relating to a work group on the establishment of a maternal |
mortality and morbidity data registry. |
SECTION 1. Chapter 34, Health and Safety Code, is amended by |
adding Section 34.019 to read as follows: |
section, "maternal mortality and morbidity data registry" means an |
Internet website or database established to collect individualized |
patient information and aggregate statistical reports on the health |
status, health behaviors, and service delivery needs of maternal |
patients. |
(b) The department shall establish a work group to provide |
advice and consultation services to the department on the report |
and recommendations required by Subsection (e). The work group |
consists of the following members appointed by the commissioner |
unless otherwise provided: |
(1) one member with appropriate expertise appointed by |
the governor; |
(2) two members with appropriate expertise appointed |
by the lieutenant governor; |
(3) two members with appropriate expertise appointed |
by the speaker of the house of representatives; |
(4) the chair of the Texas Hospital Association or the |
chair's designee; |
(5) the president of the Texas Medical Association or |
the president's designee; |
(6) the president of the Texas Nurses Association or |
the president's designee; |
(7) one member who is a physician specializing in |
obstetrics and gynecology; |
(8) one member who is a physician specializing in |
maternal and fetal medicine; |
(9) one member who is a registered nurse specializing |
in labor and delivery; |
(10) one member who is a representative of a hospital |
located in a rural area of this state; |
(11) one member who is a representative of a hospital |
located in a county with a population of four million or more; |
(12) one member who is a representative of a hospital |
located in an urban area of this state in a county with a population |
of less than four million; |
(13) one member who is a representative of a public |
hospital; |
(14) one member who is a representative of a private |
hospital; |
(15) one member who is an epidemiologist; |
(16) one member who is a statistician; |
(17) one member who is a public health expert; and |
(18) any other member with appropriate expertise as |
the commissioner determines necessary. |
(c) The work group shall elect from among the membership a |
presiding officer. |
(d) The work group shall meet periodically and at the call |
of the presiding officer. |
(e) With the goals of improving the quality of maternal care |
and combating maternal mortality and morbidity and with the advice |
of the work group established under this section, the department |
shall assess and prepare a report and recommendations on the |
establishment of a secure maternal mortality and morbidity data |
registry to record information submitted by participating health |
care providers on the health status of maternal patients over |
varying periods, including the frequency and characteristics of |
maternal mortality and morbidity during pregnancy and the |
postpartum period. |
(f) In developing the report and recommendations required |
by Subsection (e), the department shall: |
(1) consider individual maternal patient information |
related to health status and health care received over varying |
periods that should be submitted to the registry; |
(2) review existing and developing registries used in |
and outside this state that serve the same or a similar purpose as a |
maternal mortality and morbidity data registry; |
(3) review ongoing health data collection efforts and |
initiatives in this state to avoid duplication and ensure |
efficiency; |
(4) review and consider existing laws that govern data |
submission and sharing, including laws governing the |
confidentiality and security of individually identifiable health |
information; and |
(5) evaluate the clinical period during which known |
and available information should be submitted to a maternal |
mortality and morbidity data registry by a health care provider, |
including information: |
(A) from a maternal patient's first appointment |
with an obstetrician and each subsequent appointment until the date |
of delivery; |
(B) for the 42 days following a patient's |
delivery; and |
(C) until the 364th day following a patient's |
delivery. |
(g) If the department recommends the establishment of a |
maternal mortality and morbidity data registry, the report under |
Subsection (e) must include specific recommendations on the |
relevant individual patient information and categories of |
information to be submitted to the registry, including |
recommendations on the intervals for submission of information. |
The categories of individual patient information described by this |
subsection must include: |
(1) notifiable maternal deaths, including |
individualized patient data on: |
(A) patients who die during pregnancy; and |
(B) patients who were pregnant at any point in |
the 12 months preceding their death; |
(2) individualized patient information on each |
pregnancy and birth; |
(3) individualized patient data on the most common |
high-risk conditions for maternal patients and severe cases of |
maternal morbidity; |
(4) nonidentifying demographic data from the |
provider's patient admissions records, including age, race, and |
patient health benefit coverage status; and |
(5) a statistical summary based on an aggregate of |
individualized patient data that includes the following: |
(A) total live births; |
(B) maternal age distributions; |
(C) maternal race and ethnicity distributions; |
(D) health benefit plan issuer distributions; |
(E) incidence of diabetes, hypertension, and |
hemorrhage among patients; |
(F) gestational age distributions; |
(G) birth weight distributions; |
(H) total preterm birth rate; |
(I) rate of vaginal deliveries; and |
(J) rate of cesarean sections. |
(h) If the department establishes a maternal mortality and |
morbidity data registry, a health care provider submitting |
information to the registry shall comply with all applicable |
federal and state laws relating to patient confidentiality and |
quality of health care information. |
(i) The report and recommendations required under |
Subsection (e) must outline potential uses of a maternal mortality |
and morbidity data registry, including: |
(1) periodic analysis by the department of information |
submitted to the registry; and |
(2) the feasibility of preparing and issuing reports, |
using aggregated information, to each health care provider |
participating in the registry to improve the quality of maternal |
care. |
(j) Not later than September 1, 2020, the department shall |
prepare and submit to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of |
the house of representatives, Legislative Budget Board, and each |
standing committee of the legislature having primary jurisdiction |
over the department and post on the department's Internet website |
the report and recommendations required under Subsection (e). |
(k) This section expires September 1, 2021. |
SECTION 2. The executive commissioner of the Health and |
Human Services Commission shall adopt rules as necessary to |
implement Section 34.019, Health and Safety Code, as added by this |
Act, not later than December 1, 2019. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |