WHEREAS, Lettie England of Odessa is an outstanding community |
leader whose achievements and tireless efforts have immeasurably |
enhanced cultural life in her area; and |
WHEREAS, From 2004 through 2010, Ms. England served as |
administrator of the Presidential Archives and Leadership Library, |
which is dedicated to the study of the office of the presidency and |
of our nation's constitutional government and presidential |
election process; she first joined the museum staff in the 1980s as |
education/marketing director, during which time she was essential |
to the construction of an exhibit depicting the chronology and |
history of the United States from George Washington's presidency to |
President Kennedy and the Civil Rights Era; she has worked |
diligently through the years to support the institution, and her |
leadership was especially vital following the arson fire in 2007 |
that damaged the historic home once owned by former President |
George H. W. Bush, which stands on the museum grounds; and |
WHEREAS, Ms. England has also devoted herself to assisting |
children and the elderly during her 56 years as an Odessa resident; |
she served as president of the Austin Elementary School PTA for |
three years and was appointed to the Ector County Child Welfare |
Board and the Tri-Ethnic Committee of the Ector County Independent |
School District; she advocated for the young, the elderly, and the |
arts both locally and statewide as a volunteer in the political |
arena; and |
WHEREAS, A licensed social worker, Ms. England is certified |
as a family life educator by the National Council of Family |
Relations and has many years' experience as a social worker in |
hospice and long-term care; she served as a member of the public |
policy committee of the Texas Association of Homes and Services for |
the Aging; moreover, she founded the Midland Odessa chapter of the |
Compassionate Friends support group for the bereaved; with degrees |
in psychology, education, and history, she has served as a |
continuing education instructor at Midland and Odessa College and |
as a guest lecturer in the sociology department of The University of |
Texas of the Permian Basin; she has also served on the board of the |
Permian Playhouse and was instrumental in obtaining a grant to |
support the playhouse; and |
WHEREAS, Through her myriad endeavors, this dynamic Texan has |
made Odessa a better place to live and work, and it is indeed a |
pleasure to recognize her; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas |
hereby honor Lettie England for her contributions to her community |
and extend to her best wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Ms. England as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives and Senate. |