86R8965 BK-D
  By: Oliverson H.C.R. No. 75
         WHEREAS, Investing in emergency preparedness is critical to
  lessening the economic and human impact of disasters, and the first
  week of September is being set aside as Resiliency Week to
  highlight the importance of advance planning in coping with such
  events; and
         WHEREAS, Since 1908, natural disasters in the United States
  have inflicted a total of more than $1 trillion in damage; they have
  affected local and state economies in lost payrolls, lost sales and
  income tax, and delayed economic recovery; of all the small
  businesses impacted by natural disasters, it is estimated that 25
  percent never reopened their doors; and
         WHEREAS, Hazard mitigation is the effort to reduce the loss
  of life and property from disasters, and it is most effective when
  implemented under a comprehensive, long-term mitigation plan; and
         WHEREAS, The Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program
  administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency is designed
  to assist states and local communities in developing such plans;
  the Disaster Recovery Reform Act, a piece of federal legislation
  recently signed into law, makes available new funding for states
  and communities to undertake pre-disaster mitigation measures and
  creates new incentives for states to prioritize resiliency; and
         WHEREAS, According to a FEMA-commissioned study conducted by
  the National Institute of Building Sciences, every dollar spent on
  hazard mitigation provides the nation with $6 in future benefits;
  effective pre-disaster mitigation reduces the demand for relief
  services provided by rescue and recovery teams, food banks and
  homeless shelters, and other organizations, and it helps break the
  cycle of vulnerability that can leave communities prone to future
  hazards; and
         WHEREAS, The task of building strong, secure, and resilient
  communities is essential to the long-term prosperity of the Lone
  Star State, and Resiliency Week in September serves to remind us of
  the need to take action now to ensure that the infrastructure of our
  state is ready for whatever tomorrow may bring; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby designate the first week of September as Resiliency Week;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That, in accordance with the provisions of Section
  391.004(d), Government Code, this designation remain in effect
  until the 10th anniversary of the date that this resolution is
  finally passed by the legislature.