relating to requiring fine arts as part of the foundation |
curriculum for public schools. |
SECTION 1. Sections 28.002(a) and (n), Education Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Each school district that offers kindergarten through |
grade 12 shall offer, as a required curriculum: |
(1) a foundation curriculum that includes: |
(A) English language arts; |
(B) mathematics; |
(C) science; [and] |
(D) social studies, consisting of Texas, United |
States, and world history, government, economics, with emphasis on |
the free enterprise system and its benefits, and geography; and |
(E) fine arts; and |
(2) an enrichment curriculum that includes: |
(A) to the extent possible, languages other than |
English; |
(B) health, with emphasis on the importance of |
proper nutrition and exercise; |
(C) physical education; |
(D) [fine arts;
[(E)] career and technology education; |
(E) [(F)] technology applications; |
(F) [(G)] religious literature, including the |
Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and New Testament, and its impact |
on history and literature; and |
(G) [(H)] personal financial literacy. |
(n) The State Board of Education may by rule develop and |
implement a plan designed to incorporate foundation curriculum |
requirements into the career and technology education curriculum |
under Subsection (a)(2)(D) [(a)(2)(E)]. |
SECTION 2. Section 28.003(b), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) In this section, "educational program" means a course or |
series of courses in the required curriculum under Section 28.002, |
other than a fine arts course under Section 28.002(a)(1)(E) |
[28.002(a)(2)(D)] or a career and technology course under Section |
28.002(a)(2)(D) [28.002(a)(2)(E)]. |
SECTION 3. Section 28.025(b-1), Education Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b-1) The State Board of Education by rule shall require |
that the curriculum requirements for the foundation high school |
program under Subsection (a) include a requirement that students |
successfully complete: |
(1) four credits in English language arts under |
Section 28.002(a)(1)(A), including one credit in English I, one |
credit in English II, one credit in English III, and one credit in |
an advanced English course authorized under Subsection (b-2); |
(2) three credits in mathematics under Section |
28.002(a)(1)(B), including one credit in Algebra I, one credit in |
geometry, and one credit in any advanced mathematics course |
authorized under Subsection (b-2); |
(3) three credits in science under Section |
28.002(a)(1)(C), including one credit in biology, one credit in any |
advanced science course authorized under Subsection (b-2), and one |
credit in integrated physics and chemistry or in an additional |
advanced science course authorized under Subsection (b-2); |
(4) three credits in social studies under Section |
28.002(a)(1)(D), including one credit in United States history, at |
least one-half credit in government and at least one-half credit in |
economics, and one credit in world geography or world history; |
(5) except as provided under Subsections (b-12), |
(b-13), and (b-14), two credits in the same language in a language |
other than English under Section 28.002(a)(2)(A); |
(6) five elective credits; |
(7) one credit in fine arts under Section |
28.002(a)(1)(E) [28.002(a)(2)(D)]; and |
(8) except as provided by Subsection (b-11), one |
credit in physical education under Section 28.002(a)(2)(C). |
SECTION 4. This Act applies beginning with the 2019-2020 |
school year. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |