By: Gervin-Hawkins (Senate Sponsor - Flores) H.B. No. 2944
         (In the Senate - Received from the House May 6, 2019;
  May 8, 2019, read first time and referred to Committee on Business &
  Commerce; May 20, 2019, reported favorably by the following vote:  
  Yeas 8, Nays 0; May 20, 2019, sent to printer.)
Click here to see the committee vote
  relating to authorizing the sale or transfer of the G. J. Sutton
  Building Complex in San Antonio.
         SECTION 1.  (a)  As soon as practical, subject to Subsection
  (b) of this section, the General Land Office shall offer for sale or
  transfer on behalf of the state the real property known as the
  G. J. Sutton Building Complex in San Antonio and described by
  Subsection (c) of this section. The General Land Office shall
  conduct the sale or transfer under this Act using the procedures
  under Section 31.158, Natural Resources Code.
         (b)  The General Land Office may not sell or transfer the
  real property described by Subsection (c) of this section unless
  the conveyance includes covenants, conditions, or restrictions
  that require:
               (1)  the proper disposal of the contaminated soil on
  the property in accordance with state and federal environmental
  regulations, unless the soil is disposed of before the conveyance;
               (2)  the use of the name "G. J. Sutton" as the name for
  the property or a building located on the property; and
               (3)  Lot 32 of Tract 4, as described by Subsection (c)
  of this section, to have not more than 50 public parking spaces.
         (c)  The real property that must be offered for sale or
  transfer under this Act is the four tracts of land described as
  TRACT 1:
  Being a 2.916-acre (127,006 square feet) parcel of land located in
  City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, said 2.916-acre parcel
  being all in New City Block 581, City of San Antonio, Bexar County,
  Texas, as conveyed to the State of Texas in deed recorded under Vol.
  7711, Page. 343, Official Public Records of Real Property of Bexar
  County, Texas (O.P.R.B.C.T), save and except that called
  0.8942-acre tract conveyed to Texas Public Finance Authority by
  deed recorded under Volume 5493, Page 1046, 0.P.R.B.C.T. and that
  called 0.2969-acre tract conveyed to Texas Public Finance Authority
  by deed recorded under Volume 4203, Page 4, 0.P.R.B.C.T, said
  2.916-acre parcel of land being more particularly described by
  metes and bounds as follows (all bearings based on the North
  American Datum of 1983, 2011 Adjustment, Epoch 2010.00, Texas
  Coordinate System, South Central Zone):
  COMMENCING at an existing building corner found at the southeast
  corner of said New City Block 581 at the intersection of the
  westerly right-of-way line of N. Cherry Street (right-of-way width
  varies) with the northerly right-of-way line of N. Center Street
  (55.6' wide), same being the southeast corner of said called
  0.8942-acre tract;
  THENCE, S 89° 34' 57" W, along said existing northerly right-of-way
  line of N. Center Street, a distance of 93.50 feet to a 'x' in
  concrete set for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described
  tract, said point also being the southwest corner of the called
  0.8942-acre tract and the southeast corner herein described tract;
  THENCE, S 89° 34' 57" W, continuing with said northerly right-of-way
  of N. Center Street, a distance of 27.08 feet to a 'X' in concrete
  set for the southeast corner of said 0.2969-acre tract;
  THENCE, N 00° 31' 19" W, with the easterly line of said 0.2969-acre
  tract, a distance of 177.68 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for
  the northeast corner of said 0.2969-acre tract;
  THENCE, S 89° 28' 42" W, with the northerly line of said 0.2969-acre
  tract, a distance of 72.69 feet to an 'x' in concrete set for the
  northwest corner of said 0.2969-acre tract;
  THENCE, S 00° 25' 08" E, with the westerly line of said 0.2969-acre
  tract, a distance of 177.55 feet to a fence post found for the
  southwest corner of said 0.2969-acre tract in the northerly
  right-of-way line of N. Center Street;
  THENCE, S 89° 34' 57" W, with said northerly right-of-way line of N.
  Center Street, a distance of 236.71 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with
  cap stamped "Vickrey Prop. Cor." set for the southwest corner of the
  herein described tract in the easterly line of the Union Pacific
  Railroad right-of-way (89.8 feet wide);
  THENCE, N 00° 09' 41" W, with said easterly line of the Union Pacific
  Railroad right-of-way, a distance of 416.65 feet to a 5/8-inch iron
  rod with cap stamped "Vickrey Prop. Cor." Set in the southerly
  right-of-way line of E. Crockett Street (57.8-foot width), for the
  northwest corner of the herein described tract;
  THENCE, N 89° 45' 28" E, with said southerly line of E. Crockett
  Street, a distance of 335.80 feet to an 'X' in concrete set for the
  northwest corner of the called 0.8942-acre tract and the northeast
  corner of the herein described tract;
  THENCE, S 00° 17' 57" E, with the westerly line of said called
  0.8942-acre tract, a distance of 415.62 feet to the POINT OF
  BEGINNING and containing 2.916-acres (127,006 square feet) of land.
  TRACT 2:
  Being a 0.8918-acre (38,847 square feet) parcel of land located in
  the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, said 0.8918-acre
  parcel being portions of Lots 6 and 15 and all of Lots 7 and 16 of
  New City Block 581, and also being all of that called 0.8942-acre
  tract conveyed to Texas Public Finance Authority by deed recorded
  under Volume 5493, Page 1046, Official Public Records of Real
  Property of Bexar County, Texas (O.P.R.B.C.T.); said 0.8918-acre
  parcel of land being more particularly described by metes and
  bounds as follows (all bearings based on the North American Datum of
  1983, 2011 Adjustment, Epoch 2010.00, Texas Coordinate System,
  South Central Zone):
  BEGINNING at an existing building corner found at the southeast
  corner of said New City Block 581 at the intersection of the
  westerly right-of-way line of N. Cherry Street (right-of-way width
  varies) with the northerly right-of-way line of Center Street
  (55.6' wide), same being the southeast corner of the called
  0.8942-acre tract and the herein described tract;
  THENCE, S 89° 34' 57" W, along said existing northerly right-of-way
  line of N. Center Street, a distance of 93.50 feet to an 'X' in
  concrete set for the southwest corner of the called 0.8942-acre
  tract and the herein described tract;
  THENCE, N 00° 17' 57" W, a distance of 415.62 feet to an 'X' in
  concrete set in the southerly right-of-way line of E. Crockett
  Street for the northwest corner of the called 0.8942-acre tract and
  the herein described tract, being in the southerly right-of-way
  line of E. Crockett Street (57.8' wide);
  THENCE, N 89° 45' 28" E, along said southerly right-of-way line of E.
  Crockett Street, a distance of 93.50 feet to an 'X' in concrete set
  at the intersection of said southerly right-of-way line of E.
  Crockett Street with said westerly right-of-way line of N. Cherry
  Street, for the northeast corner of the called 0.8942-acre tract
  and the herein described tract;
  THENCE, S 00° 17' 57" E, with said westerly right-of-way line of N.
  Cherry Street, a distance of 415.33 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING
  and containing 0.8918-acre (38,847 square feet) of land.
  TRACT 3:
  Being a 0.2970-acre (12,939 square feet) parcel of land located in
  the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, said 0.2970-acre
  parcel being all of Lot 14 and a portion of Lots 13 and 15 of New
  City Block 581, and also being all of that called 0.2969-acre tract
  conveyed to Texas Public Finance Authority by deed recorded under
  Volume 4203, Page 4, Official Public Records of Real Property of
  Bexar County, Texas (O.P.R.B.C.T.), said 0.2970-acre parcel of land
  being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows
  (all bearings based on the North American Datum of 1983, 2011
  Adjustment, Epoch 2010.00, Texas Coordinate System, South Central
  COMMENCING at an existing building corner found at the southeast
  corner of said New City Block 581 at the intersection of the
  westerly right-of-way line of N. Cherry Street (right-of-way
  varies) with the northerly right-of-way line of N. Center Street
  (55.6' wide), same being the southeast corner of a called
  0.8942-acre tract conveyed to Texas Public Finance Authority by
  deed recorded under Volume 5493, Page 1046, O.P.R.B.C.T.;
  THENCE, S 89° 34' 57" W, along said existing northerly right-of-way
  line of N. Center Street, a distance of 120.58 feet to an 'X' in
  concrete set for the POINT OF BEGINNING and southeast corner of the
  called 0.2969-acre tract and the herein described tract;
  THENCE, S 89° 34' 57" W, continuing along said existing northerly
  right-of-way line of N. Center Street, a distance of 73.01 feet to a
  fence corner found for the southwest corner of the called
  0.2969-acre tract and the herein described tract;
  THENCE, N 00° 25' 08" W, a distance of 177.55 feet to an 'X' in
  concrete set for the northwest corner of the called 0.2969-acre
  tract and the herein described tract;
  THENCE, N 89° 28' 42" E, a distance of 72.69 feet to a 1/2-inch iron
  rod found for the northeast corner of the called 0.2969-acre tract
  and the herein described tract;
  THENCE, S 00° 31' 19" E, a distance of 177.68 feet to the POINT OF
  BEGINNING and containing 0.2970-acre (12,939 square feet) of land.
  TRACT 4:
  Lots 32, 33 and 34, Block B-13, New City Block 574, Merchants
  Subdivision, an Addition to the City of San Antonio, Bexar County,
  Texas, according to a plat thereof recorded in Volume 9510, Page
  135, Deed and Plat Records, Bexar County, Texas.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2019.
  * * * * *