relating to an interim study regarding the method by which certain |
trial and appellate judges are selected. |
Interim Commission on Judicial Selection is established to study |
and review the method by which the following judges and justices are |
selected for office in this state: |
(1) statutory county court judges, including probate |
court judges; |
(2) district judges; |
(3) justices of the courts of appeal; |
(4) justices of the Court of Criminal Appeals; and |
(5) justices of the Supreme Court of Texas. |
(b) The Commission must consider: |
(1) the fairness, effectiveness, and desirability of |
selecting a judicial officer described in Subsection (a) of this |
section through appointment elections or other means; |
(2) the relative merits of alternative methods for |
selecting a judicial officer described in Subsection (a) of this |
section, including: |
(A) maintaining the current system; |
(B) lifetime appointment by the Governor or |
statewide or local judicial selection commission, and consent by |
the senate; |
(C) appointment for a term by the Governor or |
statewide or local judicial selection commission, and consent by |
the senate; |
(D) appointment for a term by the Governor or |
statewide or local judicial selection commission, and consent by |
the senate, followed by a partisan election; |
(E) appointment for a term by the Governor or |
statewide or local judicial selection commission, and consent by |
the senate, followed by a nonpartisan election; |
(F) appointment for a term by the Governor or |
statewide or local judicial selection commission, and consent by |
the senate, followed by a retention election; |
(G) partisan election in judicial-only election; |
(H) non-partisan election in judicial-only |
election; and |
(I) any other method or combination of methods |
for selecting a judicial officer described in Subsection (a) of |
this section; and |
(3) other factors concerning selection of a judicial |
officer, including: |
(A) qualifications; |
(B) campaign finance and other cost factors; and |
(C) conflict of interest and other judicial |
ethics considerations. |
(c) The Interim Commission shall be composed of thirteen |
members, consisting of the following: |
(1) four members appointed by the Governor; |
(2) three senators appointed by the Lieutenant |
Governor; |
(3) three members of the House of Representatives |
appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; |
(4) two members appointed by the Chief Justice of the |
Supreme Court of Texas; and |
(5) one member appointed by the president of the State |
Bar of Texas. |
(d) The members appointed by the Governor must be |
knowledgeable of and interested in the judicial system in Texas and |
include at least: |
(1) one person who is a member of the business or |
industry community; |
(2) one person who is a member of the civic community; |
and |
(3) one person who represents rural interests. |
(e) The appointments made by the Lieutenant Governor and |
Speaker of the House of Representatives must each consist of at |
least one member of the Democratic Party and one member of the |
Republican Party in both the Senate and the House of |
Representatives. |
(f) In making appointments under subsections (c)(1), (2), |
(3), and (4), the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the |
House of Representatives, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of |
Texas shall coordinate to ensure that the membership of the Interim |
Commission reflects, to the extent possible, the ethnic and |
geographic diversity of Texas. |
(g) PRESIDING OFFICER. The Governor shall designate the |
presiding officer from among the Interim Commission members. |
(h) The Interim Commission shall convene at the call of the |
presiding officer. |
(i) The Interim Commission has all other powers and duties |
provided to a special or select committee by the rules of the Senate |
and House of Representatives, by Subchapter B, Chapter 301, |
Government Code, and by policies of the Senate and House of |
Representatives committees on administration. |
(j) REPORT. Not later than January 11, 2021, the Interim |
Commission shall report the Interim Commission's findings and |
recommendations to the Lieutenant Governor, Governor, and the |
Speaker of the House of Representative. The Interim Commission |
shall include in its recommendations specific constitutional and |
statutory changes that appear necessary from the results of the |
Interims Commission's study. |
(k) COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT. A member of the Interim |
Commission is not entitled to compensation for service on the |
Interim Commission but is entitled to reimbursement of the actual |
and necessary expenses incurred in performing duties of the Interim |
Commission. All such reimbursements, and other necessary expenses |
of operation of the Interim Commission shall be paid from the |
contingent expense fund of the Senate and the contingent expense |
fund of the House of Representatives equally. |
(1) The Interim Commission may hold public meetings |
and receive public information as needed to fulfill its duties. |
( |
2) The Interim Commission is subject to chapters 551 |
and 552, Government Code. |
SECTION 2. ABOLITION OF Commission. The Interim Commission |
is abolished and this Act expires January 18, 2021. |
SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act takes effect |
immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members |
elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas |
Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for |
immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |