86R15350 BPG-D
  By: Springer H.C.R. No. 108
         WHEREAS, The valiant military service of John P. Baca is
  being saluted as part of the 2019 Medal of Honor Host City Weekend
  in Gainesville; and
         WHEREAS, Established in 2001, Gainesville's Medal of Honor
  Host City Program acknowledges the heroism and sacrifice of
  individuals who have earned the Medal of Honor, the nation's
  highest military award for valor; each year, local citizens join
  together to fund travel costs and other expenses to bring medal
  recipients to the city for a special series of events; and
         WHEREAS, A veteran of the United States Army, John Baca
  served during the Vietnam War as a specialist fourth class with
  Company D, 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division; while
  on a night ambush mission, he realized that a platoon from his
  company was under attack, and he led his recoilless rifle team
  through a hail of enemy fire to come to their aid; a fragmentation
  grenade was thrown into their midst, and without regard for his own
  safety, he covered it with his steel helmet and fell on it as it
  exploded, absorbing the lethal fragments and concussion; his
  gallant and selfless action saved eight men from certain death or
  grave injury; and
         WHEREAS, Demonstrating extraordinary courage in the line of
  duty, John Baca fulfilled the highest ideals of the United States
  armed forces, and he has earned the lasting admiration of a grateful
  nation; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby pay tribute to John P. Baca on the occasion of the 2019 Medal
  of Honor Host City Weekend in Gainesville and commend him for his
  exemplary service in the defense of our nation; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Baca as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives and Senate.