86R16691 SME-D
  By: White, Bell of Montgomery, Anchia, H.C.R. No. 13
      Sherman, Sr.
  Substitute the following for H.C.R. No. 13:
  By:  Raney C.S.H.C.R. No. 13
         WHEREAS, CTE Letter of Intent Signing Day is held each year at
  schools across the country to honor students who have chosen to
  pursue career and technical education as a means of acquiring
  real-world skills to compete in the workforce; and
         WHEREAS, Similar to the signing day celebrations that are
  held when young athletes declare which college they will attend,
  CTE Letter of Intent Signing Day recognizes the important
  commitment that career and technical education students are making
  by undertaking these studies; and
         WHEREAS, Around 12.5 million American high school and college
  students are enrolled in CTE courses, which encompass a variety of
  occupational fields, including agriculture, construction,
  manufacturing, computer science, and health care; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to gaining specific career-related
  knowledge, participants in CTE programs learn such essential skills
  as time management, problem solving, and critical thinking, which
  better prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the
  workplace; these programs motivate and engage students by providing
  hands-on activities in which they can further their expertise and
  interact with community members, potential employers, and students
  and teachers who share their vocational interests; and
         WHEREAS, Career and technical education is offering a path to
  success in the 21st-century economy while helping to address the
  urgent need for skilled labor in high-demand industries, and it is
  enabling numerous Texans to secure gainful employment and lead
  productive, fulfilling lives; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby designate the first Friday in May as Career and Technical
  Education Letter of Intent Signing Day; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That, in accordance with the provisions of Section
  391.004(d), Government Code, this designation remain in effect
  until the 10th anniversary of the date that this resolution is
  finally passed by the legislature.