relating to the board of directors of the Texas Windstorm Insurance |
Association. |
SECTION 1. Sections 2210.102(a), (c), (c-1), and (f), |
Insurance Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The board of directors is composed of 11 [nine] members |
appointed by the governor [commissioner] in accordance with this |
section. |
(c) Five [Three] members must, as of the date of the |
appointment, reside in the first tier coastal counties. Each of the |
following regions must be represented by a member residing in the |
region and appointed under this subsection: |
(1) the region consisting of Cameron, Kenedy, Kleberg, |
and Willacy Counties; |
(2) the region consisting of Aransas, Calhoun, Nueces, |
Refugio, and San Patricio Counties; and |
(3) the region consisting of Brazoria, Chambers, |
Galveston, Jefferson, and Matagorda Counties and any part of Harris |
County designated as a catastrophe area under Section 2210.005. |
(c-1) One of the members appointed under Subsection (c) must |
be a property and casualty agent who is licensed under this code and |
is not a captive agent. Other members appointed under that |
subsection: |
(1) must be association policyholders nominated by the |
office of public insurance counsel; and |
(2) may not be property and casualty agents. |
(f) Insurers who are members of the association shall |
nominate, from among those members, persons to fill any vacancy in |
the three board of director seats reserved for representatives of |
the insurance industry. The board of directors shall solicit |
nominations from the members and submit the nominations to the |
governor [commissioner]. The nominee slate submitted to the |
governor [commissioner] under this subsection must include at least |
three more names than the number of vacancies. The governor |
[commissioner] may appoint replacement insurance industry |
representatives from the nominee slate. |
SECTION 2. Section 2210.103, Insurance Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 2210.103. TERMS. (a) Members of the board of |
directors serve two-year [three-year staggered] terms[, with the
terms of three members expiring on the third Tuesday of March of
each year]. |
(b) A person may serve on the board of directors for not more |
than three consecutive full terms, not to exceed six [nine] years. |
(c) A member of the board of directors may be removed by the |
governor [commissioner] with cause stated in writing and posted on |
the association's website. The governor [commissioner] shall |
appoint a replacement in accordance with Section 2210.102 for a |
member who leaves or is removed from the board of directors. |
SECTION 3. (a) The board of directors of the Texas |
Windstorm Insurance Association established under Section |
2210.102, Insurance Code, as that section existed before amendment |
by this Act, is abolished effective December 1, 2019. |
(b) The governor shall appoint the members of the board of |
directors of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association under |
Section 2210.102, Insurance Code, as amended by this Act, not later |
than December 1, 2019. |
(c) The term of a person who is serving as a member of the |
board of directors of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association |
immediately before the abolition of that board under Subsection (a) |
of this section expires on December 1, 2019. Such a person is |
eligible for appointment by the governor to the new board of |
directors of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association, subject to |
the requirements of Section 2210.102, Insurance Code, as amended by |
this Act. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |