relating to the composition of the board of directors of the Texas |
School Safety Center. |
SECTION 1. Sections 37.203(a) and (b), Education Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The center is advised by a board of directors composed |
of: |
(1) the attorney general, or the attorney general's |
designee; |
(2) the commissioner, or the commissioner's designee; |
(3) the executive director of the Texas Juvenile |
Justice Department, or the executive director's designee; |
(4) the commissioner of the Department of State Health |
Services, or the commissioner's designee; |
(5) the commissioner of higher education, or the |
commissioner's designee; and |
(6) the following members appointed by the governor |
with the advice and consent of the senate: |
(A) a juvenile court judge; |
(B) a member of a school district's board of |
trustees; |
(C) an administrator of a public primary school; |
(D) an administrator of a public secondary |
school; |
(E) a member of the state parent-teacher |
association; |
(F) a teacher from a public primary or secondary |
school; |
(G) a public school superintendent who is a |
member of the Texas Association of School Administrators; |
(H) a school district police officer or a peace |
officer whose primary duty consists of working in a public school; |
[and] |
(I) a professional architect who is registered in |
this state and a member of the Texas Society of Architects; and |
(J) three [two] members of the public. |
(b) Members of the board appointed under Subsection (a)(6) |
serve staggered two-year terms, with the terms of the members |
described by Subsections (a)(6)(A)-(F) [(a)(6)(A)-(E)] expiring on |
February 1 of each odd-numbered year and the terms of the members |
described by Subsections (a)(6)(G)-(J) [(a)(6)(F)-(I)] expiring on |
February 1 of each even-numbered year. A member may serve more than |
one term. |
SECTION 2. (a) Not later than February 1, 2020, the |
governor shall appoint new members to the board of directors of the |
Texas School Safety Center as required by Section 37.203(a)(6)(I), |
Education Code, as amended by this Act, and Section |
37.203(a)(6)(J), Education Code, as added by this Act. |
(b) Section 37.203, Education Code, as amended by this Act, |
does not affect the term of the member appointed under Section |
37.203(a)(6)(F), Education Code, as amended by this Act, and |
serving on the board immediately before the effective date of this |
Act. After the term of that member expires on February 1, 2020, the |
governor shall appoint a member who meets the requirements under |
Section 37.203(a)(6)(F), Education Code, as amended by this Act, to |
a term expiring February 1, 2021. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |