86R6722 BEE-F
  By: Klick H.B. No. 2815
  relating to the licensing and regulation of genetic counselors
  requiring an occupational license; authorizing a fee.
         SECTION 1.  Section 51.2031(a), Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  This section applies only to the regulation of the
  following professions by the department:
               (1)  athletic trainers;
               (2)  behavior analysts;
               (3)  dietitians;
               (4)  genetic counselors;
               (5)  hearing instrument fitters and dispensers;
               (6) [(5)]  midwives;
               (7) [(6)]  orthotists and prosthetists; and
               (8) [(7)]  speech-language pathologists and
         SECTION 2.  Subtitle I, Title 3, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 508 to read as follows:
         Sec. 508.001.  SHORT TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as the
  Licensed Genetic Counselor Act.
         Sec. 508.002.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
               (1)  "Advisory board" means the Licensed Genetic
  Counselor Advisory Board.
               (2)  "Commission" means the Texas Commission of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (3)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (4)  "Executive director" means the executive director
  of the department.
               (5)  "Licensed genetic counselor" means a person
  licensed under this chapter to engage in the practice of genetic
         Sec. 508.003.  PRACTICE OF GENETIC COUNSELING.  (a)  In this
  chapter, "practice of genetic counseling" means providing
  professional services for compensation to communicate genetic
  information to an individual, family, group, or other entity:
               (1)  on the documented referral by:
                     (A)  a physician licensed in this state; 
                     (B)  a physician assistant licensed in this state;
                     (C)  an advanced practice registered nurse
  licensed in this state; or 
                     (D)  a person acting under authority delegated
  under Subchapter A, Chapter 157; or 
               (2)  by a patient's self-referral.
         (b)  The practice of genetic counseling includes:
               (1)  obtaining and evaluating individual, family, and
  medical histories to determine the risk for a genetic or medical
  condition or disease in a patient, the patient's offspring, or
  other family members of the patient;
               (2)  discussing the features, natural history, means of
  diagnosis, genetic and environmental factors, and management of
  risk for a genetic or medical condition or disease;
               (3)  identifying, coordinating, ordering, and
  explaining the results of genetic laboratory tests and other
  diagnostic studies as appropriate for genetic assessment;
               (4)  integrating the results of laboratory tests and
  other diagnostic studies with medical histories to assess and
  communicate risk factors for a genetic or medical condition or
               (5)  evaluating a patient's or family member's response
  to a genetic or medical condition or disease, including the risk of
  recurrence, and providing patient-centered counseling and
  anticipatory guidance;
               (6)  identifying and using community resources that
  provide medical, educational, financial, and psychosocial support
  and advocacy; and
               (7)  providing written documentation of medical,
  genetic, and counseling information for a patient's family members
  and health care providers.
         Sec. 508.004.  PRACTICE OF MEDICINE NOT AUTHORIZED.  This
  chapter does not authorize the practice of medicine as defined by
  the law of this state.
         Sec. 508.005.  APPLICABILITY; EXEMPTIONS.  (a)  This chapter
  does not apply to a physician licensed to practice medicine in this
  state unless the physician is a licensed genetic counselor.
         (b)  A person may engage in the practice of genetic
  counseling without holding a license under this chapter if the
               (1)  is licensed, certified, or registered to practice
  in this state in a health care-related occupation and:
                     (A)  acts within the occupation's scope of
  practice; and
                     (B)  does not use the title "genetic counselor" or
  represent or imply the person is licensed as a genetic counselor
  under this chapter;
               (2)  is a student or intern:
                     (A)  pursuing a course of study or engaged in a
  training program for an occupation regulated by this state and
  acting within the occupation's scope of practice; or
                     (B)  enrolled in a commission-approved,
  graduate-level supervised genetic counseling training program and
  engaged in an activity constituting the practice of genetic
  counseling as a required part of the training program; or
               (3)  is a genetic counselor who:
                     (A)  is certified by the American Board of Medical
  Genetics and Genomics, the American Board of Genetic Counseling, or
  another certification body approved by the commission;
                     (B)  is not a resident of this state;
                     (C)  performs an activity or provides a service in
  this state for not more than 30 days during any year; and
                     (D)  meets any other requirement established by
  commission rule.
         (c)  A student or intern described by Subsection (b)(2)
  includes a person who:
               (1)  is trained as:
                     (A)  a genetic counselor and has applied to take
  the certification examination; or
                     (B)  a doctoral medical geneticist and has applied
  to take the certification examination; and
               (2)  has not failed the certification examination more
  than twice.
  The advisory board consists of seven licensed genetic counselors
  appointed by the presiding officer of the commission with the
  approval of the commission, each of whom:
               (1)  has engaged for at least two years in the practice
  of genetic counseling as a genetic counselor and is:
                     (A)  licensed under this chapter; or
                     (B)  certified by the American Board of Medical
  Genetics and Genomics, the American Board of Genetic Counseling, or
  another certification body approved by the commission;
               (2)  is a United States citizen; and
               (3)  has been a resident of this state for at least six
  months preceding the date of appointment.
         Sec. 508.052.  DUTIES OF ADVISORY BOARD. The advisory board
  shall provide advice and recommendations to the department on
  technical matters relevant to the administration of this chapter.
         Sec. 508.053.  TERMS; VACANCY.  (a)  Advisory board members
  serve two-year terms.  The terms expire on February 1 of each
  odd-numbered year.
         (b)  If a vacancy occurs during an advisory board member's
  term, the presiding officer of the commission with the approval of
  the commission shall appoint a new member to fill the unexpired
         (c)  An advisory board member may not serve more than two
  consecutive full terms.
         Sec. 508.054.  PRESIDING OFFICER.  The presiding officer of
  the commission biennially shall designate an advisory board member
  as the presiding officer of the advisory board to serve in that
  capacity at the will of the presiding officer of the commission.
         Sec. 508.055.  MEETINGS.  The advisory board shall meet as
  requested by the presiding officer of the commission or the
  executive director.
         Sec. 508.101.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES.  (a)   The
  executive director shall administer and enforce this chapter.
         (b)  The department shall:
               (1)  establish qualifications for licensed genetic
  counselors in this state;
               (2)  establish the examination requirements for
  issuance of a licensed genetic counselor license;
               (3)  establish minimum education and training
  requirements necessary for issuance of a licensed genetic counselor
               (4)  prescribe the application form for issuance of a
  licensed genetic counselor license; and
               (5)  develop an approved program of mandatory
  continuing education for licensed genetic counselors and the manner
  in which attendance at all approved courses, clinics, forums,
  lectures, programs, or seminars is monitored and recorded.
  DISCIPLINARY INFORMATION. (a) Except as provided by Subsection
  (b), all information and materials subpoenaed or compiled by the
  department in connection with a complaint and investigation are
  confidential and not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552,
  Government Code, and not subject to disclosure, discovery,
  subpoena, or other means of legal compulsion for their release to
  anyone other than the department or its employees or agents
  involved in discipline of a license holder.
         (b)  Information described by Subsection (a) may be
  disclosed to:
               (1)  persons involved with the department in a
  disciplinary action against a license holder;
               (2)  professional genetic counselor licensing or
  disciplinary boards in other jurisdictions;
               (3)  peer assistance programs approved by the
  commission under Chapter 467, Health and Safety Code;
               (4)  law enforcement agencies; and
               (5)  persons engaged in bona fide research, if all
  individual-identifying information has been deleted.
         (c)  The filing of formal charges by the department against a
  license holder, the nature of those charges, disciplinary
  proceedings of the department, commission, or executive director,
  and final disciplinary actions, including warnings and reprimands,
  by the department, commission, or executive director are not
  confidential and are subject to disclosure in accordance with
  Chapter 552, Government Code.
         Sec. 508.151.  LICENSE REQUIRED.  (a)  Except as provided by
  Section 508.005, a person may not act as a genetic counselor or
  engage in the practice of genetic counseling in this state unless
  the person holds a license under this chapter.
         (b)  Except as provided by Section 508.005, unless a person
  holds a license under this chapter, the person may not:
               (1)  use the title or represent or imply that the person
  has the title "genetic counselor," "certified genetic counselor,"
  "licensed genetic counselor," "gene counselor," "genetic
  consultant," or "genetic associate"; or
               (2)  use any other word, abbreviation, or insignia
  indicating or implying that the person is a licensed genetic
         (c)  This chapter may not be construed to prohibit a
  physician or an employee or other person acting under a physician's
  delegated authority from representing to a patient or the public
  that the physician, employee, or person provides genetic
         Sec. 508.152.  LICENSE APPLICATION.  An applicant for a
  license must:
               (1)  file a written application in the manner and on a
  form prescribed by the executive director; and
               (2)  pay the application fee set by the commission.
         Sec. 508.153.  LICENSE ELIGIBILITY.  To be eligible for a
  license, a license applicant must:
               (1)  successfully complete the examination required by
  Section 508.154;
               (2)  have successfully completed:
                     (A)  a master's degree in a genetic counseling
  training program that is approved by the commission and that is at
  least as stringent as a genetic counseling training program
  accredited by the Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling or a
  successor organization; or
                     (B)  a master's degree in a medical genetics
  training program that is approved by the commission and that is at
  least as stringent as a medical genetics training program
  accredited by the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics
  or a successor organization; and
               (3)  meet any other requirement prescribed by the
         Sec. 508.154.  EXAMINATION.  (a)  An applicant for a license
  under this chapter must successfully complete an examination
  approved by the commission that demonstrates the applicant's
  knowledge of genetic counseling.
         (b)  The commission shall adopt rules to govern the
  development and administration of an examination for issuance of a
  genetic counselor license.  Any written portion of the examination
  must be validated by an independent testing professional.
         Sec. 508.155.  ISSUANCE OF LICENSE.  The department shall
  issue a genetic counselor license to a person who meets the
  requirements of this chapter and the rules adopted under this
         Sec. 508.156.  TERM; RENEWAL.  A genetic counselor license
  expires on the second anniversary of the date of issuance.  The
  commission by rule shall provide for the renewal of the license.
         Sec. 508.201.  GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION.  The
  commission or executive director shall revoke or suspend a license,
  refuse to renew a license, place on probation a person whose license
  has been suspended, or reprimand a license holder for a violation of
  this chapter, a rule adopted under this chapter, or an order of the
  commission or executive director.
         SECTION 3.  (a)  Not later than October 1, 2019, the
  presiding officer of the Texas Commission of Licensing and
  Regulation shall appoint the members of the Licensed Genetic
  Counselor Advisory Board created under Chapter 508, Occupations
  Code, as added by this Act.
         (b)  The Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation shall
  adopt rules under Chapter 508, Occupations Code, as added by this
  Act, not later than June 30, 2020.
         SECTION 4.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this
  section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2019.
         (b)  Section 508.151, Occupations Code, as added by this Act,
  and Subchapter E, Chapter 508, Occupations Code, as added by this
  Act, take effect July 1, 2020.