86R8273 KSM-D
  By: King of Uvalde H.R. No. 128
         WHEREAS, Proud citizens of Frio County are gathering in
  Austin on January 29, 2019, to celebrate Frio County Day at the
  State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Located along the river from which it derives its
  name, Frio County features gently rolling plains, scattered prairie
  brush, and loamy soil that has made for ideal farmland; on February
  1, 1858, the Texas Legislature approved the formation of a new
  county out of parts of nearby Atascosa, Bexar, and Uvalde Counties,
  but it was not formally organized until 1871; in 1883 residents
  voted to have Pearsall designated as the county seat; and
         WHEREAS, In the late 1800s, agriculture became more viable
  with the introduction of barbed wire and irrigation to the area, and
  railroads expanded the market for Frio County's many cash crops;
  cotton remained its primary product until the Great Depression,
  when local producers turned to peanuts; as the decades passed,
  farming and ranching were made more efficient by the use of such
  machinery as the squeeze chute and the peanut combine, the latter of
  which was invented by a Frio County farmer; and
         WHEREAS, With the county favorably situated in the Eagle Ford
  shale region, oil has joined agriculture as one of the region's
  thriving industries; and
         WHEREAS, Frio County is known for its abundant wild game, and
  the Pearsall area is regarded as a "hunter's paradise" with
  thousands of acres of prime hunting grounds; other leisure
  attractions in the town of Pearsall itself include numerous parks
  and the Old Frio County Jail Museum; to the south, the town of
  Dilley has long been famous for its watermelons and its giant
  watermelon statue; and
         WHEREAS, Celebrating their notable heritage as they look
  forward to a future bright with promise, Frio County residents may
  take special pride in the unique contributions they are making to
  the story of the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize January 29, 2019, as Frio County Day
  at the State Capitol and extend to the visiting delegation sincere
  best wishes for a meaningful and memorable stay in Austin.