86R11308 LHC-F
  By: Miller H.B. No. 2731
  relating to the prosecution of and punishment for certain
  trafficking and prostitution offenses and to certain other
  consequences of those offenses; changing eligibility for community
         SECTION 1.  Article 42A.054(a), Code of Criminal Procedure,
  is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Article 42A.053 does not apply to a defendant adjudged
  guilty of an offense under:
               (1)  Section 15.03, Penal Code, if the offense is
  punishable as a felony of the first degree;
               (2)  Section 19.02, Penal Code (Murder);
               (3)  Section 19.03, Penal Code (Capital Murder);
               (4)  Section 20.04, Penal Code (Aggravated
               (5)  Section 20A.02, Penal Code (Trafficking of
               (6)  Section 21.11(a)(1), Penal Code (Indecency with a
               (7)  Section 22.011, Penal Code (Sexual Assault);
               (8)  Section 22.021, Penal Code (Aggravated Sexual
               (9)  Section 22.04(a)(1), Penal Code (Injury to a
  Child, Elderly Individual, or Disabled Individual), if:
                     (A)  the offense is punishable as a felony of the
  first degree; and
                     (B)  the victim of the offense is a child;
               (10)  Section 29.03, Penal Code (Aggravated Robbery);
               (11)  Section 30.02, Penal Code (Burglary), if:
                     (A)  the offense is punishable under Subsection
  (d) of that section; and
                     (B)  the actor committed the offense with the
  intent to commit a felony under Section 21.02, 21.11, 22.011,
  22.021, or 25.02, Penal Code;
               (12)  Section 43.03, Penal Code (Promotion of
               (13)  Section 43.04, Penal Code (Aggravated Promotion
  of Prostitution);
               (14)  Section 43.05, Penal Code (Compelling
               (15) [(13)]  Section 43.25, Penal Code (Sexual
  Performance by a Child); or
               (16) [(14)]  Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, for
  which punishment is increased under:
                     (A)  Section 481.140 of that code (Use of Child in
  Commission of Offense); or
                     (B)  Section 481.134(c), (d), (e), or (f) of that
  code (Drug-free Zones) if it is shown that the defendant has been
  previously convicted of an offense for which punishment was
  increased under any of those subsections.
         SECTION 2.  Article 42A.056, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
  SUPERVISION.  A defendant is not eligible for community
  supervision under Article 42A.055 if the defendant:
               (1)  is sentenced to a term of imprisonment that
  exceeds 10 years;
               (2)  is convicted of a state jail felony for which
  suspension of the imposition of the sentence occurs automatically
  under Article 42A.551;
               (3)  is adjudged guilty of an offense under Section
  19.02, Penal Code;
               (4)  is convicted of an offense under Section
  21.11(a)(1), 22.011, or 22.021, Penal Code, if the victim of the
  offense was younger than 14 years of age at the time the offense was
               (5)  is convicted of an offense under Section 20.04,
  Penal Code, if:
                     (A)  the victim of the offense was younger than 14
  years of age at the time the offense was committed; and
                     (B)  the actor committed the offense with the
  intent to violate or abuse the victim sexually;
               (6)  is convicted of an offense under Section 20A.02,
  43.03, 43.04, 43.05, or 43.25, Penal Code; or
               (7)  is convicted of an offense for which punishment is
  increased under Section 481.134(c), (d), (e), or (f), Health and
  Safety Code, if it is shown that the defendant has been previously
  convicted of an offense for which punishment was increased under
  any of those subsections.
         SECTION 3.  Article 62.001(5), Code of Criminal Procedure,
  is amended to read as follows:
               (5)  "Reportable conviction or adjudication" means a
  conviction or adjudication, including an adjudication of
  delinquent conduct or a deferred adjudication, that, regardless of
  the pendency of an appeal, is a conviction for or an adjudication
  for or based on:
                     (A)  a violation of Section 21.02 (Continuous
  sexual abuse of young child or children), 21.09 (Bestiality), 21.11
  (Indecency with a child), 22.011 (Sexual assault), 22.021
  (Aggravated sexual assault), or 25.02 (Prohibited sexual conduct),
  Penal Code;
                     (B)  a violation of Section 43.03 (Promotion of
  prostitution), 43.04 (Aggravated promotion of prostitution), 43.05
  (Compelling prostitution), 43.25 (Sexual performance by a child),
  or 43.26 (Possession or promotion of child pornography), Penal
                     (B-1)  a violation of Section 43.02
  (Prostitution), Penal Code, if the offense is punishable under
  Subsection (c-1)(3) of that section;
                     (C)  a violation of Section 20.04(a)(4)
  (Aggravated kidnapping), Penal Code, if the actor committed the
  offense or engaged in the conduct with intent to violate or abuse
  the victim sexually;
                     (D)  a violation of Section 30.02 (Burglary),
  Penal Code, if the offense or conduct is punishable under
  Subsection (d) of that section and the actor committed the offense
  or engaged in the conduct with intent to commit a felony listed in
  Paragraph (A) or (C);
                     (E)  a violation of Section 20.02 (Unlawful
  restraint), 20.03 (Kidnapping), or 20.04 (Aggravated kidnapping),
  Penal Code, if, as applicable:
                           (i)  the judgment in the case contains an
  affirmative finding under Article 42.015; or
                           (ii)  the order in the hearing or the papers
  in the case contain an affirmative finding that the victim or
  intended victim was younger than 17 years of age;
                     (F)  the second violation of Section 21.08
  (Indecent exposure), Penal Code, but not if the second violation
  results in a deferred adjudication;
                     (G)  an attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation, as
  defined by Chapter 15, Penal Code, to commit an offense or engage in
  conduct listed in Paragraph (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (K), or (L);
                     (H)  a violation of the laws of another state,
  federal law, the laws of a foreign country, or the Uniform Code of
  Military Justice for or based on the violation of an offense
  containing elements that are substantially similar to the elements
  of an offense listed under Paragraph (A), (B), (B-1), (C), (D), (E),
  (G), (J), (K), or (L), but not if the violation results in a
  deferred adjudication;
                     (I)  the second violation of the laws of another
  state, federal law, the laws of a foreign country, or the Uniform
  Code of Military Justice for or based on the violation of an offense
  containing elements that are substantially similar to the elements
  of the offense of indecent exposure, but not if the second violation
  results in a deferred adjudication;
                     (J)  a violation of Section 33.021 (Online
  solicitation of a minor), Penal Code;
                     (K)  a violation of Section 20A.02(a)(3), (4),
  (7), or (8) (Trafficking of persons), Penal Code; or
                     (L)  a violation of Section 20A.03 (Continuous
  trafficking of persons), Penal Code, if the offense is based partly
  or wholly on conduct that constitutes an offense under Section
  20A.02(a)(3), (4), (7), or (8) of that code.
         SECTION 4.  Section 773.0614(c), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (c)  A certificate holder's certificate shall be revoked if
  the certificate holder has been convicted of or placed on deferred
  adjudication community supervision or deferred disposition for:
               (1)  an offense listed in Article 42A.054(a)(2), (3),
  (4), (6), (7), (8), (10), or (16) [(14)], Code of Criminal
  Procedure; or
               (2)  an offense, other than an offense described by
  Subdivision (1), committed on or after September 1, 2009, for which
  the person is subject to registration under Chapter 62, Code of
  Criminal Procedure.
         SECTION 5.  Section 773.06141(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department may suspend, revoke, or deny an emergency
  medical services provider license on the grounds that the
  provider's administrator of record, employee, or other
               (1)  has been convicted of, or placed on deferred
  adjudication community supervision or deferred disposition for, an
  offense that directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of
  the administrator, employee, or representative, other than an
  offense for which points are assigned under Section 708.052,
  Transportation Code;
               (2)  has been convicted of or placed on deferred
  adjudication community supervision or deferred disposition for an
  offense, including:
                     (A)  an offense listed in Article 42A.054(a)(2),
  (3), (4), (6), (7), (8), (10), or (16) [(14)], Code of Criminal
  Procedure; or
                     (B)  an offense, other than an offense described
  by Subdivision (1), for which the person is subject to registration
  under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure; or
               (3)  has been convicted of Medicare or Medicaid fraud,
  has been excluded from participation in the state Medicaid program,
  or has a hold on payment for reimbursement under the state Medicaid
  program under Subchapter C, Chapter 531, Government Code.
         SECTION 6.  Section 20A.02(a-1), Penal Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a-1)  For purposes of Subsection (a)(3), "coercion" as
  defined by Section 1.07 includes:
               (1)  destroying, concealing, confiscating, or
  withholding from a [the] trafficked person, or threatening to
  destroy, conceal, confiscate, or withhold from a [the] trafficked
  person, the [trafficked] person's actual or purported:
                     (A) [(1)]  government records; or
                     (B) [(2)]  identifying information or documents;
               (2)  causing a trafficked person, without the person's
  consent, to become intoxicated, as defined by Section 49.01, to a
  degree that impairs the person's ability to appraise the nature of
  the prohibited conduct or to resist engaging in that conduct; or
               (3)  withholding alcohol or a controlled substance to a
  degree that impairs the ability of a trafficked person with a
  chemical dependency, as defined by Section 462.001, Health and
  Safety Code, to appraise the nature of the prohibited conduct or to
  resist engaging in that conduct.
         SECTION 7.  Section 43.05, Penal Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (d) to read as
         (a)  A person commits an offense if the person knowingly:
               (1)  causes another by force, threat, coercion, or
  fraud to commit prostitution; or
               (2)  causes by any means a child younger than 18 years
  to commit prostitution, regardless of whether the actor knows the
  age of the child at the time of the offense.
         (d)  For purposes of this section, "coercion" as defined by
  Section 1.07 includes:
               (1)  destroying, concealing, confiscating, or
  withholding from a person, or threatening to destroy, conceal,
  confiscate, or withhold from a person, the person's actual or
                     (A)  government records; or
                     (B)  identifying information or documents;
               (2)  causing a person, without the person's consent, to
  become intoxicated, as defined by Section 49.01, to a degree that
  impairs the person's ability to appraise the nature of the person's
  conduct that constitutes prostitution or to resist engaging in that
  conduct; or
               (3)  withholding alcohol or a controlled substance to a
  degree that impairs the ability of a person with a chemical
  dependency, as defined by Section 462.001, Health and Safety Code,
  to appraise the nature of the person's conduct that constitutes
  prostitution or to resist engaging in that conduct.
         SECTION 8.  (a)  The change in law made by this Act to Article
  62.001(5), Code of Criminal Procedure, applies only to a person who
  is required to register under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, on the basis of a conviction or adjudication for or based
  on an offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act.
  A person who is required to register under Chapter 62, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, solely on the basis of a conviction or
  adjudication for or based on an offense committed before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the
  date the offense was committed, and the former law is continued in
  effect for that purpose.
         (b)  The changes in law made by this Act to Articles 42A.054
  and 42A.056, Code of Criminal Procedure, and Sections 20A.02 and
  43.05, Penal Code, apply only to an offense committed on or after
  the effective date of this Act. An offense committed before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the
  date the offense was committed, and the former law is continued in
  effect for that purpose.
         (c)  For purposes of this section, an offense was committed
  before the effective date of this Act if any element of the offense
  occurred before that date.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2019.