86R10056 KSM-D
  By: Hinojosa H.C.R. No. 57
         WHEREAS, From El Paso to Texarkana, from Texline to
  Brownsville, from the Rio Grande to the Red River, Texans consume a
  lot of tacos, and most of the other foods Texans enjoy, including
  brisket, sausage, eggs, chorizo, beans, and seafood, are that much
  better when served in the warm embrace of a tortilla; and
         WHEREAS, While the exact origins of the taco are uncertain,
  this staple of Mexican cuisine is thought to have been around at
  least as long as the Lone Star State, and it has been wholeheartedly
  adopted as a mainstay of Texas dining; and
         WHEREAS, Texans have strong opinions about whether flour or
  corn tortillas reign supreme, and as far as fillings go, we delight
  in such traditional choices as pork al pastor, beef barbacoa, and
  chicken fajita, and we also appreciate the more exotic ingredients
  that have been pressed into service, including everything from
  octopus to elk to kimchi fried rice; our state is believed to be the
  birthplace of the breakfast taco, and although Texans have yet to
  arrive at a consensus regarding which region deserves recognition
  for the best breakfast tacos, we are happy to indulge in the
  spirited debate and taste testing related to this serious issue;
         WHEREAS, One thing Texans can agree on is that, despite the
  availability of tacos in the other 49 states, the tastiest tacos can
  be found in the great State of Texas; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas Legislature has recognized a variety of
  state symbols as tangible representations of the proud character
  and colorful heritage of the Lone Star State; while tortilla chips
  and salsa make for a satisfying state snack and chili is worthy of
  its selection as the official state dish, the taco, which needs no
  dish and can be hearty enough to serve as a meal all by itself, is
  indeed deserving of a place at the table; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby designate tacos as the official state food of Texas.