86R6037 BPG-D
  By: VanDeaver H.C.R. No. 64
         WHEREAS, The 2018 Texas Bicycle Tourism Trails Study
  published by the Texas Department of Transportation identifies
  numerous potential benefits of a statewide bicycle tourism trail
  network; and
         WHEREAS, In the study, TxDOT uses the term "bicycle tourism"
  to describe a range of activities, from long-distance touring and
  bike-packing to local day rides, urban cycling, and events such as
  races; and
         WHEREAS, The report found that well-designed and
  well-constructed bicycle trails have a significant positive impact
  on local economies; the cyclists who use them spend money on a wide
  variety of products and services, and in states with such trails,
  daily expenditures by cyclists on longer trips average $136 per
  day; trails can serve as venues for bicycle events that draw
  participants and their families from far and wide; moreover, many
  studies conducted across the country have shown that bikeways are
  prized amenities that raise nearby property values; and
         WHEREAS, Bikeways were also found to promote the health and
  well-being of users and the general public; these dedicated routes
  not only create safe opportunities for exercise and stress
  reduction, but also foster community interaction, mitigate urban
  heat islands, and encourage preservation of natural habitats and
  the environment; in addition, they raise national and international
  awareness of the state's uniquely beautiful landscapes and of
  neighboring historic and cultural sites; and
         WHEREAS, The study recommends the development of pilot
  projects to test large-scale implementation of bikeways; it
  suggests prioritizing network segments using such characteristics
  as accessibility to potential users and other transportation modes,
  including airports and motor vehicle parking, and also by
  considering proximity to existing bikeways, established bicycle
  events, and such features as natural scenery, historic sites, and
  state and national parks; and
         WHEREAS, The Bicycle Tourism Trails Study presents a
  compelling case for investing in a statewide network of bikeways in
  order to recognize significant economic and social benefits; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby encourage the Texas Department of Transportation to develop
  and support bikeway network projects; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the department leverage $8 to $80 million from
  existing federal funds designated for non-motorized uses, such as
  Transportation Alternative Program Funds, Transportation
  Alternative Program Flex Funds, and successor programs, and
  identify a state source for up to 20 percent of the total cost to
  fund the projects; no more than 5 percent of the cost should be
  obtained from local sources; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the department give priority to
  network-focused projects that include multiple municipal or county
  jurisdictions; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the projects prioritize the safety of all road
  users and be suitable for users who are between the ages of 8 and 80;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be
  forwarded to the chair of the Texas Transportation Commission and
  to the executive director of the Texas Department of Transportation
  as an expression of the sentiment of the members of the 86th Texas