H.R. No. 85
         WHEREAS, W. T. Johnston, head football coach at Newton High
  School, has distinguished himself as an exemplary mentor who has
  inspired his players with his leadership and his courageous
  determination in battling a serious medical challenge; and
         WHEREAS, Coach Johnston's most recent gridiron success came
  during the 2018 season, when he guided his team to the University
  Interscholastic League 3A Division 2 state championship; this
  marked the second consecutive state title for the Eagles, who have
  tallied a perfect record over the past two seasons, winning 30 games
  in a row; moreover, Newton was the 3A Division 2 runner-up in 2014;
         WHEREAS, These accomplishments are all the more remarkable
  given that Coach Johnston has dealt with chronic health issues for
  many years and has been afflicted with a rare life-threatening
  condition, graft versus host disease, since 2015; on several
  occasions, he has been told that he only has months to live, but he
  has persevered, continuing to fulfill his duties as head coach; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout his ordeal, this valiant Texan has
  benefited from the support of those around him; his wife, Debbie,
  has played an important part in his fight against the disease, and
  area residents have generously contributed to a fund to offset his
  medical bills; in addition, the team's coaches and players have
  assisted in any way they could, and his son, defensive coordinator
  Drew Johnston, has been particularly important, shouldering many of
  the coaching responsibilities; and
         WHEREAS, By demonstrating an unflagging commitment to
  excellence regardless of the obstacles before him, W. T. Johnston
  has become a source of inspiration to his players and to the entire
  Newton community, and he is indeed deserving of special
  recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend W. T. Johnston on his achievements as
  head coach of the Newton High School football team and congratulate
  him on his most recent state championship victory; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Coach Johnston as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 85 was adopted by the House on March
  6, 2019, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House