relating to the creation of a work group to advise the Texas |
Workforce Commission regarding the Texas Rising Star Program. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter G, Chapter 2308, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 2308.321 to read as follows: |
(a) The Texas Rising Star Program review work group is established |
to propose revisions to the commission's rules on the Texas Rising |
Star Program. |
(b) The work group consists of the following members |
appointed by the executive director of the commission: |
(1) at least one member from the commission; |
(2) at least one member from the Health and Human |
Services Commission; |
(3) at least one member from the early childhood |
education division of the Texas Education Agency; |
(4) at least one member from the governor's Texas Early |
Learning Council; |
(5) at least one member who is appointed to a local |
workforce development board; |
(6) at least four members who are Texas Rising Star |
Program providers with different Texas Rising Star Program ratings: |
(A) at least one of whom must be a for-profit |
private provider; |
(B) at least one of whom must be a single-site |
provider; |
(C) at least one of whom must be a multi-site |
provider; and |
(D) at least one of whom must be an individual who |
provides child care in the provider's own home; |
(7) at least one provider who is a Texas School Ready! |
participant; |
(8) at least three members employed by different |
boards who work in the employing board's child-care program and |
have experience and expertise in early childhood development or the |
Texas Rising Star Program or other similar certification or |
accreditation programs; and |
(9) not more than three public members who are |
ineligible for appointment to the work group under Subdivisions |
(1)-(8) and whom the executive director considers indispensable to |
work group purposes. |
(c) The work group shall hold the group's initial meeting |
not later than November 1, 2019, and shall meet at other times as |
determined by the presiding officer. |
(d) The work group shall elect a presiding officer by a vote |
of the membership of the work group. |
(e) Not later than May 1, 2020, the work group shall submit |
to the executive director of the commission recommendations |
proposing revisions to the commission's guidelines relating to the |
Texas Rising Star Program. In making its recommendations, the work |
group shall consider: |
(1) professional development standards for child-care |
directors and employees, including training and annual |
professional development requirements; |
(2) education and experience requirements for mentors |
and evaluators; |
(3) early learning and school readiness standards; |
(4) guidelines for infants and toddlers in child care; |
(5) minimum training hours for providers; |
(6) playground standards, including outdoor learning |
environments; |
(7) nutrition standards; |
(8) standards for use of technology in child care; |
(9) best practices guidelines based on standards |
adopted by nationally recognized organizations, including Head |
Start Program Performance Standards, National Health and Safety |
Performance Standards, National Association for the Education of |
Young Children program standards and accreditation criteria, |
National Association for Family Child Care standards, United States |
Department of Defense standards, national accreditation standards, |
and Texas School Ready! participant standards; |
(10) research on infant and toddler brain development; |
and |
(11) strategies for the long-term financing of the |
Texas Rising Star Program, including: |
(A) financing the payment of: |
(i) incentives to child-care providers |
participating in the program; and |
(ii) grants and rewards to child-care |
providers that achieve and maintain high levels of service; and |
(B) strategies to support wage parity for |
child-care providers participating in the program. |
(f) Not later than September 1, 2020, the commission shall |
propose rules that incorporate the proposed revisions submitted by |
the work group under Subsection (e). |
(g) The executive director of the commission shall make the |
appointments under this section on September 1, 2019. |
(h) This section expires December 1, 2020. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |