relating to eliminating certain state-required assessment |
instruments and certain end-of-course assessment instruments not |
required by federal law. |
SECTION 1. Section 39.023, Education Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a), (c), (c-2), and (c-3) and adding |
Subsection (q) to read as follows: |
(a) The agency shall adopt or develop appropriate |
criterion-referenced assessment instruments designed to assess |
essential knowledge and skills in reading, [writing,] mathematics, |
[social studies,] and science. Except as provided by Subsection |
(a-2), all students, other than students assessed under Subsection |
(b) or (l) or exempted under Section 39.027, shall be assessed in: |
(1) mathematics, annually in grades three through |
seven without the aid of technology and in grade eight with the aid |
of technology on any assessment instrument that includes algebra; |
(2) reading, annually in grades three through eight; |
(3) [writing, including spelling and grammar, in
grades four and seven;
[(4) social studies, in grade eight;
[(5)] science, in grades five and eight; and |
(4) [(6)] any other subject and grade required by |
federal law. |
(c) The agency shall also adopt end-of-course assessment |
instruments for secondary-level courses in reading, mathematics, |
and science only as necessary to comply with the Every Student |
Succeeds Act (20 U.S.C. Section 6301 et seq.) to be administered |
only as necessary to meet the minimum requirements of that Act |
[Algebra I, biology, English I, English II, and United States
The Algebra I end-of-course assessment instrument must be
administered with the aid of technology.
The English I and English
II end-of-course assessment instruments must each assess essential
knowledge and skills in both reading and writing in the same
assessment instrument and must provide a single score]. A school |
district shall comply with State Board of Education rules regarding |
administration of the assessment instruments adopted under [listed
in] this subsection. If a student is in a special education program |
under Subchapter A, Chapter 29, the student's admission, review, |
and dismissal committee shall determine whether any allowable |
modification is necessary in administering to the student an |
assessment instrument required under this subsection. The State |
Board of Education shall administer the assessment instruments. |
The State Board of Education shall adopt a schedule for the |
administration of end-of-course assessment instruments that |
complies with the requirements of Subsection (c-3). |
(c-2) The agency may adopt end-of-course assessment |
instruments for courses for which end-of-course assessment |
instruments are not adopted under [not listed in] Subsection |
(c). A student's performance on an end-of-course assessment |
instrument adopted under this subsection is not subject to the |
performance requirements established under Subsection (c) or |
Section 39.025. |
(c-3) In adopting a schedule for the administration of |
assessment instruments under this section, the State Board of |
Education shall require: |
(1) assessment instruments administered under |
Subsection (a) to be administered on a schedule so that the first |
assessment instrument is administered at least two weeks later than |
the date on which the first assessment instrument was administered |
under Subsection (a) during the 2006-2007 school year; and |
(2) the spring administration of end-of-course |
assessment instruments under Subsection (c) to occur in each school |
district not earlier than the first full week in May, except that |
the spring administration of an [the] end-of-course assessment |
instrument [instruments] in reading [English I and English II] must |
be permitted to occur at an earlier date. |
(q) Notwithstanding any provision of this section or other |
law, if changes made to the Every Student Succeeds Act (20 U.S.C. |
Section 6301 et seq.) reduce the number or frequency of assessment |
instruments required to be administered to students, the State |
Board of Education shall adopt rules reducing the number or |
frequency of assessment instruments administered to students under |
state law, and the commissioner shall ensure that students are not |
assessed in subject areas or in grades that are no longer required |
to meet the minimum requirements of that Act. |
SECTION 2. Section 39.025(a-1), Education Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a-1) A student enrolled in a college preparatory |
mathematics or English language arts course under Section 28.014 |
who satisfies the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) college readiness |
benchmarks prescribed by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating |
Board under Section 51.334 on an assessment instrument designated |
by the coordinating board under that section administered at the |
end of the college preparatory mathematics or English language arts |
course satisfies the requirements concerning and is exempt from the |
administration of the mathematics or reading [Algebra I or the
English I and English II] end-of-course assessment instrument |
adopted under Section 39.023(c) [instruments], as applicable, [as
prescribed by Section 39.023(c),] even if the student did not |
perform satisfactorily on a previous administration of the |
applicable end-of-course assessment instrument. A student who |
fails to perform satisfactorily on the assessment instrument |
designated by the coordinating board under Section 51.334 |
administered as provided by this subsection may retake that |
assessment instrument for purposes of this subsection or may take |
the appropriate end-of-course assessment instrument. |
SECTION 3. Section 39.203(c), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) In addition to the distinction designations described |
by Subsections (a) and (b), a campus that satisfies the criteria |
developed under Section 39.204 shall be awarded a distinction |
designation by the commissioner for outstanding performance in |
academic achievement in reading [English language arts], |
mathematics, or science[, or social studies]. |
SECTION 4. This Act applies beginning with the 2019-2020 |
school year. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |