86R9039 SCL-D
  By: Hinojosa H.B. No. 2926
  relating to the establishment of the family first prevention
  services task force.
         SECTION 1.  (a) In this section, "task force" means the
  family first prevention services task force established under this
         (b)  The family first prevention services task force is
  established for the purpose of assessing the readiness of this
  state in implementing Title VII, Div. E, Pub. L. No. 115-123 by
         (c)  The task force is composed of at least 19 members
  appointed by the commissioner of the Department of Family and
  Protective Services as follows:
               (1)  the commissioner of family and protective
               (2)  the assistant commissioner of child protective
               (3)  the assistant commissioner of prevention and early
  intervention services;
               (4)  the medical director of the department;
               (5)  a representative from a single source continuum
               (6)  a representative of a child-placing agency in this
  state with experience in managing a residential treatment center;
               (7)  a representative of court-appointed volunteer
               (8)  a judge of a court that hears suits affecting the
  parent-child relationship;
               (9)  an attorney ad litem with experience in
  court-ordered representation of children and youth in the
  conservatorship of the department;
               (10)  an advocate for foster children and youth who is
  not employed by or under contract with the department;
               (11)  a representative of the legislature;
               (12)  a representative of the Legislative Budget Board;
               (13)  a representative of the office of the comptroller
  of public accounts;
               (14)  three advocates who are not employed by or under
  contract with the department and who advocate for providing
  services to families at risk of entering the foster care system,
  including an advocate for the substance abuse treatment community,
  an advocate for the mental health treatment community, and an
  advocate with experience in providing services to pregnant and
  parenting youth;
               (15)  an advocate with experience as a foster child;
               (16)  an advocate with experience as a parent in the
  foster care system;
               (17)  an advocate with experience as a kinship
  caregiver; and
               (18)  any other member of the department's executive
  staff the commissioner considers necessary.
         (d)  The commissioner of family and protective services
  serves as the presiding officer of the task force.
         (e)  A vacancy for an appointed member of the task force is
  filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
         (f)  The task force shall meet at least quarterly at the call
  of the presiding officer. The task force shall meet at other times
  as determined by the presiding officer.
         (g)  The task force shall:
               (1)  evaluate and make recommendations on matters
  related to the task force's purpose as described by Subsection (b)
  of this section, including:
                     (A)  the transformation of the placement of foster
  children and youth from residential treatment centers to qualified
  residential treatment providers and the process for certifying an
  unaccredited residential treatment center;
                     (B)  the total capacity of all foster care
  placements in this state;
                     (C)  the foster care prevention and early
  intervention strategies currently available in this state;
                     (D)  any issue that may arise in a suit affecting
  the parent-child relationship for a child or youth in the
  conservatorship of the department;
                     (E)  any issue relating to families entering the
  child protective services system; and
                     (F)  methods for using federal and state money to
  allow a greater number of children and youth to remain in their
  homes while addressing safety concerns for the children and youth;
               (2)  examine the costs to this state and the private
  sector and other issues related to the use of federal money
  allocated or transferred under Title VII, Div. E, Pub. L. No.
         (h)  The Department of Family and Protective Services shall
  provide reasonably necessary administrative and technical support
  to the task force.
         (i)  The task force shall prepare a written report that
               (1)  a description of the activities of the task force;
               (2)  the findings and recommendations of the task
  force; and
               (3)  proposed legislation, recommendations, or
  information on any other relevant matter that the task force
  considers appropriate.
         (j)  Not later than January 1, 2021, the task force shall
  submit the report described by Subsection (i) of this section to the
  governor, the lieutenant governor, and each member of the
         (k)  The task force is abolished and this section expires
  June 1, 2021.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2019.