86R16215 LED-D
  By: Anchia H.B. No. 4420
  relating to insurance coverage for the disposition of embryonic and
  fetal tissue remains.
         SECTION 1.  Title 9, Insurance Code, is amended by adding
  Chapter 1702 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1702.001.  APPLICABILITY. (a)  This chapter applies to
  any issuer, sponsor, trustee, or third-party administrator of any
  insurance policy, annuity or other contract, or group benefit plan
  that provides a death benefit payable for the costs of cremation or
  burial of a child of a named insured or beneficiary, including:
               (1)  an insurance company operating under Chapter 841;
               (2)  a statewide mutual assessment company operating
  under Chapter 881;
               (3)  a mutual life insurance company operating under
  Chapter 882;
               (4)  a stipulated premium insurance company operating
  under Chapter 884;
               (5)  a fraternal benefit society operating under
  Chapter 885;
               (6)  a local mutual aid association operating under
  Chapter 886;
               (7)  a burial association operating under Chapter 888;
               (8)  an employer or other group benefit plan sponsor,
  regardless of whether the death benefit is provided through an
  insurance policy or is self-insured;
               (9)  a voluntary association that holds a group life
  insurance policy under Chapter 1578;
               (10)  a third-party administrator under Chapter 4151
  for group benefits that include a death benefit; and
               (11)  a trustee of a trust-funded prepaid funeral
  benefits contract regulated under Subchapter F, Chapter 154,
  Finance Code.
         (b) This chapter applies to a health benefit plan that
  provides benefits for medical or surgical expenses incurred as a
  result of pregnancy, including an individual, group, blanket, or
  franchise insurance policy or insurance agreement, a group hospital
  service contract, or an individual or group evidence of coverage or
  similar coverage document that is issued in this state by:
               (1)  an insurance company;
               (2)  a group hospital service corporation operating
  under Chapter 842;
               (3)  a health maintenance organization operating under
  Chapter 843;
               (4)  an approved nonprofit health corporation that
  holds a certificate of authority under Chapter 844;
               (5)  a multiple employer welfare arrangement that holds
  a certificate of authority under Chapter 846;
               (6)  a stipulated premium company operating under
  Chapter 884;
               (7)  a fraternal benefit society operating under
  Chapter 885;
               (8)  a Lloyd's plan operating under Chapter 941; or
               (9)  an exchange operating under Chapter 942.
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, this chapter applies to:
               (1)  a small employer health benefit plan subject to
  Chapter 1501, including coverage provided through a health group
  cooperative under Subchapter B of that chapter;
               (2)  a standard health benefit plan issued under
  Chapter 1507;
               (3)  health benefits provided by or through a church
  benefits board under Subchapter I, Chapter 22, Business
  Organizations Code;
               (4)  a regional or local health care program operated
  under Section 75.104, Health and Safety Code; and
               (5)  a self-funded health benefit plan sponsored by a
  professional employer organization under Chapter 91, Labor Code.
         (c) This chapter does not apply to:
               (1)  a plan that provides coverage:
                     (A)  for wages or payments in lieu of wages for a
  period during which an employee is absent from work because of
  sickness or injury;
                     (B)  as a supplement to a liability insurance
                     (C)  for credit insurance;
                     (D)  only for dental or vision care;
                     (E)  only for hospital expenses; or
                     (F)  only for indemnity for hospital confinement;
               (2)  a Medicare supplemental policy as defined by
  Section 1882(g)(1), Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section
               (3)  a workers' compensation insurance policy;
               (4)  medical payment insurance coverage provided under
  a motor vehicle insurance policy; or
               (5)  a long-term care policy, including a nursing home
  fixed indemnity policy, unless the commissioner determines that the
  policy provides benefit coverage so comprehensive that the policy
  is a health benefit plan as described by Section 1366.001.
         Sec. 1702.002.  REQUIRED COVERAGE. An entity to which this
  chapter applies must provide a benefit or coverage for the cost of
  disposition of embryonic and fetal tissue remains in the manner
  required under Section 697.004, Health and Safety Code. 
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 1702, Insurance Code, as added by this
  Act, applies only to an insurance policy, evidence of coverage,
  annuity or other contract, or group benefit plan that is delivered,
  issued for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 2020.  A
  policy, evidence of coverage, annuity or other contract, or group
  benefit plan delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed before
  January 1, 2020, is governed by the law as it existed immediately
  before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in
  effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2019.