanced practice registered nurse
  licensed in this state; or 
                     (D)  a person acting under authority delegated
  under Subchapter A, Chapter 157; or 
               (2)  by a patient's self-referral.
         (b)  The practice of genetic counseling:
               (1)  consists of:
                     (A)  obtaining and evaluating individual, family,
  and medical histories to determine the risk for a genetic or medical
  condition or disease in a patient, the patient's offspring, or
  other family members of the patient;
                     (B)  discussing the features, natural history,
  means of diagnosis, genetic and environmental factors, and
  management of risk for a genetic or medical condition or disease;
                     (C)  identifying, coordinating, ordering, and
  explaining the results of genetic laboratory tests and other
  diagnostic studies as appropriate for genetic assessment;
                     (D)  integrating the results of laboratory tests
  and other diagnostic studies with medical histories to assess and
  communicate risk factors for a genetic or medical condition or
                     (E)  evaluating a patient's or family member's
  response to a genetic or medical condition or disease, including
  the risk of recurrence, and providing patient-centered counseling
  and anticipatory guidance;
                     (F)  identifying and using community resources
  that provide medical, educational, financial, and psychosocial
  support and advocacy; and
                     (G)  providing written documentation of medical,
  genetic, and counseling information for a patient's family members
  and health care providers; and
               (2)  does not include the diagnosis of disorders.
         Sec. 508.004.  PRACTICE OF MEDICINE NOT AUTHORIZED.  This
  chapter does not authorize the practice of medicine as defined by
  the law of this state.
         Sec. 508.005.  APPLICABILITY; EXEMPTIONS.  (a)  This chapter
  does not apply to a physician licensed to practice medicine in this
  state unless the physician is a licensed genetic counselor.
         (b)  A person may engage in the practice of genetic
  counseling without holding a license under this chapter if the
               (1)  is licensed, certified, or registered to practice
  in this state in a health care-related occupation and:
                     (A)  acts within the occupation's scope of
  practice; and
                     (B)  does not use the title "genetic counselor" or
  represent or imply the person is licensed as a genetic counselor
  under this chapter;
               (2)  is a student or intern:
                     (A)  pursuing a course of study or engaged in a
  training program for an occupation regulated by this state and
  acting within the occupation's scope of practice; or
                     (B)  enrolled in a graduate-level supervised
  genetic counseling training program approved or accepted by the
  department and engaged in an activity constituting the practice of
  genetic counseling as a required part of the training program; or
               (3)  is a genetic counselor who:
                     (A)  is certified by a certifying entity;
                     (B)  is not a resident of this state;
                     (C)  performs an activity or provides a service in
  this state for not more than 30 days during any year; and
                     (D)  meets any other requirement established by
  commission rule.
         (c)  A student or intern described by Subsection (b)(2)
  includes a person who:
               (1)  is trained as:
                     (A)  a genetic counselor and has applied to take
  the certification examination; or
                     (B)  a doctoral medical geneticist and has applied
  to take the certification examination; and
               (2)  has not failed the certification examination more
  than twice.
  (a)  The advisory board consists of nine members appointed by the
  presiding officer of the commission with the approval of the
  commission, as follows:
               (1)  six licensed genetic counselors, each of whom has
  at least two years of experience practicing genetic counseling as a
  genetic counselor and is:
                     (A)  licensed under this chapter; or
                     (B)  certified by a certifying entity;
               (2)  one physician who has experience with genetic
  counseling; and
               (3)  two members who represent the public.
         (b)  Appointments to the advisory board shall be made without
  regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or
  national origin of the appointee.
         Sec. 508.052.  DUTIES OF ADVISORY BOARD.  The advisory board
  shall provide advice and recommendations to the department on
  technical matters relevant to the administration of this chapter.
         Sec. 508.053.  TERMS; VACANCY. (a) Members of the advisory
  board serve staggered six-year terms, with the terms of three
  members expiring February 1 of each odd-numbered year.
         (b)  A member of the advisory board may not serve more than
  two consecutive six-year terms.
         (c)  If a vacancy occurs during a term of a member of the
  advisory board, the presiding officer of the commission, with the
  commission's approval, shall appoint a replacement who meets the
  qualifications for the vacant position to serve for the remainder
  of the term.
         Sec. 508.054.  PRESIDING OFFICER. The presiding officer of
  the commission shall designate a member of the advisory board to
  serve as the presiding officer of the advisory board for a term of
  two years. The presiding officer of the advisory board may vote on
  any matter before the advisory board.
         Sec. 508.055.  MEETINGS. The advisory board shall meet as
  requested by the presiding officer of the commission or the
  executive director.
         Sec. 508.056.  GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL. A member of the advisory
  board may be removed as provided by Section 51.209.
         Sec. 508.057.  COMPENSATION; REIMBURSEMENT. (a) A member
  of the advisory board may not receive compensation for service on
  the advisory board.
         (b)  A member of the advisory board is entitled to
  reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in
  performing functions as a member of the advisory board, subject to
  any applicable limitation on reimbursement provided by the General
  Appropriations Act.
         Sec. 508.101.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. (a) The
  commission shall adopt rules consistent with this chapter for the
  administration and enforcement of this chapter.
         (b)  The department shall:
               (1)  administer and enforce this chapter;
               (2)  evaluate the qualifications of license
               (3)  provide for the examination of license applicants;
               (4)  issue licenses;
               (5)  in connection with a hearing under this chapter,
  issue subpoenas, examine witnesses, and administer oaths under the
  laws of this state; and
               (6)  investigate persons engaging in practices that
  violate this chapter.
  DISCIPLINARY INFORMATION. (a) Except as provided by Subsection
  (b), all information and materials subpoenaed or compiled by the
  department in connection with a complaint and investigation are
  confidential and not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552,
  Government Code, and not subject to disclosure, discovery,
  subpoena, or other means of legal compulsion for their release to
  anyone other than the department or its employees or agents
  involved in discipline of a license holder.
         (b)  Information described by Subsection (a) may be
  disclosed in accordance with Chapter 51 to:
               (1)  persons involved with the department in a
  disciplinary action against a license holder;
               (2)  a respondent or the respondent's authorized
               (3)  a governmental agency, if:
                     (A)  the disclosure is required or permitted by
  law; and
                     (B)  the agency obtaining the disclosure protects
  the identity of any patient whose records are examined;
               (4)  a professional genetic counselor licensing or
  disciplinary board in another jurisdiction;
               (5)  peer assistance programs approved by the
  commission under Chapter 467, Health and Safety Code;
               (6)  law enforcement agencies; and
               (7)  persons engaged in bona fide research, if all
  individual-identifying information has been deleted.
         (c)  As provided by Chapter 51, notices of alleged violations
  issued by the department, commission, or executive director, and
  final disciplinary actions, including warnings and reprimands, by
  the department, commission, or executive director are not
  confidential and are subject to disclosure in accordance with
  Chapter 552, Government Code.
         (d)  Notwithstanding any other law, the requirements of
  Chapter 51 related to the confidentiality of complaint and
  investigation information for a health-related program are
  applicable to complaint and investigation information under this
         Sec. 508.103.  STANDARDS OF ETHICAL PRACTICE. The
  commission shall adopt rules under this chapter that establish
  standards of ethical practice.
         Sec. 508.104.  ASSISTANCE FILING COMPLAINT. The department,
  in accordance with Section 51.252, shall provide reasonable
  assistance to a person who wishes to file a complaint with the
  department regarding a person or activity regulated under this
         Sec. 508.105.  FEES. The commission by rule shall set fees
  in amounts reasonable and necessary to cover the costs of
  administering this chapter.
         Sec. 508.151.  LICENSE REQUIRED.  (a)  Except as provided by
  Section 508.005, a person may not act as a genetic counselor or
  engage in the practice of genetic counseling in this state unless
  the person holds a license under this chapter.
         (b)  Except as provided by Section 508.005, unless a person
  holds a license under this chapter, the person may not:
               (1)  use the title or represent or imply that the person
  has the title "genetic counselor," "certified genetic counselor,"
  "licensed genetic counselor," "gene counselor," "genetic
  consultant," or "genetic associate"; or
               (2)  use any other word, abbreviation, or insignia
  indicating or implying that the person is a licensed genetic
         (c)  This chapter may not be construed to prohibit a
  physician or an employee or other person acting under a physician's
  delegated authority from representing to a patient or the public
  that the physician, employee, or person provides genetic
         Sec. 508.152.  LICENSE APPLICATION.  An applicant for a
  license must:
               (1)  submit an application in the manner and on a form
  prescribed by the department;
               (2)  successfully complete a state-approved criminal
  background check; and
               (3)  pay the application fee set by the commission.
         Sec. 508.153.  LICENSE ELIGIBILITY. To be eligible for a
  genetic counselor license, a license applicant must present
  evidence to the department that the applicant:
               (1)  has passed an examination by a certifying entity
  or an equivalent examination in genetic counseling approved by the
               (2)  is currently certified by a certifying entity in
  genetic counseling or medical genetics;
               (3)  has met the educational requirements of a
  certifying entity, which must include a master's degree in genetic
  counseling or medical genetics or an equivalent educational
  standard adopted by the certifying entity;
               (4)  is in compliance with all professional, ethical,
  and disciplinary standards established by the certifying entity;
               (5)  is not subject to any disciplinary action by the
  certifying entity.
         Sec. 508.154.  ISSUANCE OF LICENSE. The department shall
  issue a genetic counselor license to an applicant who:
               (1)  complies with the requirements of this chapter;
               (2)  meets any additional requirements the commission
  establishes by rule; and
               (3)  pays the required fees.
         Sec. 508.155.  TERM. A license issued under this chapter
  expires on the second anniversary of the date of issuance.
         Sec. 508.156.  RENEWAL.  Before the expiration of a license,
  a license may be renewed by:
               (1)  submitting an application for renewal;
               (2)  paying the renewal fee imposed by the commission;
               (3)  providing verification to the department of
  continued certification by a certifying entity, which signifies
  that the applicant for renewal has met any continuing education
  requirements established by the certifying entity.
         Sec. 508.201.  GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION.  In
  accordance with Section 51.353, the commission or executive
  director may deny, revoke, or suspend a license, refuse to renew a
  license, place on probation a person whose license has been
  suspended, or reprimand a license holder for a violation of this
  chapter, a rule adopted under this chapter, or an order of the
  commission or executive director.
         Sec. 508.251.  ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS. The commission,
  department, or executive director may enforce this chapter, a rule
  adopted under this chapter, or an order of the commission or
  executive director as provided by Subchapters F and G, Chapter 51.
         SECTION 7.003.  (a)  As soon as practicable after the
  effective date of this Act, the presiding officer of the Texas
  Commission of Licensing and Regulation shall appoint nine members
  to the Licensed Genetic Counselor Advisory Board in accordance with
  Chapter 508, Occupations Code, as added by this Act. In making the
  initial appointments, the presiding officer of the commission shall
  designate three members for terms expiring February 1, 2021, three
  members for terms expiring February 1, 2023, and three members for
  terms expiring February 1, 2025.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Section 508.051, Occupations Code, as
  added by this Act, a person who meets the requirements of Section
  508.153, Occupations Code, as added by this Act, may be appointed as
  an initial licensed genetic counselor member of the Licensed
  Genetic Counselor Advisory Board, regardless of whether the person
  holds a license issued under Chapter 508, Occupations Code, as
  added by this Act.
         SECTION 7.004.  Not later than May 1, 2020, the Texas
  Commission of Licensing and Regulation shall adopt the rules,
  procedures, and fees necessary to administer Chapter 508,
  Occupations Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 7
  .005.  Notwithstanding Chapter 508, Occupations
  Code, as added by this Act, a person is not required to hold a
  license under that chapter to practice as a licensed genetic
  counselor in this state before September 1, 2020.
         SECTION 8.001.  (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
  this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2019.
         (b)  The following provisions, as added by this Act, take
  effect September 1, 2020:
               (1)  Sections 171.0151 and 171.0202, Government Code;
               (2)  Subchapters I, J, and K, Chapter 171, Government
               (3)  Section 508.151, Occupations Code; and
               (4)  Subchapter F, Chapter 508, Occupations Code.