86R12242 AAF-D
  By: Guillen H.B. No. 2952
  relating to the establishment of an emergency radio infrastructure
  revolving loan program.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter N, Chapter 411, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 411.4015 to read as follows:
  EMERGENCY RADIO INFRASTRUCTURE. (a)  The department shall provide
  loans to finance interoperable statewide emergency radio
  infrastructure in accordance with Section 411.402.
         (b)  The department shall determine the terms under which a
  loan may be made under this section and shall set the interest rate
  for a loan at a low rate that the department determines is
  sufficient to recover the cost of administering the loan program.
         (c)  Payments on loans made under this section shall be made
  to the department. The department shall use the repayments of loan
  principal by entities described by Section 411.402(a)(4) to make
  new loans as provided by this subchapter.
         (d)  The department may make a forgivable loan at a zero
  percent interest rate for a period of five years to an entity
  described by Section 411.402(a)(4). The department may not forgive
  an amount greater than one-fifth of the forgivable loan amount each
         (e)  The department shall adopt rules to administer this
         SECTION 2.  Section 411.402, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 411.402.  USE OF LOAN [REVENUE].  (a)  A loan provided
  under Section 411.4015 [Fees collected under Section
  133.102(e)(11), Local Government Code,] may only:
               (1)  be used for the planning, development, provision,
  enhancement, or ongoing maintenance of an interoperable statewide
  emergency radio infrastructure;
               (2)  be used in accordance with the statewide
  integrated public safety radio communications plan developed under
  Subchapter F, Chapter 421;
               (3)  be used for the development of a regional or state
  interoperable radio communication system;
               (4)  be made [distributed as grants by the department]
                     (A)  regional councils of government that have
  entered into interlocal agreements authorized under state law; and
                     (B)  state agencies requiring emergency radio
  infrastructure; or
               (5)  be used for other public safety purposes.
         (b)  A loan provided under Section 411.4015 [Fees collected
  and distributed as provided by this subchapter] may not be used to
  purchase or maintain radio subscriber equipment.
         SECTION 3.  The heading to Section 411.403, Government Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 4.  Sections 411.403(a), (b), and (c), Government
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The emergency radio infrastructure revolving loan
  account is an account in the general revenue fund.
         (b)  The account consists of:
               (1)  fees deposited in the account as provided by
  Section 133.102(e)(9) [133.102(e)(11)], Local Government Code;
               (2)  payments on loans made under Section 411.4015; and
               (3) [(2)]  notwithstanding Section 404.071, all
  interest attributable to money held in the account.
         (c)  Money in the account may be used only for loans made
  under this subchapter [appropriated to the department for the
  purposes described by Section 411.402].
         SECTION 5.  Section 133.102(e), Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (e)  The comptroller shall allocate the court costs received
  under this section to the following accounts and funds so that each
  receives to the extent practicable, utilizing historical data as
  applicable, the same amount of money the account or fund would have
  received if the court costs for the accounts and funds had been
  collected and reported separately, except that the account or fund
  may not receive less than the following percentages:
               (1)  crime stoppers assistance0.2581 percent;
               (2)  breath alcohol testing0.5507 percent;
               (3)  Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management
  Institute2.1683 percent;
               (4)  law enforcement officers standards and
  education5.0034 percent;
               (5)  law enforcement and custodial officer
  supplemental retirement fund11.1426 percent;
               (6)  criminal justice planning12.5537 percent;
               (7)  an account in the state treasury to be used only
  for the establishment and operation of the Center for the Study and
  Prevention of Juvenile Crime and Delinquency at Prairie View A&M
  University1.2090 percent;
               (8)  compensation to victims of crime fund
  37.6338 percent;
               (9)  emergency radio infrastructure revolving loan
  account5.5904 percent;
               (10)  judicial and court personnel training fund
  4.8362 percent;
               (11)  an account in the state treasury to be used for
  the establishment and operation of the Correctional Management
  Institute of Texas and Criminal Justice Center Account
  1.2090 percent; and
               (12)  fair defense account17.8448 percent.
         SECTION 6.  On the effective date of this Act, all money in
  the emergency radio infrastructure account is transferred to the
  emergency radio infrastructure revolving loan account under
  Section 411.403, Government Code, as amended by this Act.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2019.